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Zoltar MacRoth.7146

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Posts posted by Zoltar MacRoth.7146

  1. Please make capes visible in the Character Selection screen. That is, make back items visible in that screen. It's always been a glaring omission that neither back items nor weapons are displayed on that screen. If you want to do it properly, include check boxes on that screen to toggle the visibility of back items and weapons, and even toggle weapon sets. I know others have asked for this and now, with capes, it's even more noticeable more glaring.

  2. With the release of capes I decided to set up two versions of one of my toons, one with a cape, one without, for difference situations and I found that because you've only separated the "equipment" tab into "templates", it's got the following consequences (in addition to all the other issues others have already listed):

    1. You can't have the back item visible in one equipment template and not another.

    2. You can't have the back item use different skins in different equipment templates to get around having it visible in all templates because of #1 above.

    3. You can't even have different colors on the same piece of equipment in different templates, so because of #1 and #2 above you're forced to have the same cape, looking exactly the same for all your templates. It's just ....disappointing.

    I can't stress how much I appreciate the addition of capes - but again it seems like another feature has been added without consideration how it interacts with existing functionality. Like the different teams making different parts of this game don't talk to each other.

  3. @Udolpho.1209 said:

    @Udolpho.1209 said:...So, not only CAPES, but DYEABLE backpieces too? WHAT IS HAPPENING!

    You're in a coma. I'm a figment of your imagination which you created to explain this to you. Also, you can now fly because it's a dream and all. ;)

    Excellent. I thought I'd died. A coma is much better, I'll take it.

    And that was my very next thought: when are we getting the cape glider + dyeable backpack combo that lets you fly like superman? This has to be next! Right? Flying capes, yes? I can fly now, yes? Regular gliding, one arm out, one arm at side, one knee bent; lean gliding, two arms out, legs straight; also a knee bent upright pose when you drop out of gliding or lean back...

    No, you're right, I think I might still be dreaming...

    I can't wait for the black cape that spreads out like black bat wings when you glide down on your enemies like some kind of ....dark.... knight.

  4. @Dante.1763 said:

    @Ameepa.6793 said:Yeah, it would be much better if permanent vendor and trading post contracts worked like the vault contract does that it only opens the usable UI, but doesn't create an NPC.

    I have to disagree here. Once you close the UI, even accidentally by moving, it's gone. At least with the NPC you can reopen it again for 15 minutes. I'm with the others here - keep the NPCs but hide them from other players.

    So what? Talking about permanents here and suggesting they all should work like vault one does and that thing does not have a cooldown so simply just reopen if you close it by accident :)

    My problem with the vault methodology is that if you're using a consumable one and you accidentally close it, it's gone and you have to waste another consumable to re-open it. At least, that's my understanding - correct me if I'm wrong. I'd be very happy to know there's a way to reopen one you've consumed and closed by accident.

    They are only talking about the permanent versions. The non permanent versions would still function as they do now.

    Ah, thank you. That's what I was misunderstanding. I guess if you're using permanents then the vault concept could work.

  5. @Ameepa.6793 said:

    @Ameepa.6793 said:Yeah, it would be much better if permanent vendor and trading post contracts worked like the vault contract does that it only opens the usable UI, but doesn't create an NPC.

    I have to disagree here. Once you close the UI, even accidentally by moving, it's gone. At least with the NPC you can reopen it again for 15 minutes. I'm with the others here - keep the NPCs but hide them from other players.

    So what? Talking about permanents here and suggesting they all should work like vault one does and that thing does not have a cooldown so simply just reopen if you close it by accident :)

    My problem with the vault methodology is that if you're using a consumable one and you accidentally close it, it's gone and you have to waste another consumable to re-open it. At least, that's my understanding - correct me if I'm wrong. I'd be very happy to know there's a way to reopen one you've consumed and closed by accident.

  6. @Ameepa.6793 said:Yeah, it would be much better if permanent vendor and trading post contracts worked like the vault contract does that it only opens the usable UI, but doesn't create an NPC.

    I have to disagree here. Once you close the UI, even accidentally by moving, it's gone. At least with the NPC you can reopen it again for 15 minutes. I'm with the others here - keep the NPCs but hide them from other players.

