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Everything posted by AzureWolf.9150

  1. Speaking of Bookshelves. I second Von Dobbs. I've been playing GW2 for over nine years and I have a TON of books taking up room in my bank. Yes, I know they can be safely destroyed, but they were all part of the game experience. Now that we have a real home, let's have a bookshelf with all those tomes we've gathered over the years :)
  2. Same here. Just made a new Revenant last night and now can't give her a shortbow (and it was working last week on another Revenant I have). Hopefully this will be fixed soon.
  3. Game stutters and keys movements don't work right. Colors also seemed off.
  4. Doghouse, Thanks. Using your suggestions, my wife and I were able to complete the fight. Wasn't easy (especially looking up to hit "N" for the special ability), but once we figured it out the battle was doable. 🙂
  5. Same thing here, battle going well until Peitha's chat and my skill bar vanishes and he become invulnerable at 75%. Did it the story with my wife and she took "point" so her skill bar vanished and I could still attack, but did no damage. Mission is bugged.
  6. I was thinking that too. Something new to buy with corncobs 🙂
  7. I just miss my Rock Dogs, they were part of two of my characters’ backstories and not just a combat tool, and my wife built her character’s story around the ravens summed by the Mad King set. I hope they release the relics for those soon (they should have been in the free sets).
  8. Poo, I'll miss my Rock Dogs and Ravens. Hopefully they will be available again soon in an upcoming Relic you can make.
  9. I'm willing to see how this all turns out, but I know there are some niche sets that I'm hoping we'll have relics to repeat. Like my wife loves Ravens that appear with her Mad King runes, and I want my Rock Dogs back from the Ogre set.
  10. Still happening with me. Female Sylvari suddenly speaking with the male Human voice in a cut scene with Aurene. Not every time, but just enough to be annoying.
  11. Seems to be down again, been trying to generate an API key for well over an hour and it keeps spinning.
  12. Love the turtle, but I'm a bit concerned with "over crowding" the maps. The turtles are huge, and it's already very difficult to get to a bank or a vendor or NPC when a bunch of Skyscales are on top of the person. I can't even imagine with the turtles other than what I am seeing in LA during the beta.
  13. I'd love to see an outfit offered in the gem store that was a simple tunic (no sleeves or leggings, just a tunic with a belt over it and boots). Examples here are Aragorn's outfit from the 1978 Lord of the Rings animated movie, and Pelisse from the French graphic novel "La Quête de l'oiseau du temps".
  14. Yeah, I have GW2 on two computers (desktop and laptop, both on Win 11, no addons) and both won't work after the patch. I think this is one where we will have to hope ANet fixes it soon and downloads a patch to their patch.
  15. PVE I'm enjoying it, though I was surprised to start with and offhand Focus, since it was advertised as a dual sword wielding class. But so far enjoying it in open world HoT (VB). Haven't tried in WvW yet. Love the animations and "feel" of the class.
  16. My Willbender started with a Focus too, instead of dual swords like the spec suggested. But so far loving it.
  17. Same. Bought the Ultimate for myself and my wife and neither of us have gotten the 4000 gems yet.
  18. Exactly my thought as well (what slimike posted). Just made ascended better than legendary (for those who like to quick swap weapons).
  19. I was really looking forward to the Legendary Armory..... I have a number of legendaries I share amongst my characters... Staffs, Swords, etc.... Since most of my builds are power based it's easy for them to share stuff. But now instead they have to share infusions and upgrades? That means Nevermore, which took up one shared slot in my inventory, is now replaced with two infusions and two upgrades? This feels like a gigantic step backwards to me and makes me want to replace the legendaries with ascendeds that look like legendaries. At least they won't lose their infusions and upgrades when they go into the shared bank. I hope this is something that ANet will address. It feels ... broken. The legendary armory should make me happy to use my legendaries, not make me want to stop using them completely.
  20. You may be right, I only see her there on the character that did the latest stories. The rest of my alts see an empty pool there.
  21. I saw a lot of rangers blamed for knockback in the Labyrinth and 9 times out of 10 it wasn't even a power doing it. Many peeps use the Labyrinth to level up their toons, and every time they leveled, it created a huge knockback (after which you'd hear, "Stop using knockback, Rangers!"). Fortunately, as the Mad King event progressed, more and more realized it was just "level up knockback" and there was not much you could do (though when I was leveling up a character there and I saw I was about to pop, I'd run away from the door for a second for the burst then go back) ~ :)
  22. Black Lion Instant Level 80 Ticket - As a player with many alts (28 currently), I think this is a great addition to the Black Lion Trading Company. It's a bit pricey, but worth it if you want to dive right into the elite specializations of your class and you've already leveled many characters the regular way. But I did have one suggestion. At a cost of 2000 Gems, the level 80 gear you get should be pickable. I've purchased this Ticket a number of times and while I love the instant 80 boost, I've usually just tossed the gear (it's not salvagable). I think a great change to this item would be if you could choose the stats you want for the starting gear you get (Berzerker, Marauder, etc). At the price we pay for the ticket, I think it's a fair thing to offer.
  23. Yeah, it once seemed to have real impact. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Personality But I must admit I feel "off' when my Norn keeps insisting that "might makes me right" even when I dont' roleplay the character with that mindset. On the otherhand, my Asura warrior saying "You're dumb. You'll die, and you'll leave a dumb corpse." fits her personality perfectly.
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