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Everything posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. I think this game has the worst combat due to the skills team power creeping the game to the moon. Every game mode is trash now. PvP combat is by far the worst of any MMO I've played.
  2. Yeah, it's waaay too easy to run away in this game. Mobility AND stealth is balanced around conquest standing on capture points so when those things don't exist, the game is unbearable. I can't outplay a thief by taking their node in WvW.
  3. What logic is this? Marauders isn't main stat toughness, nor is it double double defensive stats.
  4. It's the strongest form of stealth I've ever encountered in ANY MMORPG with PvP. It's completely and utterly broken due to the uptime on it. "Revealed" should last AT LEAST 15 seconds.
  5. "Assuming they aren't DE, they have tons of evades/gap closers". You missed the "Assuming they aren't DE" part. I actually mained thief until recently, so I know thief pretty well. The class is busted beyond belief. I know what the counter is, it's not logging into the game. Best counter ever.
  6. What counters? Deadeye's elite removes revealed and revealed isn't exactly a common debuff most classes have(engineer + DH + ranger + rev only iirc?). Do you want me to afk by the reveal scanner things in WvW? Sure, then the thief just walks away from me. Assuming the thief isn't deadeye, they have a million evades and gap closers to instantly teleport across the map away from me. Exciting gameplay.
  7. PvP is a lot more FUN to play than WvW.due to this. It's time WvW gets the same treatment.
  8. Perma stealth thief is just a player you literally don't interact with and hold W away from, which is a running theme in this game. Builds like this should be HOTFIXED by developers, not allowed to fester for 4+ years.
  9. Are we even playing the same game? If there is a single support, they PASSIVELY remove conditions off of everyone in AOE and you cannot deal any damage with conditions at all. Condition builds are utterly useless outside of 1v1, and unbearable to fight 1v1.
  10. Celestial works nicely for everything imo. However, on parses my condi damage is 60%+ of my overall damage even as celestial.
  11. If you do manage to CC anyone, they have 3 stunbreaks all on lower CD than your stun. It's actually amazing.
  12. Yeah, this is the issue with the game since HoT. They also doubled down on it by making all new unique cosmetics(Capes, gliders, mount skins besides the ONE wvw skin) cash shop ONLY. It's really bad for the game.
  13. Yeah the WvW grind is insane. It's legit a part time job and I have no idea what Anet was thinking. Giving higher ranks more pips is also an anomally of gane design, it means the dedicated veterans finish early and then all that's left is new players. That's the COMPLETE opposite of what you want. The actual REWARDS are also pitiful, ONE 30m PvE meta is equal to 8 hrs of wvw. This games reddit is useless. Honest questions get downvoted to hidden all the time. Anet also stated that they are changing the reward system after alliances, so I'm not sure what is being defended.
  14. I actually run into gigantic zergs solo 24/7 then survive because every class has so much survivability and mobility you have to intentionally kill yourself to die in this game.
  15. Staff = mage. Other weapons = not mage. Sword Weaver = Blue mage. Hammer Catalyst = enhancement shaman. D/D base ele = FFXI dancer.
  16. You, just like the devs, show an extreme bias towards making WvW rewarding due to "But people can afk!!" while people are botting/afking the other 2 game modes WHILE YOU ARE READING THIS POST AND WHILE I"M TYPING IT. Afking shouldn't be rewarded, allowed, or ok, but if it's ok to AFK in 66% of the game, why is the remaining 33% designed in a way to to ensure no one will afk in it because it's so unrewarding? Bias, is why.
  17. I'm not doing anything. You can afk your way to 100g/hour in Spvp and pve but apparently that's a big nono in wvw.
  18. Nothing, but they literally aren't leeching - every single person on the map with participation is gaining rewards from things they are doing to keep their participation up.
  19. My system: If you're afking, you get nothing. Taking a camp or dolyak to get participation benefits EVERYONE. You are rewarded when your faction takes anything, even while defending. You are not discouraged to actively avoid PvP and zerg because you are rewarded if people split up and take things all over the map as long as you're actively playing. Current system: If you're afking, you get nothing. If you take a dolyak or camp for participation, only you get it. You get nothing from your faction taking forts, keeps, etc. You get nothing from defending. You're encouraged to zerg and ignore PvP for maximum rewards(unless you have a boon blob and you just steam roll over people stupid enough to fight you).
  20. Step1: If you have participation, anything taken on the map should be rewarded to everyone on the map. (If your faction takes SMC while you're in EBG, you should be given credit for it) This will discourage zerging.
  21. "Winning" WvW? No thanks...that sounds horrible. Do you know how degenerate trying to win WvW becomes? It's not a fun experience because the game mode is designed horribly. First they need to fix the design of WvW if you want this type of reward system, which is honestly a gigantic waste of time. Just make it so WvW is as rewarding as SPvP. You can afk/beep beep boop boop SPvP more easily than WvW now, no reason it should be 1/100th as rewarding as SPvP. Yeah, this is all they need to do.
  22. 1 30m PvE meta is as rewarding as 8 hrs of WvW. WvW rewards are a joke. It takes ~40 hrs a week to cap pips aka a full time job. Also a joke. There's a reason WvW is full of bots. Fix your game mode.
  23. 3 fb, renegade, tempest. """"""""""""""roaming"""""""""""""""""""""""
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