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Tearthy Flame.1463

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Everything posted by Tearthy Flame.1463

  1. @makion I'm not happy about making this post either. Briefly today I checked out other spears on all professions, some of my guildies say they're not a fan of a particular spear- yet that's leaning towards a personal preference or not knowing how to build for that weapon (yet). Thematically the spears are beautiful and the Art Team did amazing on them, the skills have a focused role and any problems with them can be balanced out with patches. I would say overall the majority of spears are in a playable state yet will need some work and I'm sure they'll be buffed or nerfed over time. Picking the spear I've played with, I like the Revenant Spear a lot, I think the combination of skill usages makes a lot of sense and it flows beautifully between Melee and Short Ranged (600) combat. If feels very good if you know how to use it, building it with a Quickness DPS build in mind is also really fun. ---The only thing that soured my enjoyment of these weapons was my overwhelming envy and jealousy; I still feel like crying about it, at least inside. Guardian mind as well have not gotten a spear at all, major updates to Scepter Skills would've made my day. I have to say it for what it is: Guardian Spear is a Failure. I don't know if it was rushed development time, or other spears took a bigger piece of the pie and Guardian got crust. The Skills are flawed and under developed with very bad ideas, the Art is over shadowed by all the other Spears and has a lot of yellow and very intricate/busy patterns, animation speed doesn't have weight they're all very fast. The general flow of combat as you said "Spear feels like crap," pressing Skill 5 (Symbol) and then popping off all your other skills doesn't feel like a satisfying combination of Rotation or Situational Combat. Skill 5 also doesn't give a crap about affecting your Auto Attack; why have a mechanic for making your skills "Stronger" if there's no rewarding gameplay for building up a special buff's duration that'll affect how you play Spear. Skill 5 is still a 0 distance launch CC, not a knock down... The visual of AA still lags behind and into your character as you move- at least on Charr, the original Staff AA had the Fan attack figured out 12-13 years ago... I'm baffled, I think the only major changes were to the Visuals of Guardian Spear which aren't any better than back in Beta which was weeks ago... TL;DR: I'm sorry this reply got very long, I'm at least glad there's some people that are realizing the terrible flaws of Guardian's Spear weapon and I wish we had different problems. The ideas for this weapon are severely scatter brained and has nothing of value to offer- gameplay wise. I wish it was more alike Revenant Spear having Melee and Ranged AA and other skills. Thanks for reading.
  2. I'm keeping this post very short and spoiler free, I may add an edit later on if I have more thoughts beyond the opinions I've had downvoted on reddit and somewhat liked on the GW2 Forums. You as a player can like or dislike the weapon, it's fine to feel however you will. ArenaNet, Spear makes for a horrible healing weapon, a horrible DPS weapon, a terrible weapon overall with an ill conceived and rushed design making it have severe flaws at the core design of the skills. There's no combo flow and every skill feels terrible to play together and combo together, basically press skill 5 to make your skills mean anything and then wait forever to do anything useful again. Currently, the healing is buggy on Guardian Spear, Auto Attack heals downed ally's and skill 4 doesn't heal. I don't mind bugs really, they can be fixed with effort. What I have an issue with is the rushed development of Guardian Spear like it was the last weapon they worked on. Last I'll say is, play Guardian Spear, then really think about how useful this weapon is compared to other Guardian Weapons. Tell me, does it have better support than Staff, better DPS than Hammer? We all know it's at least better than Scepter, but that's a low bar. I loath the Guardian Spear for being a terrible weapon . . . and that makes me really disappointed and sad, 'cause I don't want to use this new weapon which is a major milestone in GW2... *Sigh. Thanks for reading. P.S. All I ask for is a complete scrap and overhaul of this weapon to make it a weapon with an Auto Attack that's Ranged at far and Melee up close and I think the rest will fall into place.
