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Everything posted by Nimrod.9240

  1. No love for core ele, huh. I cant be the only one roaming on core surely?
  2. No need to feel for me. πŸ˜„ I dont care about the story or whatever, Im only in it for WvW. I think I made it to the second HoT map years ago? Dont even know anymore, lol. I have 2/3 legendary armor sets complete in WvW and saving up for the last one. Most of time running core sc/d ele and I am having a blast farming willbenders and getting salty whispers from mesmers. πŸ˜„ No need for an undercooked new weapon. Now thinking about it, if I remember correctly I fought one ele with pistol in WvW, right on release day, and none since then. Tells you everthing you need to know about this piece of πŸ’©, tbh.
  3. Yeah well, was pretty obvious from the beta what a disaster pistol will be. No point getting SotO for this, money saved, ty Anet. ☺️ Can you still bleed burst like in the beta? That was the only positive feature I found back there.
  4. Got it, thanks for explaining. I didnt thought about the CDs. Been using arcane wave for so long (core zerk staff in WvW) you sometimes forget what other actually skills do. πŸ™ƒ
  5. Why arcane blast and not arcane wave? With wave you can blast your fire field for more might stacks (or any other field of your teammates) and have an AoE blind, chill or immob as cherry on top. Well, 1 sec immob is kinda meh, but the blind and chill is very strong.
  6. I'm running this for some time now: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAsilZwwYasMGJOyPnrOA-DWhYLRBKTISgqgAJDnRZkZC0bBo8JBAA-w Many surprised pickachu faces when core ele stomps you. πŸ™‚
  7. Fake news! "The state of ele"? Ele = Elementalist -> that is the name of the core profession. No elementalist was shown in this video! As we all learned during the witchhunt well articulated class balance discussion not long ago, ele was suposely supersaiyan-tripple S+-godtier OP. That means now (after all the "well considered and with utmost precision and great care" applied nerfs), it must be a well balanced viable and valueable part in any team comp that is able to go toe to toe against any of the other profession it will face in PvP nowadays. Clearly the reason why the weaver and cata got stomped was because not playing ele (core! with signets!1!!) Right? πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š
  8. The Relic's will be normal equipment like armor or rings, right? Uh, with 40 +12 relics at start, that is a lot of inventory space on top of the space we already need to use for runes. -> Can we get an extra relic storage please?
  9. The PvP forums since game release: They cry about everthing everytime.
  10. Last no downstate event week was quite a while ago, but no downstate is boring, so as the titel says; please an event week where boon and aura share between players is disabled. So if you want boons 1) bring em yourself and 2) remember combo fields? Will nerf the "unkillable" boonball and strenghtening (solo) roaming vs small groups. Could be quite fun actually. What you think?
  11. WvW rule of thumb, as the number of players in a zerg increases the individual impact of each build declines and my build is no exception. At least the go in + immob part. Too much stability spam. The support side (of staff in general) actually increases a bit with the number of people because of your ability to multiblast your water AoEs. Plus aura spam. And you still have unsteady ground, static field you can use and try to cut of the tail of the enemy zerg to chip it away. There are worse builds you can bring to a zerg vs zerg fight. @Sahne Got ya, thanks for trying. πŸ™‚ But as I said above, I think the support side is strong enough that this build still has merit in big zerg vs zerg play.
  12. Prior to this build I was runing core zerk staff for a long time. At some point I got simply fatiqued by beeing so squishy and I thought, well, maybe its time to go the other direction and see how tanky I can get. And as tank only makes no sense, I thought about what else could I do while being hard to kill. So I was looking through the traits and utilities and came to arcane power. It is pretty meh if you are reading what it does, it only grants crits as you pointed out. It is not the crits I have it for, not MY crits to be more precise, but with the GM trait it also applys a condition based on your attunement for your next 4 attacks. Well, this works on earth overload (on all except water actually). This is 4 seconds pulsing AoE immob on 5 targets + another 4 seconds as the overload ends while your mates next two attacks are a sure crit. As I said in my previous post, this is not a solo build, not enough damage. But it enables my teammates to evaporate anything I catch. Not to mention the other sources of immob and CC on staff. You say its only an immob bot. I say, yes of course it is an immob bot, coupled with other CC options a plenty to make the enemys life as miserable as possible, coupled with up to 16 seconds of mag aura if you choose so, coupled with ok big AoE condy clear, decent regen + great burst heal and the option to resurrect a downed teammate even under heavy fire. This is not some heal slave ele, camping water forever. This is not some (I hope it gets nerfed someday) meta cele kitten. This is not an ele that has to hide somewhere in the backline. This is a staff ele build whos job is to be the first to jump in right in the middle of the enemy group. And that is why it is a) build so tanky and b) I said it is more a diffrent kind of staff ele. πŸ˜‰ Good that you mentioned soothing ice. With the instant aura buff to frozen ground there no need to use this anymore, will switch to stop, drop an roll. I totally forgot. Thank you! πŸ‘
  13. If you are up for a more diffrent kind of staff ele you may want to give this a try: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGQAYlNwQYKsEWJmSXutVA-zVRYeBfGFszITFQvSANOAA-w I have been using this in WvW for like two years now. Dont know if this is usable in PvP tho with the restricted gear available. But in Wvw, oh boy, nobody expects the spanish inquisition an arcane ele, let alone on staff. Obviously not a solo build. But in any group (chaotic pug fights maybe the best) this is some serious force. And there are options: - the arcane shield in the build is your wildcard slot, I switch between arcane shield, aftershock (more cc + mag aura now with stability) and lightning flash depending on what i expect to face, but you can put in pretty much everything here, earth shield, eye of the storm, armor of earth, even earth sigil has some merit (frostbow for the memes lol). - same with the ulti, rebound for the aura (zergplay), water elemental for the heal (small group/roaming), sometimes tornado - I use lucid singularity because WvW and the alac works on siege (and I am to lazy to switch every time), but ele bastion should be the better choice - final shielding or arcane resurection is a 50/50, both are good
  14. Oh you are right, I meant quickness. kitten, I always mix that kitten up. Playing to much tempest lately. Lol, Sorry. Still, does not invalidate the rest i said.
