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Its Nerfing Time.1495

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Everything posted by Its Nerfing Time.1495

  1. stadia is dead, they didn't kill off their exclusive first party studios because they don't like exclusives (quite the contrary) but because they don't know what they're doing. It has the worst payment model, rarely can a game reach their claimed 4k 60 fps, almost nobody plays stadia for a reason. it's garbage, dead garbage. Anet rightly ignores garbage.
  2. I see nothing wrong with what happened to Bangar. The fool actually thought he could turn the Ice Elder Dragon into his personal pet. As if a being that has been around for at least 20.000 years (if not more) and has contributed to the genocide of countless races would all of a sudden submit itself to an egomaniac cat. Turning him into a mouthpiece after blatantly discarding him for Ryland was Jormag's way to remind everyone about who's boss. Bangar got what he deserved and he can only blame himself for that. Except that Bangar has outsmarted the commander at every move. Bangar was the one the legions looked up to. Many Charr followed him through thick and thin. Jormag tells Ryland that he’s got elements of his mom and dad and that is one of the reasons for making him champion. Except that is complete nonsense because Bangar outsmarted both Rytlock and Crecia. At the beginning Bangar even has Crecia wrapped around his finger. So unless Jormag is looking for a weakling, we have a conflict from what was shown in earlier episodes. Ryland was clearly shown to be weaker and compliant to Bangar even sparring with Almorra and having no problems even after Bangar killed her. All now all of a sudden he goes against Bangar? There is good story telling and then there is story telling just for the shock element and this reminds me of the final season of game of thrones. Also to add more pain to injury they put Bangar in the eye of the north and there is also an achievement where you need to visit him for 10 days. No where has anything like this been done. A Charr chained, unable to talk, caged and humiliated for 10 days and on display for all to see. I wouldn’t wish that to my worst enemy. Even Garrosh in world of Warcraft got a better ending than this. plot armour isn't outsmarting the commander. Bangar was a tool, and has a tools end.
  3. The problem with this reasoning is that the only thing that matters in PvE balance is that every class is viable. Monsters are dumb as rocks, so counterplay and meta shifts aren't really a thing in PvE. This means it makes a lot more sense to balance mechanics around PvP, where it actually has an impact. ESPECIALLY in a game like gw2, where 99% of PvE content is intentionally designed to pander to casuals and is therefore so comically easy that mechanical balance doesn't even matter. This is why they design mechanics for PvP, then split skills for PvE to ensure all classes have viable roles. Except by that logic,it makes even less sense to balance around pvp. The two play very, very differently. Balancing around pvp in a pve game just leads to bad balance and mechanics of a skill not working properly. So no, balance separately, and balance around the game design. This game was designed for pve majority, balance for that and pvp separately. They balance for pve and then split into pvp, top down approach. -edit whats not hard to grasp is your total lack of knowledge when it comes to balance and game design. the game will never be designed around pvp, balanced around pvp, and it will never matter, get over it bronze scrub.
  4. PVE is the main focus of the game so yes, it should and will be the primary balance consideration. PVP (which WVW is) is not the primary and never should be. Mores the point the skills can be split between PVE and PVP so your point is irrelevant.
  5. In today's gaming market it is not a matter of if a game will be available on console or mobile the issue is when it will occur. It isn't really viable that it could be condensed down to mobile even though the gaming market is way more profitable with the mobile gaming market than anything else. Although compared to PC the console market itself where mmorpg's are porting their games to console versions its not too much effort. If it can be done with Star Trek Online which has already happened awhile ago now it can be done with this game and even more so being that this game has far less skill bars and no where near the thousands of items between versions of the game. So the bigger question is when is it happening and how long will any mmorpg or any gaming company go before they cease making games like gw2 for PC players because its becoming a thing of the past where most likely 10-15 years from now you won't find any games coming out for PC. Uh, try the other way around. Games will still be coming out for pc, whereas they might as well just stop wasting their time on consoles that are already out of date on release and timelocked to the tech of their release. Mobile and gaming aren't a market, it's a farming tool for people who play farmville.