  3. I think this topic derailed but I'm wanting to express my Audio discomfort with the Homestead Live Stream as well. Sound Cards, Audio Drivers, even down to the tuned-equalizer, Audio is complicated; the most complex audio becomes is with THX and Dolby Atmos (Audio mixing for Movies), you need far better audio equipment and power to run complicated surround systems. At the base level, Computers and Cell Phones will have a generalized sound stage with modern hardware, Audio becomes more complicated when you invest in complex equipment not necessarily higher priced headphones. It's not unusual to encounter poor quality speakers. Apple's products, at a consumer level, have a higher standard of Audio clarity than other brands. However, the audio in the Homestead Stream is unbearable to listen to- improperly balanced and one person is peaking their audio 100% into the red, meaning the microphone is being overblown beyond its capacity and not limited by any audio software. Headphones with build-in-mic's normally don't have good quality in the lower price range because it's a E-Waste product. Now, pick any screaming video from the 2000's, the microphone is always being blown out and compressed, even sounds like it's being eaten. That's not going to sound good on any system it will either annoy or hurt someone(s) ears. That's basically this Live Stream Anet did on Aug 2nd 2024, fundamentally the audio has a completely horrendous quality for this year. I know ArenaNet has been fairly consistent with their Audio Quality and fixes in their Live Streams, yet everything went terribly wrong with this one- I wish they ended the stream and came back another day with Audio Fixes 'cause I cannot listen and other people feel the same way. If this happens again you must put a full stop to the Stream otherwise you've put out a unwatchable product, again. My only solution for this problem is a Anet blog post or a User post with bullet point lists of Homestead features- I would greatly appreciate reading about it with some pictures or other. Now why did I explain some basics of Audio? Well, we're not talking about listening to an older Guitar AMP that will have a unique sound profile that the Guitarist really loves- as if a Unicorn. In this day and age we're listening to a average standard of Audio Quality, it's surprising how far technology has come. Yes, we as people will hear differently, sensitivity levels are unique/common. Sound could either drive you batty or you don't care/mind. Thanks for reading.
  4. Anet, please bring back the Pointed Ears Package, would love to see it on Sale (also haven't seen it in years since you've made it in 2022). https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pointed_Ears_Package
  5. Can we please overhaul Guardian Spear, It's not an interesting weapon at all and has the most basic skills and Spear doesn't need any Healing we have better weapons to achieve that role. Skill 1, Daybreaking Slash: Opinion: Scrap this Skill Type and Name. FB Mantra Skills already have a Cone and AoE effect, having a Cone AA for a Spear Weapon looks thematically strange/weird/dumb for a thrusting and slashing weapon type. Healing doesn't make a lick of sense on Spear, I'd rather a offensive-boon/condi and Power DPS focus. Suggestion: As for changing Skill 1, I enjoy the flow of having a Ranged Attack at distance and then dealing Melee Attacks at close range. As for naming the Ranged Attack, Helios Thrust. Melee Attack would be, Helios Strike. I think using the Greek Sun God's name would be better fitting for the Auto Attack(s). Helios Thrust should be a 3x channel attack, throwing three Yellow Spears in a row and increasing in damage, this would be a Power Based attack. Illuminated: Afflict Burning. Helios Strike could be a Yellow Spear Head (visually made of Light) that'll forum at the tip of the Spear as if channeling Sunlight at the Spear Head and dealing Power & Burning Damage. Illuminated: Apply Might to you and Allies. Note: These changes would work better with the Illuminated mechanic of Skill 5. Skill 2, Helio Rush: Opinion: Please don't make a Ground Targeted skill that's only based on the Positioning of your Cursor and ignores Snap to Targeting of a Enemy, this is extremely difficult to use effectively and just clucky/old design. I don't see any use in it being a Amo Skill while also having a secondary skill that stops the action which is really weird. Yet again, please rename the skill. Suggestion: Rename to, Sun God's Wrath (Skill Flip: Sun God's Strike). I believe a Dash Forward skill would still be very fun but need drastic changes. Make Skill 2 only be activated/used by needing a Enemy Target, with a full 900 range the player Dashes