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Posts posted by Imp.8395

  1. i dont think gambling for mount skins is directly bad. i just think putting 30 out, with not a single option to get one through events/quests/achievments to really play for is bad. pof really has a weak endgame and no reason to play it after story and some collections (that are kinda unfun anyway with 100g+ exotics each). i rather want more achievments or reasons to play besides farming in hot. i also dont like the direction this takes, first with the balthasar outfit only accessible through blc gambling. if keys would be less expencive or easier to get or an alternate way to get it would be good. maybe a ticket system, like 1 ticket per box and with like idk 15 tickets you can choose an uncommen reward so you can get the outfit or bag skin either way. also would like to either have bundles of some sort for the skins or a way to get certain skins, i get it that there are some "basic" skins and some "high effect super nice ones" but 5 bucks for a chance is quite expencive, esp for some that are just lazy remodels with bigger spikes/horns or something. these easily could be implemented as ingame reward for quests or something. some skins do look too much like legendaries, esp. the stardust/galaxy ones. they could be implemented as sort of achievment or something.

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