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Zoltar MacRoth.7146

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Posts posted by Zoltar MacRoth.7146

  1. @Silencer.7614 said:A Keychain would be something that so many of us would happily dole out cash for as a true quality of life improvement. While the shared inv slots are a decent stop gap solution, it won't work forever unless u plan on continuing to up the max qty of slots available. I have maxed out the slots already and with POF so close I find myself in a bind as to what to drop to make room for the new key mechanic and Heart of Elon pass as well as any other new potential items u may release that we don't know about yet.

    Total agreement. A key-chain would be fantastic, but for now - and even if it gets implemented - allowing us to equip more than 18 shared slots would be like the best christmas ever. I love my shared slots and even without keys there are so many items I'd love to carry around with me. I would buy more slots today if I could.

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