Forward and Through a Targeted Enemy, leaving a AoE trail of Damaging Light that's a ground Trail of Yellow Spear visuals pulsing Power Damage over 3-5 seconds. Skill Flip: Sun God's Strike. Charge at Targeted Foe and Strike with a upward Spear attack (Launch CC) 100 Break Bar Damage. Illuminated: Remove Cripple & Immobilize for you and Allies you pass through, Skill Flip; applies Immobilize to foe. (Keeping to the original theme) Skill 3, Gleaming Disc: Opinion: Why? I don't think this skill is very good for Damage and using it with Luminated feels like a waste for Boons I can obtain with easier means. It's confusing . . . spinning around and then exploding seconds later. The name doesn't add up either with the visuals, when I think of a Disc I picture a spinning circular light that's flat, not a weird Star Symbol that's completely static. I think this skill needs to be scrapped as well even with the original Name. Suggestion: Rename the skill to, Dawn's Judgement. Leap at your foe (600 Range) and land with a devastating AoE attack causing Damage and Confusion, trapping foes within a Light Field of Spears. Lasting for 3 seconds. Luminated: Applies Protection & Regeneration to you and Allies, afflicting Blind on Foes. Skill 4, Solar Storm: Opinion: I like the name, and I wouldn't overhaul this skill, it behaves normally with the Targeting Functions. Suggestion: Add the Cripple Condition to the Luminated Mechanic. Skill 5, Symbol of Luminesce: Opinion: Visually very confusing for the function of this symbol having Defiance Damage, I think a Light pulsing affect would help with the dishing out of Symbol/CC Damage and active Affects. Suggestion: I would change the CC type from, Knock Back, to, Knock Down, so the Defiance Damage makes a little more sense and I agree with upping the Defiance Damage amount to 300. Luminated Application: When this effect is done being worked on I hope it has a cool Golden Buff Affect (visual) while active. But I feel like the Buff should last longer than the Symbol Duration, 4-6 seconds (Wit of Persistence, Trait) to use the Luminated Effects is very short from a skill that has a 20 CD (Cool Down), I'd like the buff to last for 15 seconds to give the player enough time to use it effectively in combat. The End: I'm really disappointed in the current design of Guardian Spear and I hope you'll strongly consider my suggestions, I think my ideas make this weapon more ideal for aggressive game play and would work between PvE and PvP game play, people like skills that close in on enemies quite fast and have a higher chance to land hits while disrupting other players. I think these are good ideas. Thanks for reading. ❤️
  6. Rev Scepter is so bizzarro, it's almost like a Mace- but we already have a Mace weapon? The Auto Attack made me laugh for 5 minutes, it's so silly looking! For several reasons... How the Dev's could improve the AA visuals is a similar look a kin to the FireBrand Axe AA, a magical weapon attack that trails a few milliseconds behind the Scepter's AA swipe animation. Please, the Kylo Ren Lightsaber looks so bad- it literally has no discernable shape that looks unique. But honestly, I'd rather have an actual Ranged Scepter, the visuals could be magical attacks from the Mists; monster/dragon claws ripping rifts in the time space afflicting cripple (Ground AoE Attack) as if there's a creature living in our Scepter, and another attack that's opening more Rifts where jaws come out of the ground- biting our foes and afflicting bleed & torment (yes, I'm talking about a Auto Attack Chain), ending with a Tail Spike Attack afflicting confusion. That's my recommendation. Break down: [1] AoE Rift Claw Afflict Cripple -> [2] AoE Rift Bite Afflict Bleed & Torment -> [3] (Scepter Swing, whips at Target Foe) Ranged Tail Spike Attack Afflict Confusion -> Repeat AA Chain. As for the Allie(s) Targeting aspect- this mechanic has always felt horrible in GW2 and makes a weapon very annoying to use when you'd rather be attacking a Foe. If you want the Scepter 2 & 3 skills to supply boons to Allie(s) you need a AoE mechanic that randomly targets nearby players. IMO, I would rather have skills 2 & 3 be related to giving Allie(s) boons through a reasonable means. And (I imagine this as skill 3) a CC (BreakBar Damage) attack, Rift Claws dragging a enemy away from the player (basically a single target Knockback CC). As for boons, I think Resolution on Rev Scepter [Skill 2] would be really cool, it's a little different and works with a lot of Traits in the Retribution Trait Line. Hopefully, I've helped in some way- but these changes are pretty drastic; judging the state of the current Rev Scepter- it's looking really sad and doesn't feel great to play.
