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  1. Can we at least fix that encryption so it isn't so weak random bears that think the spear is the pinnacle of technology can't hack into it?
  2. I thought they nailed with with EoD. Only a few minutes in and you have great music, epic fight. Then the cool intro, the map. Also, I thought Taimi fixed our communicators to make them secure. Why do the random bears have access now? This random communications made sense in Cantha. It makes no sense now. I get so many spam calls I need a spam filter. Can I get a pixel phone with call screen in Tyria so I can screen these calls?
  3. I am not far enough into the expansion, but maybe all the brown bears get saved by the white bear? I'm sure nothing racially should be read into that...
  4. I have a feeling the engine can't handle it. And if they do add new hairstyles, people would be upset they still used 2000's helmet heads with no physics. So let's hope maybe they are using DirectX to add some physics to things?
  5. It is weird they spent so much time weaving it into existing systems when no one wanted that. What we wanted was an easy build mode where we can spend hours building our houses exactly as we want. Maybe placing trophies or something. Letting creativity rule and let the community express itself. Instead they gave us another place to grind and another material sink. A huge amount of dev time went into this to miss the mark so badly. And the sort of thing a beta won't reveal because no one had to spend years farming the materials. And now the only way to fix it is to root out all this new code and new hooks into the existing systems and make a new simple one. Want to make us harvest wood? Sure, fine. Make it use basic resource nodes. That's ok. All the refining can be done on site starting from basic resource nodes. Nothing special or weird. A actual fun way to drain the world of mithril could be great rather than things like provisioner tokens. I feel like Anets desire to slow the community down with grinding accidentally bled into this new game archetype that they are not used to. They didn't realize that making your house freely customizable for free keeps people playing for longer. That's why people still play The Sims. Will Wright famously said he discovered Sim City while building another game. He discovered building the city itself was more fun.
  6. I dunno, I would think it would. But then why not sell wigs instead that count as the head slot?
  7. Mostly that the prices and difficulty are way too high and exceed the fun threshold and move into grinding. I assume eventually enough people will have the same problem and the markets will get flooded with materials making it easier. But it kind of sucks right now. Go make glue.... where? Back out, find a character that makes glue, etc. This isn't particularly smooth or fun. At least not for me. And I really enjoyed My Time At Sandrock, which isn't far off in system comparison.
  8. I've only been through the first map so far, doing random events. But it's been great. The map is very well designed, and everything is very pretty. The place even feels lived in.
  9. Getting the band back together should be a quest line. Possibly to save a church. With a lot of police chasing us.
  10. That actually added a little hype. That boss will be dead content very quickly though. Sounds way to complicated for randoms to group together and finish it. And that's all you can really expect from PVE after the raiders rush through the content first.
  11. They could give us the same terrain and ground box tools they are using. But I imagine there isn't a good way to save that per player.
  12. Just saw that post, they are adding epic games store. Steam gave us 2000 more players. Maybe another 500 for Epic? What do you think?
  13. I'm not super interested in the housing. I know they worked hard on it, but it won't be as good as even basic implementations in other games, so it's very meh and if it was included with other significant features, I would skip it. As it's the banner feature. I don't know. Might wait for a discount on this expansion. And if the map exploration is as bad as SoTO was, I will probably never go there beyond doing the story. And if its just map wide metas again, I will actively avoid the maps. So really, because of how disappointing SoTO was, I am not willing to prepurchase, I am waiting for the final release so we can see the whole package.
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