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Everything posted by Drae.3189

  1. Yup, this. Too bad there is an achievement that fails if you don't finish this "quest" in under 4min and its not instanced so you'll have to do it on an alt in one try I guess.
  2. I too was wondering why it seems to spam my messages with "can't do it right now" type of messages. Just want my buffs .
  3. The achievement needs to be fixed to show progress, give us tiers, make it repeatable...ect...Anet bugs 101. Sure it will get fixed in a patch "soon". From some of what I have heard the "objectives" need to be towers or higher, nothing official I don't think.
  4. As a WvW scout, who trained other scouts, I would tell them that every fight was a 50/50 chance as a thief and that's only if you do everything right, miss one move and your dead...the best tactic is to use your stealth and wits and leave so you can get your job done...scout. This role no longer exists in WvW because of reveal, watchtowers, marked traps ect...its like they build a whole toolbox of weapons to screw with thieves. Its in the zerg, on the zerg or nothing in WvW. Not happy, bring my fun class back I'm tired of Firebrand being the only helpful class in WvW.
  5. This is so true. I played a notorious thief scout for [GoF] on Blackgate season one and two. I brought my thief into WvW the other day... she's nutted. Whole freaking areas of the map where I cant stealth...wtf!? Not enough initiative to do anything thief like at all. Still just as squishy. USELESS. Deadeye is just their to calm all the backstab thief's of old with a low chance of a quick kill. So many changes and they all have made my thief feel weak as a scout in wvw. Why are these changes different in wvw vs pve??? I have a different amount of initiative (mana, ability power whatever you want to call it) in Pve and a HUGE amount less in WvW. This makes any kind of "rotation" or muscle memory impossible to transfer over. Such bad design. Its like you hate WvW and want to take all the fun out of it. WtF is reveal and why does it effect me??? I'm a freaking thief. Oh, I agree. Thief is BROKEN in WvW and needs to be fixed. Selfish, slippery, deadly ...thats what a thief should be. Super high skill cap and luck...but slippery because 90% of the time, they fail and reveal themselves.
  6. Can we please get a toggle for the default state (stowed/deployed) of the mech when spawning into a map or porting anywhere. On my power mech build where I rely on Crash Down for damage and CC I am constantly having to stow my mech whenever I go anywhere. Also, it would just be really really nice if the darn mech is not always in my face all the time. Just a QOL that I would really like.
  7. Yup, same exact issues here, just coming back after being gone a bit and its all over the place. Lights just switching on and off depending on camera angle and position. Seems odd we haven't heard from an admin on this. Super easy to reproduce.
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