  7. I apologize that I haven't checked on my topic- it has been a while. I see that @hugo.4705 forum topic was merged into mine; I'd like to give credit to this person for the breakdown of the Gold cost in relation to the Kyrptis Skyscale Skin from A New Look achievement. - You're awesome. ❤️ Kind of odd to see Gold & Gem Conversion discussion devolve into Trade Post manipulation and Mystic Coins. I'd just recommend commenting about a general experience to obtain the, Kyrptis Skyscale Skin, it's more on topic. I digress. I'm getting the sense that everyone is in agreement that 265-300g for a in-game collection is a lot for a new player and even if it is less than spending upwards of 140-700g for 400-2,000 worth of gems for a Gemstore mount skin- also speculation of the Kryptis Skyscale falling into the 1,600 gem range, if it was a skin on the Gemstore. I'll repeat my opinion that the skin still lacks a lot of visual flair compared to other skins and that's still a aspect of disappointment for me (once again do something about it Anet). I'm glad this topic is helpful for weighing the Player's cost of time and gold to obtain this skin. Good luck with w/e you may do. Thanks for reading and commenting. ❤️
  8. I'm exhausted... Obtaining the Kryptis Skyscale Skin was extremely tedious and an epic gold sink, in total it was around 300g in materials. Yet I'm most likely including the cost of the Skyscale you obtain from, A New Friend. Overall a very expensive skin and has a lot of repetitive tasks. I'm too fuzzy on the details to list the exact material amounts off the top of my head. But it's important to note you'll need a lot of materials from Rift Hunting, grinding other special currencies, and 20 (of each) Spiritwood & Deldrimor Steel. Have 5 Charged Quartz as well or gamble for them from Winter's Day Presents. Ecto's and other material. I ran into a minor issue with Jungle Wurm enemies not giving me Wurm Meat, my only sources were the Triple Trouble Wurms and Great Jungle Wurm (90+ Meat), it is also possible to get some from the Champion Toxic Wurm Queen in Battle for Lion's Arch (Season 1) instance (10+ Meat). [An issue as of Aug 24th] P.S. I strongly disliked running around SotO multiple times to loot about 100 Minor Arcane Chests, that took several hours to complete getting 8-25 to fill 1,000 in the achievement... I did not have the Greater Arcane Treasures Mastery at this time, but you should get it. Edit: A way to locate chests as you explore the maps: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Treasure_Hunter_Protocol_1 There's a level 2 & 3 version. There's a lot of other tedious details about A New Look, it is extremely repetitive for one. But the end reward, Kryptis Skyscale, is another one of my complaints... It's weird that it doesn't have a tail but also a unique aspect of the design, It stands out in that way but it would look really nice with a tail. What's truly underwhelming about this mount skin is -there's no visual affects, foot falls, fire, unique idol feeding treat. It doesn't have any of those really beautiful Kryptis visuals you see from Rifts and Skill Affects. Nor any unique mounting or wing trails. It's so visually boring. [Post Edit: The skin does have 4 dye channels but it mind as well only be 3, the 4th dye channel only dyes a dot in the center of the head, I'd like to see any new visuals be dyable and tied to this dye channel.] I'd really like to see Anet revisit this mount skin and give it beautiful visuals, because the A New Look collection is awful to complete and not very fun. I recommend holding off on this skin, it's very cool but has a lot of underwhelming aspects to its design, mostly 'cause it feels like a gemstore skin you'd pick for 1,200 gems or a lucky gamble for 400 gems. It is not worth 300g for how annoying the collection is to complete -the quality isn't there to make it worth it. Get the new Owl Griffon Skin from the Wizard's Vault (1,000 AA), that's super worth it and will only take your time to complete objectives. ----- [Contains Spoilers] Additional Edit, intended to be an informative post, not a step by step guide: Subjects & Items may be missing leave a comment for correction.