  6. Two questions:Why would you want a purposely cut-down version of the game? Mobile gaming inherently forces simpler mechanics, controls, and game design compared to the existing PC version.Why would Arenanet want to put the resources required to remake the entire game from ground up for said cut-down version? They were recently down-sized and are already dealing with the perception of having trouble putting out "enough" fulfilling content for the current game. I was simply suggesting that since BDO have mobile version available now and also D4 is coming on mobile device perhaps we can have GW3 on APP store (so you don’t have to worry about comparing with existing PC aversion). Hopefully ANet won’t make the same mistake like Riot that refuses to make mobile version until it’s too late. As far as I know nobody is complaining or comparing BDOM with BDO. Making a mobile version of the game simply allows the game to attract more types of players. As for your questions... Any smart company would know mobile market is where the money is now. Not everyone owns a computer nowadays but everyone have a smart phone. ;) and if they listen to this advice maybe they won’t hav to be downsized. Yes the mobile version may be cut down version of the game but players gets to play the games anywhere they want. Either on the subway on their way home or during their lunch break... etc. Instead of having to wait all day until they’re done with school or work to sit in front of computer to play for few hrs before bed time. Do you have any idea how much money some of the top FREE games are making? We are talking about billions of dollars so please do some researches man...lolDo research yourself kid, mobile games are cash grabs pure and simple, and no they would not have avoided downsizing with a mobile cash grab. If you're a bad game dev and a sell-out, sure go mobile. Farmville (aka mobile games) are not in the same league as actual games. As mentioned previously, diablo immortal is a mobile game (diablo china rip-off), and diablo 4 is basically a rip-off of that coming to pc. gw will not work as a mobile game
  7. Like all of the most memorable jerkinghandmotions do. Impressive that you manage not to, when you're a bigger one than you claim i am.
  8. So has hot by your logic, it was an expansion, brought us in stuff, and once done there's not too much reason to reference it, yet we've had living world stories essentially based around the aftermath, meaning your point is irrelevant. you don't feel excited or invested, cool, then don't and wait for the next one
  9. Doctor Who? That has also become inane as of the last two doctors. Nah. Capaldi's final season was the best Nu Who ever got. Though I will concede that Whittaker's first season was rather workman-like. Offtopic - capalda and whittaker have been garbage and the main reason dw has gone downhill faster than kralkatorrik fell out of the mists. Best ever gotten? Matt smith alone blows them both out of the water, and Tennant has always been the best hands down. Whittakers only in the series because women and nothing else. on topic - kill off taimi, braham, rox was ok at best, canach and rytlock are great.
  10. Yeah, it probably would give them more new work than I originally envisioned in the idea. But, I don't think it would be too much. The nice thing is that since it would be PvE only, they don't have to worry about unbalancing competitive, which is where most of the balance changes seem to happen. I would guess for PvE, they simply count up the death ratios across Tyria, and then balance when they see imbalances. (For example, when they saw a chronomancer meta build on half the characters being played, they decided they had made them a little too powerful, and nerfed them. Happens almost every PvE balance build, and strongly indicates this would be almost trivial to balance.) Actually the entire game been largely balanced around PVE (raids and Fractals) since 2014-2015 with the release of HOT. That was when they gave up on the ESL stuff, and thus game up on balancing the game around PvP. PvP and WvW gotten life-support balancing since then, WvW barely even that. And even the balancing they do, they make sure not to make too large a difference between the modes, only numeric changes. Because they want you to be able to go from one mode to another and at least have a rough idea about what your build does (just with numeric changes). So they're not going to change the trait system in any way unless it also changes PvP/WvW (except pure numeric values, aka skill can give 1 or 3 bleed stacks or give 2 or 4 might etc). So the easiest way to solve this, is just make the 5th line (only) a "core elite", change its first minor trait to give: "+1% damage in pvp, +10% damage in pve" or something like that. But I'd still prefer to see them just nerf the Elites down to core level, like they promised when they introduced elites. Power-creep. Specifically, ANet promised us that elites was to be a "side-grade" not an "up-grade", but they failed at that. (Can probably blame that on the above, old pvp balance team thrown to the wind and the new pve raid