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Everything posted by Zephire.8049

  1. I did the SW legendaries somewhere between HoT and PoF and even then it was "camp the fort of the one you need" because it wasn't designed so people could cross half the map and still tag them for credit, especially before mounts. They also aren't the only things around so if they're given too much HP, that means fewer people doing other events for a longer period of time. Events that can and do fail if people don't do them and cost everyone on the map time if that happens. Once you get the masteries, there's not even much of a point to them, either—a bit of karma and a noxious seed pouch are not things that people get excited about. Bloodstone beasts are also RNG (granted you have some control over it to a degree) and have stuff tied to them while also having more HP and moves than the SW legendaries but get skipped a lot of the time just because they take too long and give too little once you've done the achievement. There's also the bandit champions and executioner which are more in line with what people want from open world champs/legendaries but aren't typically done outside of the achievement or to do X events on a map simply because they take too long and give too little loot to be worth it. Better something die "too fast" but be done regularly than ignored and rarely done, in my opinion. And agreed about SB. I used to set a timer for it when doing map comp since it made that heart faster (also the monastery heart) and easier while providing a nice mental break. Now it's easier and faster to not do it since it takes ages to do and the loot isn't anything to write home about. You could do just enough to do the heart and bounce but, personally, that feels bad, especially if you see new players trying to do it, so I just don't bother anymore.
  2. I wouldn't trust the current team to do that. They "modernized" the three starter world bosses in the past year or so—Fire Elemental, Shadow Behemoth, Svanir Shaman—and now they're HP sponges that take ages to kill even when there's 50+ level 80s there who are trying to kill it ASAP. I don't know how they're supposed to be fun or engaging for new players, honestly.
  3. The small 2021 drop was because that's when the guy who built the MC buy order wall was banned so prices could finally drop. The 2022 drop coincides with when they made MC available via strikes and raid vendors and change their availability from fractals to be from Nightmare, Shattered, and Sunqua to be from a vendor. But I think it's concerning that the current prices are about on par with the price they were when a guy was intentionally manipulating MC prices. Supply and demand have decoupled and it's taken only a year to reach their historical price height when originally that took 5 years (8 if you count the first three years when it was practically a flat line).
  4. They rarely listen to feedback and only when it suits them. There were over 50 pages of feedback for the June 2023 balance patch, not including all the numerous individual threads on here or feedback on other websites, and they listened to maybe one thing while going ahead with everything else then acted surprised when some of the changes the feedback said were going to be terrible were... terrible. It should also be noted the DE kneel change, depending on what specific change you're talking about, happened two balance teams ago. The current balance team which has shown repeatedly they do not listen to feedback even when they directly ask for it.
  5. Servers only matter in WvW. Everywhere else, you're playing with people regardless of server. If you're not seeing many people, you're either on an overflow map, are playing off-peak time for your region (EU or NA), or are on an EoD map. Also don't trust the player status for GW2 (or really any MMO) on the internet unless it's Steam stats for something that is only available through Steam or directly from the developer. There's no other way to get numbers, it's just estimations and guesses by people who can't access the raw data.
  6. I still haven't bought SotO and played <5 hours since July because I can't abide what they're doing now. Pre-orders are bad enough but selling something that comes out piecemeal and delayed enough so that refunds or charge backs are no longer an option is worse and far scummier. There was never any guarantee that SotO's story or content would actually hold up and be on par with Living World seasons, let alone feature-complete expansions—instead of waiting a couple days/weeks to see what the consensus is, it's wait a year or so until it's complete. Maybe it will be like LW4 where it's much better if you can play it in one continuous streak instead of waiting for each segment, but I'm not going to pay for that experience and disagree with the decision to sell it at all on a "Trust Me Bro™" marketing spiel. If they want money, going back to the quality of LW3 and 4 (minus the mess that was individual releases) and charging for the individual episodes would be better that SotO's design. That way it's even cheaper and people can decide whether something is worth it without waiting a year.
  7. That's because it is GW1's engine. Which is why I've always preferred a new engine over just upgrading to DX11. That's decades of technical debt and an engine that was made when single cores were a thing and before DX10 came out, with who knows how much (or little) documentation and "quirks" by people who worked at Arenanet in the early 00s (e.g. the start of putting any and all graphic options in post-processing with the exception of a handful of them). There's only so far it can be upgraded. A new engine would be work but it would allow for further optimization and address the conflicts there are with building a modern MMO on a C-RPG engine from two decades ago. Eventually kicking that can down the road will stop working.
  8. Considering GW2's engine predates the iPhone, which is largely considered the first modern smartphone, by several years, porting it likely isn't easy given the mountain of technical debt they have to deal with. They can't even optimize for modern PC hardware, asking them to port and optimize for a completely different hardware and OS is a big ask. Even getting GW2 on Steam was like pulling teeth, and that was minimal changes compared to this. It's more achievable and faster to stream it from your PC or through a service like GeforceNOW than to wait for native mobile support which, as far as we know, isn't even walking up to the table and we have no idea how long it would take to come to fruition if/when it got there.