* https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/A_New_Look (Unfinished as of posting*) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/A_New_Friend (Aditional Link for Previous Achievement) OP Comment: I thought I’d return to this post too expound and add information about Lyhr and SotO Provisioner Venders. (As of this posting these wiki pages are unfinished, Wiki Editors will update these over time.) Lyhr: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Common_Kryptis_Motivation (recommended) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Charged_Quartz_Crystal https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Amalgamated_Kryptis_Essence https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Case_of_Captured_Lightning https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pouch_of_Stardust https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sample_of_Kryptis_Corruption https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sample_of_Kryptis_Possession 2 Purchase the analytical charm from Lyhr in the Wizard's Tower. This #2 step requires the player to buy an “Analytical Charm” x1 Amalgamated Kryptis Essence, x200 Ecto, x20 Spiritwood Planks, and 5 Charged Quartz Crystal. (You can gamble for Charged Quartz from Winter’s Day Presents or Trick or Treat Bags. There’s a random chance to obtain Charged from Quartz Nodes.) --- Further in the Collection --- 7 Purchase an anodized medicinal cauldron from Lyhr. This #7 step requires the player to buy an “Anodized Medicinal Cauldron” x1 Amalgamated Kryptis Essence, x3 Case of Captured Lightning, x3 Pouch of Stardust, x20 Deldrimor Steel Ingots. 8 Collect a sample of possession from the Cosmic Observatory Strike Mission, or purchase a sample from Lyhr in the Wizard's Tower. 9 Collect a sample of corruption from the Temple of Febe Strike Mission, or purchase a sample from Lyhr in the Wizard's Tower. If you decide to purchase #8 & #9 steps, this will cost you more Essence of, x50 Greed & x50 Triumph. I don’t remember the other items I apologize. Provisioner: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skywatch_Archipelago https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Amnytas Posted Again: (Check Provisioner Venders under, Sold By) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Case_of_Captured_Lightning https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pouch_of_Stardust https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Common_Kryptis_Motivation (recommended) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/A_New_Look 10 Complete Skyscale Medicine Masker. (Jungle Wurm MEAT step) ERROR* This #10 step requires you to use Skyscale Saddle Materials: Provisioner Tokens in x3 amounts (x30 maybe more), x250 Static Charge, x375 Essence of Despair, and x500* Stardust (all quantities may very). Important Correction: [I included the material cost of https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skyscale_Saddle_Materials Achievement from A New Friend. I'll leave in the error and note the correction here. My brain gone goofed. I'm leaving in the Saddle's included cost for a overall total of "Grind" for the OG owners of Skyscales.] Conclusion of Total Mats & Time Gates: A New Friend, additional cost; 15-80g* and/or Piece of Skyscale Food 12 days (if crafted 12 Charged Quartz Crystal). 1 in-game hour for A New Look to unlock after completion of A New Friend. x2 Amalgamated Kryptis Essence (crafted) x300* Ecto (40+ if crafted Spiritwood plank & Deldrimor Steel ingot & 20 days) x5 Charged Quartz Crystal (125 Quartz Crystal & 5 days) x3 Case of Captured Light (750 Static Charge or Skywatch Archipelago Meta 3 days) x1,000* Static Charge x3 Pouch of Stardust (750 Pinches of Stardust or Amnytas Meta 3 days) x1,250* Pinches of Stardust x875* Essence of Despair (Motivation & Rift Weekly Recommended) x250* Essence of Greed (Motivation & Rift Weekly Recommended) x150* Essence of Triumph (Motivation & Rift Weekly Recommended) x20 Spiritwood Plank (if crafted 20 days) x20 Deldrimor Steel Ingot (if crafted 20 days) x30* Provisioner Tokens (Material, Gold, and Time Gate, amounts are random) N/A comment for missing Data.* Noting error of "Skyscale Saddle Materials" inclusion into total amount* Thanks for reading, hopefully this helps with understanding the tedious grind for Kryptis Skyscale Skin & Mini.