balance team goes in, and probably think more standard mmo progression?). And I think it was Starlinvf that explained it very well in a post somewhere. But in short:Each core class is designed with weaknessesEach HoT Elite is designed to negate that weaknessEach PoF Elite is designed to let a class do what it does well even better TLDR: because the elite's are poorly designed. Had the game still been designed around PvP balance, you'd see a completely different picture, one where elites would be very close to core in power level. That said, there are still a few core builds that do well in the game. And yes a Soulbeast is still a ranger. You don't balance a pve game around pvp. It's plain bad, you balance them separate. not withstanding the fact it's a majority pve game, so it makes no sense to balance around pvp. on topic, the ideas bad. No Gw2 was from launch at 2012 and up until 2014-2015 balanced entire game around PvP, I don't ever remember if there was any skill splits at that time. And the game was originally aimed at PvP as one of the main pillars on par with PvE. The game has shifted later on (2015). And the game was designed around that (just like gw1 was). GW2 was also designed like that from the start, up until 2015, by which time the PvE aspect took over completely (probably due to the failing of ESL). What they're trying to do now with GW2 sounds a bit similar to what GW1 ended up doing, and separate the skills. It's been a while, but didn't they start out GW1 skills equalized between modes as well, and then split them over time ? Next we'll be getting "Pve skills" in gw2 ;)GW1 was years better at balancing once they split. They originally had access to certain PVE areas based on PVP performance, that got changed for obvious reasons. You never ever balance a PVE game on PVP, nor vice versa, two entirely different game modes. Balance was far far worse when it was PVP designed, and barring the Rev, they've made decent strides in balancing since. I don't think they started out with PVE and PVP combined to my recollection
  11. Yeah, it probably would give them more new work than I originally envisioned in the idea. But, I don't think it would be too much. The nice thing is that since it would be PvE only, they don't have to worry about unbalancing competitive, which is where most of the balance changes seem to happen. I would guess for PvE, they simply count up the death ratios across Tyria, and then balance when they see imbalances. (For example, when they saw a chronomancer meta build on half the characters being played, they decided they had made them a little too powerful, and nerfed them. Happens almost every PvE balance build, and strongly indicates this would be almost trivial to balance.) Actually the entire game been largely balanced around PVE (raids and Fractals) since 2014-2015 with the release of HOT. That was when they gave up on the ESL stuff, and thus game up on balancing the game around PvP. PvP and WvW gotten life-support balancing since then, WvW barely even that. And even the balancing they do, they make sure not to make too large a difference between the modes, only numeric changes. Because they want you to be able to go from one mode to another and at least have a rough idea about what your build does (just with numeric changes). So they're not going to change the trait system in any way unless it also changes PvP/WvW (except pure numeric values, aka skill can give 1 or 3 bleed stacks or give 2 or 4 might etc). So the easiest way to solve this, is just make the 5th line (only) a "core elite", change its first minor trait to give: "+1% damage in pvp, +10% damage in pve" or something like that. But I'd still prefer to see them just nerf the Elites down to core level, like they promised when they introduced elites. Power-creep. Specifically, ANet promised us that elites was to be a "side-grade" not an "up-grade", but they failed at that. (Can probably blame that on the above, old pvp balance team thrown to the wind and the new pve raid balance team goes in, and probably think more standard mmo progression?). And I think it was Starlinvf that explained it very well in a post somewhere. But in short:Each core class is designed with weaknessesEach HoT Elite is designed to negate that weaknessEach PoF Elite is designed to let a class do what it does well even better TLDR: because the elite's are poorly designed. Had the game still been designed around PvP balance, you'd see a completely different picture, one where elites would be very close to core in power level. That said, there are still a few core builds that do well in the game. And yes a Soulbeast is still a ranger. You don't balance a pve game around pvp. It's plain bad, you balance them separate. not withstanding the fact it's a majority pve game, so it makes no sense to balance around pvp. on topic, the ideas bad. No It is possible but only if classes and combat design were made from the initial process to work like that, gw1 was made under that ideal. ATM is way way to late for that invertion, it’s a pve classes game with pvp on it.I adored GW1s balance, 100% separate, and it worked super well.