  9. Mechanist mace in June or July. The conditions (and barrier?) it applied was changed to a different part of the auto-attack chain with no word in the patch notes. Removing PvP and WvW potions from daily chests that had already been claimed but not opened. Not sure if EoD pets finally making use of a ranger talent got patch notes or not. Removing -coherentui from launch commands resulting in people suddenly not being able to play and not knowing why. And that's just off the top of my head.
  10. I don't think #2 is even a given. There's been times I've crossed into a zone briefly and gotten credit for defending an objective I was never even near while other times I've killed players and siege but gotten zero credit. Nothing like getting credit for defending SMC when all you did was flip one of the sentries and ran off to a camp, or not getting credit for a 10+ minute siege while also having a growing stack of bags and a shiny new daily chest for defeating 3 enemy players.
  11. A big issue with the cake was initially how it would remove your food buff and then couldn't be reapplied while you had the malnourished buff (debuff?). After they fixed that, it's a fine open-world/world boss/chill content feast where you don't need to max stats out. The rock was also an issue (and still is, imo) in that it breaks charr models. Cool concept, bad/rushed execution. The amulet and its infusion were nice, though. It got out-shone by the "free" legendary amulet from the Return To achievements, but the infusion is still nice either for its 20% karma, visual, or both. Not getting a title, at least, that sucks. There's no monetary value to it and honestly it's not that impressive, but it was still nice to get.
  12. The new birthday gift is kind of insulting. You can compare it to the 10th anniversary one on the wiki and it's identical for everything except instead of a title, you get 5 Proof of Legends. No title, generic "Birthday Gift" item. It's not like they had a year to figure out a title at the very least, or they didn't have a template for these rewards plus a title.
  13. Yeah, no. That was (secretly) done last year and it played a part in one of the worst balance patches in 10 years. The balance lead at the time is also to blame, but youtubers/content creators rarely know or care about content they don't do or people who don't play on their level. The last thing the game needs is further balancing around the top 1% of instanced content that the vast majority of the playerbase has no interest in/no ability to do but have their in-game lives dictated it. "Catalysts are a meta-defining class and need to be nerfed" and "I don't know how thief works so I'll just wiki it" anyone? If they cared about feedback, they get plenty on this forum, Reddit, and various Discords. But since they didn't even respond or listen to any of the feedback they explicitly asked for and still have yet to address concerns from 2 months ago, it's probably safe to say they don't care about what players think because they're balancing around something month(s) out and/or think devs know best and can't be biased. Youtubers/content creators will do nothing when that's the company's mentality.
  14. Good point. It's a shame, too, since those initial collections were really good—Chuka's is still one of the highlights of the game for me in 10+ years. But if I had bought HoT and been psyched about Gen 2 legendaries, well, I'd have been upset if it took upwards of 3.5 years and an additional expansion (as you can't access LW4 without buying PoF, and this was before HoT and PoF were bundled) before getting the one I was looking forward to the most.
  15. Being told that we'll get what we buy at a future date is one of the reasons I haven't bought SotO or even logged into the game recently. Having to take it on faith that a company which has routinely changed direction, cancelled aspects of GW2, and hasn't seemed to have thought things through (e.g. what happens with legendary runes) that they'll deliver what they say 6 months post-release is not something I'm willing to do, especially after EoD lacked a lot despite the hype and it looks like they once again cancelled/changed direction after getting people's money what with how Gyala Delves turned out, the new fractal, and parts of the map that are named and hinted at as having something there. Pre-orders are bad enough, pre-ordering content you'll only get part of is worse. I've also lost track of the number of times Anet said they were changing cadences and "this time it will work better" only for that cadence to either not be sustainable or it was a brief moment of content/communication before they went back to how they were before. Their goodwill ran out ages ago and now they need to prove it, and saying customers will get what they paid for, which is currently sight unseen, supposedly in 6 months (as it can be delayed) is very much not proving it.
  16. Seems like. Drop a preview/patch, talk about how they "really care about" feedback, then go silent until the next balance patch. The best they've done is respond to the outrage aimed at the previous balance team to say the team's changing and the new team is going to do better, but when the outrage is about them, crickets. Not even proper explanations for changes, just faux surprise things were busted. Things which people said would be busted for weeks and anyone who actually looks at feedback would have noticed since those concerns were everywhere, not just on this forum but also Reddit, Twitch, and in Discord servers. Probably even more places but I don't use social media a whole lot. My money is on the next time we hear about balance, it will be in regard to SotO and how access to those weapons will cover up the poor balancing will "unlock" playstyles we had until the June 27th patch. With undocumented changes to tweak traits to pre-27th status or close enough with nary a word from the team why they did that, not unlike what they did to Mechanist mace on the 27th. If they don't respond to people and silo discussion, that means everyone is happy, right? Also they totally didn't break things/make things worse so they can sell players a solution. /s
  17. That's not it, though. It's a whole team—CMC and Roy are just the heads/faces of it—who is being paid for it. If a team of researchers asked a group of, say, 100 people, there's the expectation that since they're doing their job and being paid for it while the volunteers are not that they would at the very least compare notes and pick common and/or serious concerns to look into further. If said team decided to blow off everyone and go with their initial gut feelings, it would be shoddy research. A farce that goes through the motions to look legit and caring but has all the validity of a corporation which already planned an outcome and paid people to write something so it looks like the proper steps were followed and it's not at all biased. Except it wasn't 100 or even 10 people they asked, it was an open platform where hundreds of people responded, if not thousands. It's already the minority of players who check official forums of any video game and it's even a smaller group who posts so the responses they got were by people with more investment in the game than a lot of players even if it was only to complain. And once again, it is literally their job to do what you say is too much/too hard for them. There's plenty of people who would have been happy to sort out the complaints in all 75+ pages (at the very least, there's also the individual profession subforums) to compile in a bite-size way if they had been paid for it if the entire balance team was too busy to look at feedback they solicited themself, too.