  7. This isn't a solution for everyone but I'd be happy with extra icons on my screen when a defiance bar comes up that highlight which skills would be best to defeat it, perhaps in order of usefulness. Or, a special highlight could appear around the skills at the bottom of the screen which are in some way useful to breaking defiance bars. Something visual that hints at what tools you have available for CC but - and here's the big takeaway, Anet - DOESN'T REQUIRE YOU TO CLICK A DIALOG WHILE YOU'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF COMBAT. All we need is something inobtrusive that draws your eye to your CC skills.

  8. @SoulGuardian.6203 said:

    ● Henchmen, Heroes, and Mercs.I personally would love to have a choice to select a partner or two, using my other characters as mercs. Being able to use their current build, weapons and armour.

    I love your idea. I kind of think of my toons as a team who get sent on different missions and that's why they never actually meet up in the world. Yeah, they're all pact commanders too so that takes some mental gymnastics but maybe it's more like a multiverse thing. They're each in their own dimension. And who doesn't like an inter-dimensional cross-over? Also, being able to choose a team from your roster would give the game even more of an RPG feel, like Eye of the Beholder or Bard's Tale.What would make this even more awesome... and admittedly impossible but I can dream, is if your partner toons played the way you play. I mean, the AI learned your style and re-enacted it. Then again.... if you saw your toon just going 1111111 it might be kind of embarrassing. XD

  9. @Ashantara.8731 said:

    @"ancafr.9274" said:Is just like i said... on my ranger that uses the same type of weapons, longbow/axe/torch on both templates slots it works perfect fine.. but on my thief i use rifle/sword/dagger template 1 and i wanted to make one with dual pistol/sword/dagger on template slot 2 but when i switch to template 2 only the rifle/sword/dagger trait remains and i have to manually open the char window with H then switch manually. Plus I cant use any rifle skills cause the trait for Deadeye isnt active and i get a 'shadow' on the weapons skills. For exemple is like if you equip deadeye trait but then you replace with a core without remove the previous weapon.. it remain in hand but u cant use any skills.

    In other words, the template is active but the weapons DO NOT switch...

    And there is your error of thinking: Build loadouts and weapon loadouts are NOT connected. You
    to switch each one separately, there is no link between the two. It is
    a bug but the way it was designed.

    Ashantara is right. It's by design. Arguably unintuitive and clumsy design but ..by design.

    One thing you can do to make it easier is set some hotkeys. I use Ctrl-1, Ctrl-2, etc for the equipment templates, and Alt-1, Alt-2, Alt-3 for the build templates.So when I want to change to the first "loadout" I press Ctrl-1 then Alt-1. For loadout 2, I press Ctrl-2 then Alt-2.

    It's not much but if you're going to keep using the templates, it might help.

  10. @LucianDK.8615 said:

    @Zoltar MacRoth.7146 said:I enjoyed completing the masteries, as I always enjoy completing things, but now that I've got the essence abilities ... I don't really notice them. Now and then the special action will pop up when I've accidentally collected enough of one color and that's nice. But it's too much fluffing around to figure out what color to collect and what to use it on, even if there are some extra boons associated with it. I just kill things and if a bonus happens, that's great.

    Using the colors for the chests was ...mildly inconvenient at first. By the time I completed the masteries i was able to open all the chests without paying any attention to what colors I've collected. So, no need to think about that either. /shrug

    At least they're not poorly implemented and completely annoying trash like the oakheart vine. That's something.

    As said earlier, your buff stacks is irrelevant for the chests. All what matters is rank 2 of each mastery to be able to open small and medium chests.

    That... makes it even more pointless. It means it's just a matter of time before you open the chests. There's really no skill to it. :/

  11. I enjoyed completing the masteries, as I always enjoy completing things, but now that I've got the essence abilities ... I don't really notice them. Now and then the special action will pop up when I've accidentally collected enough of one color and that's nice. But it's too much fluffing around to figure out what color to collect and what to use it on, even if there are some extra boons associated with it. I just kill things and if a bonus happens, that's great.