  12. Yeah, it probably would give them more new work than I originally envisioned in the idea. But, I don't think it would be too much. The nice thing is that since it would be PvE only, they don't have to worry about unbalancing competitive, which is where most of the balance changes seem to happen. I would guess for PvE, they simply count up the death ratios across Tyria, and then balance when they see imbalances. (For example, when they saw a chronomancer meta build on half the characters being played, they decided they had made them a little too powerful, and nerfed them. Happens almost every PvE balance build, and strongly indicates this would be almost trivial to balance.) Actually the entire game been largely balanced around PVE (raids and Fractals) since 2014-2015 with the release of HOT. That was when they gave up on the ESL stuff, and thus game up on balancing the game around PvP. PvP and WvW gotten life-support balancing since then, WvW barely even that. And even the balancing they do, they make sure not to make too large a difference between the modes, only numeric changes. Because they want you to be able to go from one mode to another and at least have a rough idea about what your build does (just with numeric changes). So they're not going to change the trait system in any way unless it also changes PvP/WvW (except pure numeric values, aka skill can give 1 or 3 bleed stacks or give 2 or 4 might etc). So the easiest way to solve this, is just make the 5th line (only) a "core elite", change its first minor trait to give: "+1% damage in pvp, +10% damage in pve" or something like that. But I'd still prefer to see them just nerf the Elites down to core level, like they promised when they introduced elites. Power-creep. Specifically, ANet promised us that elites was to be a "side-grade" not an "up-grade", but they failed at that. (Can probably blame that on the above, old pvp balance team thrown to the wind and the new pve raid balance team goes in, and probably think more standard mmo progression?). And I think it was Starlinvf that explained it very well in a post somewhere. But in short:Each core class is designed with weaknessesEach HoT Elite is designed to negate that weaknessEach PoF Elite is designed to let a class do what it does well even better TLDR: because the elite's are poorly designed. Had the game still been designed around PvP balance, you'd see a completely different picture, one where elites would be very close to core in power level. That said, there are still a few core builds that do well in the game. And yes a Soulbeast is still a ranger.You don't balance a pve game around pvp. It's plain bad, you balance them separate. not withstanding the fact it's a majority pve game, so it makes no sense to balance around pvp. on topic, the ideas bad. No
  13. Yeah sure it will, a game that looks like it was ripped from their mobile version will magically bury this game. of course it will pats head I mean this game right now is following the mobile trend, the exact same kind of monetization as of build templates. We are on a maintenance mode like trend with living world being all we have too look forward too. Diablo 4 has been said to charge for cosmetics, and is following the footsteps of the A-rpg genre but bringing everything guild wars 2 has into its building blocks. Mobile games were based around this genre because they could build it to fit the mobile market, but Diablo 4 has been stated to be mmo-lite and will offer full expansions ontop of cosmetics. (They even have mounts, which will function at least similarly to guild wars 2 with a unique dismount from what we were shown.) It also has pvp and will have some focus on that area, ontop of being a sandbox mmo-a-rpg just like Lost ark. Guild wars 2 has a niche fan-base where no one outside of those who have been here or have been brought here by their friends would know of its existence. Do you know how many people I talk too about this game, who are always stunned its still going? Or they don't know that we exist? Guild wars 2 has like NO market presence and has no shadow, its legitamentally under the umbrella of every other game in its genre. Games in maintenance mode don't get balance updates or story updates, they remain and maintain what already exists, therefore your point is already invalid. D4 is essentially a mobile rip-off. GW2's fan base is anything but niche but grats on not knowing nor understanding the meaning of the word "niche". As for "no" market presence - you have evidence to back up this false claim? No? You don't? Didn't think so. As for "monetization of build templates" - you get a bunch for free. free. Do you require 15 billion templates? This sounds more like a you problem than anything else.
  14. Yeah sure it will, a game that looks like it was ripped from their mobile version will magically bury this game. of course it will pats head
  15. Pretty certain they've said they could have done it, but chose to go in a different direction for the dyable backpacks, if you bothered to go read their response. developer indeed
  16. You don't focus on pvp (wvw is pvp) in a pve majority game to keep it going. And certainly the game is not at the end of it's life span. the pvp population could be entirely gone and the game would be fine, due it's main focus being pve.
  17. It has never been a split, or even remotely close thing. Its always been overwhelmingly no, as it should. Pvp exists in it's own areas/formats for a reason, go there. I mean if you ask the PVE community if they want dueling enabled, sure most will say no, and as we all know PVE has a lot more players.So yeah, make more pvp related threads in a PVE section.The only real reason we don't have dueling is because the balance split between pvp and pve, you gonna have to make a part of every map a dueling area with pvp balance rules.What they could do tho, make a dedicated map for dueling, where all the people go to if they wanna duel, they already made a map like that, but ofc they have to charge money for it, and when u charge money for it, its not gonna be populated.There is 0 point in making more threads about mixing pvp and pve, you have wvw for that. You want to duel? Go wvw, it's pvp. making pvp threads in the pve section is akin to spam, and will be flagged for it
  18. They aren't aimed at casuals, they're aimed at long time grinders bascially. You can casually spend a few years collecting everything required depending on play time. i've gotten bifrost by doing the ach collection for it, and i have 1 more item to acquire for the newer sword out just playing a couple of hours a day each day. if i grinded out 7-8 hearts across 5+ characters could have what i needed in about a week or two. Do i? No, because i'll take it slower and not put myself into grindmadness. stop being entitled
  19. It has never been a split, or even remotely close thing. Its always been overwhelmingly no, as it should. Pvp exists in it's own areas/formats for a reason, go there.
  20. Winning against pc? Let me laugh at this heartily. oh you were serious? Let me laugh harder
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