  9. I feel Angry. Frustrated. Annoyed. Disappointed. Bewildered. Dear, ArenaNet. You've royally messed up with this Relic System and with the Players that have crafted 6-7 Legendary Runes. Even with me (6 Leggie Runes). First off, what was that Blog Post (Clicky) you made? What is this "compensation" for every Legendary Rune? What was the point of waiting 2 more days (18-20th) for no NEW information! What are you doing? I am not out to blame any hard working Developer, I love ya'll; but you - the Executives and Leadership, ya'll need to listen to this community and change direction. I wouldn't be surprised if a employee said something to ya'll about this -but ya'll just ignored their input. But that's just my assumptions... For Players with 6-7 Legendary Runes, they have put in the work and deserve the Legendary Relic for free, because that's the only logical compensation for taking away our LR's core functionality. You are diminishing all of our work and our Quality of Life feature. When I think about Relics, I can agree that Runes are a very old design and the game should evolve, it always has. For instance, for the longest time ya'll didn't want to make Mounts, but you did it anyway with great successes. But Mounts only impacted the World of Tyria, it gave players freedom. Relics alter the game in a very different way, this involves Player Builds, Gear and Progression. Guess what, that requires a lot more PR than simply "We'll compensate players with silly materials! It's fine!" NO... You are altering a basic foundation of how we play our Characters, Runes are a fundamental part of creating our Builds. ArenaNet . . . I strongly recommend that you do more.
  10. As of July 19th this issue has not been addressed. Please fix this issue. Examples below: Dyes: Shadow Abyss, Iboga. Dye Bug Web Image Link: Image Clicky 7 month old YouTube Video - Pizzous: HUGE and ADORABLE! | Plush Siege Turtle Showcase and Screens
  11. Okay. I'll pull out 30$ USD bucks out of my empty wallet, that's the least expensive standard option if I don't need to spend 50$ USD for HoT + PoF + EoD, after I have negative -30$ plus tax... I'd have to spend all day working on story and masteries (Antique Summoning Stones require: Arborstone Revitalization > Globalization), have no mounts because I wouldn't own PoF, ain't that funny. Now I'll mention how I'd feel terrible doubling my hours playing GW2 with barely any benefits and so many other terrible reasons I can list. Having multiple accounts is a chore to maintain and not worth it when you cannot conjure up more time to live (hours of someone's life wasted), but I'll acknowledge that people do play multiple accounts and I have nothing against how they enjoy GW2. I'm sorry -I am being blunt and crude. But . . . you're giving a solution that only creates problems for a player and does not address a underlining issue with GW2's Rewards for individual Players. This is terrible advice.
  12. I can see how the Antique Mat does have a reasonable supply, every week and a handful of other methods. I think it's my perspective of things and how I struggled with this material when it was 5-6g and I still feel like I struggle with it at 3g. Yet it's more manageable now. I'd like to play a broader scope of GW2's content while working for the rewards I want -though that's not impossible even right now just more limited. I think it also hurts players that Group Metas have ballooned to this 1-2 hour length but that's a totally different topic. And yes I'm aware of all the new SotO reward systems, I wonder what that'll be about. It's just in my mind I'd like to get more Hero Chests from older Metas and have a standard list of legendary materials to pick from.
  13. I did mention the possibility of creating crafting recipes for these other materials and placing them into more loot pools and rewards, more specifically for World Boss Event content, thus a more steady supply for all players and the TP. Yet your point is still correct in the scenario where ArenaNet creates more ways to obtain Antique's; but only for that material, while ignoring other materials. Ambergris is an odd outlier, you can obtain it through some events in EoD -yet practically have a unlimited supply of it if you're willing to do Fishing for many hours. I don't know what to think of this material in particular... Hmm. If it should be adjusted or not.