  18. I haven't used it recently but, funnily enough, it's the one choya tool I do have and it's always been one for me. I swapped it out to another skin a while back so it could have had a bug for a time where it used the mining tool's animations.
  19. If 10-man boons cause the server to freak out, roll them in as default, do what other MMOs do and have them be a button that's pushed before an encounter, or increase their duration so the server isn't constantly being polled by 0.75s stacks of boons (and conditions) across 10 people where players aim to have 100% uptime anyway. Except it's not just constant polling for boons, it's polling for position and subgroup status as well so of course an engine from over 20 years ago (built to be a co-op RPG/GvG at most) would have issues when the balance design is to have it be polled dozens of times a second. 10-man boons would lessen that stress, if anything. It may be "boring" but it's far more efficient and will free up the balance team into making gameplay fun rather than focusing on the ham-fisted attempts to make every profession able to put out every boon with fun being a distant second thought.
  20. Is it possible you mixed up the logging and mining tools? The logging one has always had 1 choya but the mining has 3.
  21. It's also rather disrespectful. People put time and thought into feedback assuming that because feedback was asked for and that it would be read/taken into consideration, which is not the case. Yes some people complain blah blah blah but it's up to the developer team to sort the chaff from the wheat, especially if they explicitly ask for it, as that's the job they're paid to do. If there was never any intention to change things, there's no point asking for feedback. Even providing a place for feedback is questionable in that case and makes it seem like the goal isn't to gather feedback but to silo discontent to one place.
  22. Glad I didn't get the expansion, the first time I've said that about GW1 or GW2. At best the balance team is incompetent, at worst they're designing around SotO so one has to pay to have their spec not be horrible. They've ignored so much feedback and been silent about the changes and their idea for them. Feedback which also includes specs now feeling gross to play because they're suddenly so spammy and if they wanted to play a spammy class, they could have done that already. A big part of balancing a live-service game/MMO is accepting you can't force your will on the entire playerbase just because, not if you want to keep players happy and accepting of needed nerfs/changes, which is something this balance team does evidently does not believe in.
  23. Most people I've talked to don't have rose-tinted glasses about boons pre-EoD and only think that the design was better than it is now, which doesn't mean it was good. It was bad then, it's worse now. Especially with how they're designing around alac and quickness at the expense of everything else... except only for some specs as other specs/classes fart out those all-but-required boons with a single button. The whole boon system needs an overhaul and has needed one for years but who knows if or when we'll get one.
  24. Sure nothing can be balanced perfectly and no doubt Cata is absolutely broken in PvP, but it's not sustainable to only balance PvE around the top 5% of players. The majority of bills are paid and new players brought in via word of mouth by players who don't run CMs or push hard instanced content so it's horrible to ignore them when it comes to balancing. If a class isn't enjoyable to play, be it not doing damage, not being welcome in group content, or simply not feeling good—or if it was but was suddenly changed with no warning—people who aren't invested in GW2 already are far less likely to stick around, buy gems, or recommend the game to people. Player retention is incredibly important in MMOs and what many end up struggling with. The bottom wrung of players shouldn't be balanced around but neither should the top. The top will excel no matter what. Finding the sweet spot to balance around where it's neither around the skill floor nor ceiling is what's important. I don't know enough about Cata to know why it's brokenly OP in PvP currently but last year it was explicitly stated by the balance lead at the time that they were balancing PvE Cata around the top 1%. That's just not an enjoyable experience for anyone. Leaving balance broken instead of stepping in is also a huge issue. There will always be missteps and bugs in balancing but if something is destroying the meta or sees a large drop off of a spec being played, that should get a hotfix or rollback and the approach to balancing that class/spec reassessed. Not left broken for weeks/months/years.
  25. Looks like they changed it yet again. If you have a direct link to a tweet, you can see it without an account (tested on multiple browsers and incognito), but you can't view profiles unless you have an account. All the more reason to use the official forums and website for communication rather than use social media as the primary form of communication, especially these days. Assuming they want to build the habit of having customers going to the main site where they'll also things like merch and sales, and making developers seem more accessible. Setting up a locked forum where only developers can post and use that as a Twitter substitute for things like server issues should have been done years ago, if only because not everyone uses/can use Twitter or thinks to check there when the official site says nothing. Keep the news & announcements forum for larger, structured posts but have another one for things like "We're aware that WvW servers are having issues" or "Trait has been disabled due to a bug and will be reenabled when it's fixed".
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