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Everything posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. It ruins open world. They just nerfed all the sustain traits/runes going into EoD because they don't like invincible easymode solo builds. Mechanist is stronger than any of the builds they nerfed, and it needs to be adjusted ASAP for the health of the game. I don't care about raids.
  2. It tanks strike bosses, they seem to not ignore it. Strikes are raids.
  3. The mech can EASILY tank strike bosses. It should not be able to generate enmity at all. The mech makes all open world content a snoozefest and extremely safe. Actually safer than any torment runes/self sustain build you nerfed going into EoD. Support mechanist is just as good as Firebrand in groups(provides alac instead of quickness though). DPS mechanist is doing extremely high DPS. The skill floor on this class is extremely low, probably the lowest in the entire game. You can do ~26k DPS while literally AFK only auto-attacking. Resources: https://snowcrows.com/builds/engineer/mechanist/heal-alacrity-mechanist https://snowcrows.com/builds/engineer/mechanist/power-alacrity-mechanist https://snowcrows.com/builds/engineer/mechanist/condition-mechanist https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks
  4. Can you imagine if FF14 didn't have a schedule for when Savage came out or WoW didn't have a schedule for when Mythic released? People would be rioting in the streets.
  5. Doesnt even add the fact you need to gather 9 others to gain a whopping 1.5g while fractals is gather 4 and get 40g.
  6. Wait, really? You need 260 per week for kitten/MCs/Clover. They REALLY don't want people playing EoD content.
  7. There's events and cool chains all over ine very map. They just aren't worth your time for 1 blue.
  8. Do they share their account name? I just played with a staff ele in game with the Anet tag.
  9. 1.5g for 10m of work. You can only do the daily once a day, so if you assume you could do it 6 times. 1.5 * 6 = 9g. Fractals are 40g for 45-60m. Fractals also give a legendary item eventually, EoD strikes do not.
  10. Having to re-infuse my gear everytime I want to do fractals is why I don't bother anymore.
  11. I REALLY like the new event chains and all the metas and events in EoD. I like the look of the maps. I like that EoD enemies don't die in 1 hit from autoattacks like the rest of the game. However, everything in EoD is either bugged, has bad scaling, is badly designed and unrewarding. The gold/hour of EoD metas is like 1.5g/hour, and Dragon's End takes far too long for the "chance" at money. Meanwhile I can go do ANY other decent meta(or any content in the game?) and get 10x+ gold/mats/hour. There isn't even unique skins or rewards to work for - you INTENTIONALLY made the new armor skins as ungrindy as possible for some odd reason? Please make your new expansion worth playing. I want to play it, but it sucks to play and isn't rewarding.
  12. Why did they make another daily for EoD and why is it a champion bag? Why do they NOT want people to do EoD?
  13. The answer is literally in your quote. They are not interactive enough to be hard, but also interactive enough to require your full attention.
  14. This games story is terrible and the combat is what makes people play it for long periods of time, not someones taimi fanfic.
  15. Please buff them, 1.5g for 45m of work isn't rewarding when Dragonstorm, Dragonfall, and Drizzlewood exist. If you were comparing these zones to Core Tyria(not SW), yeah, they're rewarding, but this isn't 2012.
  16. In a well designed game, your rod would be unbreakable if you use the correct rod for the correct fish. It'd only break if you're using a rod too weak for the fish you're catching. They could also make the collection rod "unbreakable" to give it a reason to be grinded for - since cosmetics alone is not worth it due to the fact they're ALREADY shoving rods into the gem store.
  17. Your 2022 game shouldn't have worse fishing than a game 2 decades old: https://ffxiclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Fishing_for_Fun_and_Profit_by_Ctownwoody Fishing needs urgency - my rod can't break, I can't "lose" the fish after I have it on my line. The UI is worse than a 2002 game, I shouldn't need to navigate multiple menus to equip lure/bait and the game doesn't even tell me when I have no lures left! There's basically 1 fish. They all "feel" the exact same. I catch a legendary and don't even notice it because it has the same "fighting" strength as a white fish. I can't watch netflix while fishing because it requires too much attention to constantly fish, while also being too easy that I'm not entertained enough by what I'm doing. Lack of progression. The only thing is cosmetic titles/rods and you release rods in the gem store that are better than the "catch everything in the game" rod. Really crappy to pull that, tbh. Masteries for fishing were over before I even fished once, there's no grind to fishing and being better at it from an RPG sense almost immediately, why? Fishing is too basic, easy, and has no urgency. I barely interact with it.
  18. They're admitted they don't read reddit OR the forums because it's "too toxic". Sit in a popular streamers chat and pray for grouch to show up.
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