  14. *Kicks Soap Box out from under the coffee table and dusting it off, proceeding to stand on top* I know supply and demand are factor within any economy. Amalgamated Gemstone for one has a healthy supply and the price is very stable right now, even though it has reached over 1g in the past. An example of something gone wrong is Sigil of Nullification around the Elegy (Requiem) Armor. There is a new problem now, a lack of supply and hoarding with Antique Summoning Stones, I say that last point because it's not like people have much of a choice with the scraps ArenaNet gives us. For example, Amalgamated Draconic Lodestone's, are 3x or 4x more than Antique Summoning Stones mostly because of the ridiculous x10 Lodestone recipes -even though the price is horrendous you don't need a lot of them and the supply isn't lacking. There's no way to craft Antique Summoning Stones and you can maybe achieve getting 5 + 7 a week if you can manage to do Soo-Won everyday. 5-12 a week per account is not a lot... I think this material is subject to what happened with Sigil of Nullification and Mystic Coins: Trade Post Barrens. Aka, people with so much gold and account wealth that they leverage the BLTP Market. I was content with Antique Summoning Stones being at 3g ea, it made sense to me. I'm apart of the big rush for Legendary Crafting (Aurene's) and the market being in flux because of SotO, and I contribute by selling a lot of Ambergris, 'cause I love fishing. I have the mentality to work on something as quickly as possible because that is within my ability to play this game, put in work and get rewarded. Antique Summoning Stones does not fit my mentality and is a pain in my kitten... TL;DR: ArenaNet, we really need crafting recipes for Antique Summoning Stones and throw in the Memory of Aurene, Jade Runestone, etc, even have them be a part of more Metas. HECK! Please for the love of kittens -can we give Core Tyria World Bosses Hero Chests(?) just like the Expansion Metas (HoT, PoF, EoD). This would help massively with populating older Metas and a lot more people would go on Boss Trains. I'd love to get Antique Summoning Stones from Teq. We need to make 2g + Hero Chest as a standard reward for World Bosses and Metas and standardize the selections with Legendary Crafting materials from the expansions. Thanks for reading. ❤️
  15. Hello, I wanted to ask for the return of, Fluffy Samoyed Jackal Skin. Looking at the gemstore schedule made by That Shaman. It's not in the schedule at all for multiple months and most of this year all the way into November. Please and thank you. ❤️
  16. Maybe ArenaNet are already aware of this issue, but I think I'd report it on the Forums anyway. The Top Left Dye Channel of the Plush Siege Turtle Skin, is suddenly affecting the Snake's Eyes and the Belt of the Saddle. I had to look up a preview video posted 6 months ago to make sure this wasn't intended. I'm hoping for a bug fix for this soon. 'Cause it's sort of ruining the way I want to dye the mount. Did anyone else notice this Dye Bug?
  17. I want to keep this post short as possible. The current preview system is not good enough anymore, and the Gemstore Skins keep hiking in price. I don't want to look at a cosmetic product and not see all their functions. It's easy to bring up the Hero Panel with the Dye Menu open and get those dyes to apply to items you preview in the Gemstore, but it would be nice if you gave the Gemstore Preview a Dye Randomize Button -you don't need to clutter the interface with a dye panel. On the note of Outfits, it would be nice to have a Hide-Helmet toggle, and normally this feature does not work with Outfits. This next point could go in two different ways: Either we have a (30 minute Demo Trial, with a Daily Cooldown) limited preview of Mount Skins and Jade Bots in-game, or, make new Preview UI that is tailored for showing off Animations of Mount Skins and Jade Bots. I want to see Jade Bots with a Skiffs and doing everything under the sun -it can do. I'll end this with one more point, the Preview system is very old and it needs to be further developed on; some people like myself don't like surprises and want to see everything a Skin can offer/change, because your Skins are getting more advanced and the Preview System is not. Thank you for Reading. ❤️
  18. First off, World 3 Zone 1 is a Dodge Jump nightmare... Either give us a Dodge Jump keybind or DON'T, or give us a glider upgrade we use for 2 seconds. Please make more reasonable adjustments to jump lengths between platforms! I love SAB and Jumping Puzzles, but please be more careful with the tolerance of jump distances- because of how hard this is for me a very able player; it's too difficult for other people without a Mesmer for portals. Alright. I do like the direction, W3 is a very interesting puzzle to figure out and has great secret paths, I'm glad this is a Test/Beta which is good. I look forward to opening secret rooms with bombs and dig spots. Just keep in mind pressing Space & V ( Jump & Dodge Key) at the same time while running is not practical- nor has it been for 10 years lol.