    Using the colors for the chests was ...mildly inconvenient at first. By the time I completed the masteries i was able to open all the chests without paying any attention to what colors I've collected. So, no need to think about that either. /shrug

    At least they're not poorly implemented and completely annoying trash like the oakheart vine. That's something.

  12. To be honest ...I had no idea who Almorra was. I've played every episode and expansion and I understand from discussions I've seen that she was important but...well, I just don't remember her. Maybe I'm just a very aloof pact commander and don't bother to remember the names or faces of allies and subordinates. But then again, I never asked to be pact commander. I was just a guy, trying to make his way in the world, maybe selling some Hirathi trinkets on the side. I'm no leader, no hero. I never asked to lead an army and kill dragons and gods and dead dudes who wear a lot of jewellery. I should be in a tavern somewhere getting drunk and listening to other guys telling tales of killing dragons... uh, what was I saying. Right. Sorry about Almorra. She sounds like she was a nice person. I'll avenge her or something.

  13. @Buran.3796 said:

    @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:I'm curious how you managed to misspell "template" as "plaintiff"? That's got to be more than autocorrect.

    That's easy to answer: English is my third language and I play the game in my native, so when I try to translate some names and expressions from my game version I can fall into mistakes or use terms which doesn't properly fit with the main version of the game. My apologies if that happens; I took for granted that the question was easy to catch in the context, even if the terms weren't exactly matching (I known also that ANet doesn't use the term "loadout" but seems to fit better what they are now providing).

    No problem. Please understand I wasn't making fun on you in any way. I was just amused. English is my second language.

    And you're right about "loadout".

  14. I'm curious how you managed to misspell "template" as "plaintiff"? That's got to be more than autocorrect. You had me thinking there was some new kind of legal system in the game where you can take time out from being PACT commander to working as a pro-bono lawyer in small-claims court defending drunken norn who were riding too fast through the camps on their warclaws. I was actually exited. I imagined my toon shouting, "OBJECTION YOUR HONOUR!" and getting my client off on a technicality.

    But no. You meant templates. And the answer to your question is, the system is buggy and somewhat ill-conceived at the moment. There's a whole other thread about it. And Anet have just said they're going to be changing things again so it might be best to just stick to one loadout and avoid the template/plaintiff system like the plague until it's matured a little.

  15. @Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:

    @Zoltar MacRoth.7146 said:I have no comment on the first part, but I just want to concur with you on the last: we should be able to change harvesting tools in combat. We can't use them for combat, as you point out. If we choose to continue harvesting while being attacked, that's on us. Don't be a nanny state, anet.

    This isn't because of some balance reason, but because of technical reasons. The tools are in some underlying way connected to weapons, and allowing switching in combat risks strange interactions with weapon skills, sigils and weapons swapping.

    That sounds plausible. Still, I wish that at the very least if my harvest tool runs out when I'm harvesting out of combat, and I have the same tool in inventory, it would at least equip it for me automatically. That would be a nice feature.

  16. @YtseJam.9784 said:Hi, we have unbreakable tools, we have shared inventory slots. When we do multi-toon farm, Flax in VB for example, most of us put a tool in a shared slot, then switch through all the toons in our accounts, equip the tool, farm, unequip, switch to next. Can we have some kind of account wide tool shared slot to equip them there and quit having to switch them over and over? It's annoying when you are in combat and just have to sit there waiting for your toon to get out of combat and remove the tool and put it in the shared inventory slot... etc... btw whose idea was it to not be able to unequip your gathering tools while in combat? It's not like you use them in battle... :P

    I have no comment on the first part, but I just want to concur with you on the last: we should be able to change harvesting tools in combat. We can't use them for combat, as you point out. If we choose to continue harvesting while being attacked, that's on us. Don't be a nanny state, anet.

  17. @"Rauderi.8706" said:

    While the invisible walls and wonky no-mount zones are irritating, I'd at least like a visual indication that I'm being wall-blocked. Maybe even within, say.. Range 600 of encountering said wall. I get it might be "immersion breaking" to have a visual force field blocking off something, but it's just as breaking to just stop mid-flight for seemingly no reason.

    My thoughts exactly.

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