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Everything posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. Schoolgirl outfithttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:School_Uniform_human_female_front.jpgBikinisMore revealing armor in general, especially for plate.Examples: http://www.bumped.org/psublog/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Youya-Lihau-Art.jpg
  2. Lots of good stuff in the OP. I agree with most of it, especially the cast bars part. Any new player I've tried to bring into this game always gets angry that they can't tell what the enemy is doing because everything looks the same to them.
  3. Hi. Great job on the huge mega balance patch, this game is in the best state it's been in since pre-dhumfire. You guys have gone to great lengths to make sure tanky, sustainy, "invincible" builds do not exist in PvP by consistently removing any amulet that allows such a build to exist. However, in WvW, we have normal PvE gear stats, and some stat combos that make it very easy to become nigh-invincible in PvP. This makes unfun and frustrating, as someone being incredibly tanky is as unfun as someone one shotting you. Lower skilled players are always going to gravitate towards such builds, as you not punished for mistakes that hard and these builds are very forgiving which is great for new/lower skilled players which also make up the majority of the player base. So what happens is you run around and most of your fights are against people you can't even kill, and they cannot kill you, which ends up being an unfun experience of stalemates. Could something please be done to adjust the stats on WvW's PvE gear to ensure such builds are not in the game like you do for PvP? I feel this would make WvW a lot more enjoyable and a better experience. Thanks for reading!
  4. Agreed...this is incredibly disappointing. I welcome scourge nerfs, but why the still complete refusal to bring all the SPvP changes to WvW? Lowman PvP is a hilarious mobile game tier disaster and so imbalanced that it's simply UNFUN. C'mon CmC, you're better than this. Give us all the nerfs SPvP. WvW isn't simply zerg vs zerg PvP, there's small scale PvP ALL the time and it's a complete miserable experience due to how badly it's balanced. Balancing WvW ONLY around zerg pvp is why the mode is so far into the gutter right now.
  5. This would be VERY nice. Heavy armor DESPERATELY needs a skirt like light and medium have.
  6. HoT was an amazing expansion outside of raids(which should've never been added to the game). Base GW2 was an awful, awful game. POF was base GW2 2.0 so it was just as bad, but LS4 is amazing.
  7. Can heavy armor get a super short skirt that shows off legs like vipers for medium and apprentice pants for light? Heavy currently has no short skirt option while the other two armor types do. Please and thank you.
  8. Can we get a kimono outfit?https://www.amazon.com/Soojun-Womens-Traditional-Japanese-Costumes/dp/B01KXED54K
  9. Can we get a miko outfit?https://www.amazon.com/TOKYO-T-Womens-Costume-Japanese-Cosplay/dp/B01C2Z75KI
  10. Healing co-efficient buffs and base healing nerfs is one of the worst design decisions Anet has EVER done.
  11. This ^ Staff and cantrips should be a better mage like experience. At the moment, there's too much compensating/nerfs to be relevant in game modes. I may be the only ele who doesn't want a weapon swap. Conjures need to be upgraded--the mechanics, the damage, the purpose of each weapon. A staff ele with rock shield, or dagger ele with frost bow is way more interesting than weapon swap I used to use the axe as d/d back in vanilla for a "ranged option" on bosses I couldn't melee or had phases where you'd need to get out of range for a bit, or simply to heal up while still doing some DPS standing a bit away open world. I agree 100% with conjures being changed to be much stronger off weapons.
  12. I'd revert literally every single cantrip nerf, the recent staff nerf, and ALL vanilla GW2 elementalist nerfs while also globally buffing every mainhand dagger attack by 20% in PvE then call it a day. This is actually all ele needs to be enjoyable in 100% of the games content.
  13. Yeah I'm new to the game because I can't solo keeps 1vs20 or hack the enemies accounts in EOTM to make them take my keeps back so I don't have to wait 4 hours for it to reset.
  14. No, there was no one taking keeps and my EOTM "server" controlled them all for the entire 4 hours. Also who saves pots? lol The solo story dungeon takes ~15 minutes.
  15. You mean like how PvE gets their mount for essentially doing nothing? it's just silly, if you want to PvE, you're IMMEDIATELY handed a mount from the first super easy PoF story mission. This means that you don't fall behind trains by not having a mount and feel bad for multiple days as you work towards it. However, in WvW, you're not handed it for essentially zero effort, it takes you days of suffering and falling behind/being slower. It makes no sense, and it's very clear the person who designed this collection has never zoned into WvW in their entire life. It's just a stupid additional barrier to entry to be on an even footing in a game that's entire design philosophy is you're always on an even footing because no linear gear progression and level scaling etc.
  16. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ice_Encasement_Outfit hasn't been re-released since 2017?!and mistlock sanctuary pass please and ty
  17. Please add legendary fractal armor, especially so you can see your already basically non-existent raid participation numbers to decline even further.
  18. I'm going to finish two reward tracks from scratch before taking a single keep, lol. I have been spending time in WvW. I don't even WANT this mount, Anet FORCED me to need this mount to be on an even footing in WvW. So I have to sit here and afk in the cave in AV like it's 2007 and I'm playing WoW. They have set this up in a way that goes against the entire reward structure and design of GW2. edit: Finished it at 39/40 2nd reward track by paying an NPC 6g to take back the keep for me from EOTM.Really unfun grind.
  19. There hasn't been a single keep taken on my wvw group since 1 PM today, including EOTM.
  20. Yeah i love being helpless and useless for 2 entire days.
  21. Doing WvW without a mount is a completely unbearable miserable experience. Keeps are rarely taken, it makes getting this mount take ages. Remove this requirement.
  22. Just make these items cost 5,000 gems or delete them from the game.
  23. Me too. Also more skirts and thighhighs please. Can we also get a real shrine maiden outfit? It's supposed to look like this:https://www.amazon.com/Clearstone-mini-ribbon-shrine-maiden/dp/B01J13WD5Q
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