  15. Oh, that is easy to explain actually. After PoF the top brass at Anet decided the game was "done". No more big content or new expansions for GW2 in the future. Instead they used the cash shop money to start new projects (I think the rumors afterwards were some mobile thing or starting on GW3 even?). Of course they never disclosed this to the players who were expecting more expansions after PoF. Surprisingly they never told NCSoft, too. At some point NCSoft were like "Yo Anet, whats up? Where does all the revenue go?" Man, I cant even imagine their faces when Anet told them there were no plans for GW2 anymore. Oh boy, was NCSoft not happy. They fired like half the studio and demanded new stuff, aka a new expansion, like A.S.A.P.! Well, now Anet got a problem. Their studio smoking ruins, a good chunck of the workforce gone including the leaderboard, the morale in the dumpster, bad press in the media, confused and angry players all around, no future plans for the game whatsover and a pissed owner breathing down their necks. Anet was desperate. And what do you do when you are a desperate developer? Of course, you grab your shovel an go plundering the graveyard, aka the official forum. Go back and you will find threads way prior to EoD about helping core ele who was outperformed hard by the Elite-Specs back then. Player ideas were buffing base stats (became Catas clunky EE-System), getting new boons (Alac), or by giving core a new F5-Skill to help distinguish and elevate it from Tempest and Weaver. And that is why playing Catalyst feels like something is of, right? Like puzzleparts who doesnt really fit together? Because Catalyst is Frankenstein's Monster, sewn together from ideas meant for helping core ele initially. It is not only Catalyst, fishing in PvE is another example of those old player ideas Anet dug up hapharzardly to shove into EoD.
  16. Voted Mad cause Eles, because they removed the stunbreak from Final Shielding. *pokerface*
  17. Sorry I am late to the party. I play Arcane in WvW: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGQAYlNwQYNsEWJmSXmtVA-zVhYVJEoXQfjhdGFwhAICMTJQvKANeICyGQbDAA-w Usually i use arcane shield or lightning flash, but with the mechanist infestation in WvW i switched to aftershock for the extra mag aura.
  18. Oh tempest for sure! Lets see on my arcane tempest build i run in WvW. Frozen ground 5 Second dutation pulsing 2 Seconds chill, I think comes to around 8-9 Seconds total? (and AoE lulz) Arcane blast 3 Seconds x2 = 6 Seconds (and AoE lulz) Arcane brilliance 3 Seconds (and AoE lulz) Arcane Power 3 Seconds x4 = 12 Seconds So up to 30 Seconds. If i would change lightning flash for Flash-Freeze + 4 Seconds on top. Oh and theres lesser arcane shield +3 Seconds in case the enemy hits you. We at 37 seconds now. Oh and then there is the frostaura on overload and rebound (+ potentially flash freeze), that applies also chill if you get hit, but I dont know the duration (sorry!). Oh and you could run frost bow instead of flash freeze! Whats that, 5 Seconds x 2 bows x 2 uses? So we are at 40-50 Seconds? Highly theoretical though, you have to literally camp water. Can you even chain everything toghter in a rotation? I never tried to be honest. Plus its more fun to camp in earth and immob spam anyway, lol.
  19. I think this would be beyond broken. Alacrity is one of, if not the strongest boon an ele can get and I think from a balance point of view it was a wise decision from anet to prevent eles from generating alacrity itself. It is not that I would say no to somethig like this if anet will ever consider it (I play arcane staff tempest in WvW, so yes gimme!), its just I think it will be quite OP. I do agree though, that arcane skills should get some added effects, like maybe resistance on arcane shield, a daze on wave, knockback on arcane blast and quickness (imho second strongest boon for ele) on arcane power?
  20. Staff for me, too. This is what I run:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGQAYlNwQYKsEWJmSXutNA-zVRYeBfGFszITFQvSANOA-wMaximum fightcontrol.Arcane shield can be swapt acording to the circumstances, lightning flash if you want more mobility, aftershock for even more immob.
  21. Rage one seems more reliable since you wont always disable someone (unless the sigil procs on targets with stability), but quickness duration is shorter. With rage sigil you cant control the crit = the proc. Celerity is way more reliable even if it does not proc on stab. I mean we are talking about zerg fights, there is always someone around without stab to trigger it. You have pulsing aoe fields and at least 60% crit chance so it's a lot more reliable.I disagree.For me it is important that i can decide when to proc it, not have it proc the moment it's of CD with on crit RNG.With rage sigil, what if you want to proc it because the enemy zerg is about to push, but too bad, you crited some random dude 10 secs ago so it's on CD? Won't happen with celerity.Also, 3 vs 5 sec duration.
  22. Rage one seems more reliable since you wont always disable someone (unless the sigil procs on targets with stability), but quickness duration is shorter.With rage sigil you cant control the crit = the proc. Celerity is way more reliable even if it does not proc on stab. I mean we are talking about zerg fights, there is always someone around without stab to trigger it.
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