  19. I'm going to keep this post short. Based on my post history I've mentioned it before, I'd love a disability feature for Auto-Catching fish, I'm not talking about any other sort of automation for fishing. I love the Skiff and Fishing dynamic, but the fishing "Mini-Game" the name everyone calls it, makes fishing impossible for a lot of people and very tedious for many people. I hate the repetitive motion it does to my hand and I don't want carpel tunnel ever again. Thanks for reading.
  20. I'm glad to see some fishing topics gaining a little traction, I've talked about my issues with it at length but I'm willing to repeat some of my points. The way we Catch Fish- Mini-Game as we keep calling it, the 2-3 controls are extremely repetitive and has caused me minor carpal tunnel once . . . of which I don't want again. Like it or not this is a problem, and an Auto-Fish-Catching feature based on a measurement of fishing power or other, would be a huge QoL. We already press a lot of buttons in order to use our Skiff(s) and Rods for Fishing. Yes, I want a Tackle Box, for fishing supply storage it is a no brainer. I want the Fishing Bait/Lure to be equipped from a account storage in the Hero Panel, alike how Skins are used. But of course it makes sense to me that I'd have to still buy Baits from venders. That would also make it easier for all characters to use the Infinite Lure item from the Gemstore. Eventually it would be nice to see more Fishing Venders added to maps you can fish in, like Draconis Mons. Also... An interesting idea for a future update to the Skiff, is adding a unique buff that only stacks to the limit of a Fishing Node witch is commonly 3 and resets to 1 after fishing from a new Node. I think this would help the Captain of a skiff to know when everyone in their party has finished fishing a node. This little buff could be temporary Fishing Power or some sort of fishing specific Luck, that could help you with getting the type of fish you're missing. And I don't think you should be able to gain or reset the stacks from fishing in Open Water. This idea is meant to show who is actively fishing, the Buff can be a Flat Stat and not Stack on itself. I really love fishing but it needs more feedback and development time. Thanks for Reading. ❤️
  21. I'm fed up, I'm tired of hearing the Default Shortbow sounds as I fire The Dreamer and this bug has been on my account for years and I believe this happened way before the extra sound options. The sounds for every other legendary works as intended for me, and I just tried reinstalling GW2, didn't fix it. Messing with my sound options, again, doesn't fix it. It's just a sound file! I don't understand why it's broken! Anet, in general please give Gen1 Legendary's love. Please fix Dreamer for people with this rare bug, I dislike the Default SB sounds so- so much... Which is the reason why I crafted Dreamer, to get rid of them! Anyway . . . Thanks for reading.
  22. About: Siege Turtle Mount Skins. Just to note, it is crazy to me that ya'll haven't given us a 1.6k - 2k gem skin for the Siege Turtle! It is driving, my friend and I, batty! My request for this premium price point for skins. 1. Plushy Turtle 2. Sea Turtle 3. Snapping Turtle 4. (Male) Hercules Beetle 5. Armadillo 6. Oakheart (GW2) 7. Tasmanian Giant Crab 8. Asura Mech Turtle 9. Big Fluffy Bear 10. Risen Skeleton Turtle 11. Turtle Shelled Lizard with Feathers 12. Komodo Dragon 13. Armored Turtle Wow! That's too many ideas lol. But I hope that someone else can add more. ❤️ Thanks for reading. ❤️
  23. Siege Turtle: I want to see Infusions enabled on the player character(s) while mounted on the Siege Turtle Mount. I at least see the reasoning for backpacks to be hidden, but infusions make up the majority of my Main Alt's look, it is annoying to see these things are working on other mounts but not the Turtle. Thanks for reading.
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