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Posts posted by Neilug.7935

  1. I've been replaying this elite specialization recently, in order to feel close to Ritualists from gw1 by summoning spirits, but it feels so meh to use some of the skills or traits. Something feels off, and I wish some efforts would be put into it 😄 !

    Traits - Minors :

    • Ambush Commander : When you critically strike, or attack your enemies from behind or their flanks, or strike a defiant foe, you'll inspire yourself with Kalla's fervor.
      Gain access to Citadel Order abilities.

      The stacks goes up to 5, and will always be quickly at 5. What is the points of the stacks anyway ? Can't we have anything more interesting, like consuming stacks/generating stacks ?
    • Endless Enmity : Grant fury to yourself and nearby allies when you critically strike a foe.
      Why not, it's a minor trait after all.
    • Brutal Momentum : Gain increased critical-hit chance (10% - 33% at max endurance). Gain vigor when you gain fury.
      Very strong minor traits, opening up build diversity so much by giving at no cost so much critical chance

    Conclusion : I think Kalla's fervor could find benefits in having a consuming/generating stacks, effects on thresholds, with higher numbers of stacks, similar to how Harbinger have had this game design introduce to it.

    Citadel Order abilities :

    • Heroic Command : Refresh the duration of your Kalla's Fervor and grant nearby allies might for every stack.
      It has a decent use for a low cost of energy. If Kalla's fervor had more synergy with stacks consuming/generation, maybe it could find even more usage !
    • Citadel Bombardment :  Open a portal through the mists of time, unleashing a storm of artillery from the united legions.
      It has strong base damage, but I think it cost too much energy, which requires often the usage of Charged Mists (and which synergizes extremely well with Renegade). Aside from that, that skill could be part of the "consuming stacks" part of the renegade, making it a really strong damage skill with low cooldown, like an elite skill maybe ?
    • Orders from Above :  Orders from above arrive, renewing your abilities and those of your nearby allies.
      I like this skill as well, because it's kinda like a meditation allowing your allies and you to "recharge faster" your skills.

    Conclusion : I think overall all those skills could be interacting with Kalla's Fervor more, with a "stack generation & consuming with thresholds".
    Giving your orders more significant to use at certains thresholds, with maybe totally new effects, instead to just spamming them off cooldown, or to just never use them.


    Traits - Adepts :

    • Wrought-Iron Will : Evading an attack inspires you with Kalla's Fervor and grants boons to nearby allies.
      Dead trait. Why would I dodge to lose my critical chance from 33% to 10 %? The boons also kinda suck, being Resolution & Regen 😕

    Conclusion : They all have a purpose to generate Kalla's Fervor . By having a deeper game design with stacks (like 20/25 stacks) the decision to which to use could actually find some usage !


    Traits - Master :


    • Bold Reversal : When you use a heal skill, gain resistance.
      Poor trait. Could find usage with the "double line game design", like "Give X when do this, and Give Y".
    • Heartpiercer : Bleeding you inflict deals more damage.
      Synergizes well with shortbow, which is a nice niche trait. But this trait use to have that "double line game design", which allowed arrow to pierce. I think giving it another bonus could make it more interesting, such as inflicting bleeding under certains conditions, but could fall into the "best in slot" dismissing the other master traits.
    • All for One : Using Legendary Renegade abilities grants protection to allies near the summoned warband member.
      Strong trait, which gives a lot of protection to your party. Could benefits as well with an additional line of effect.

    Conclusion : I wish the traits were more interesting, some could have benefits if an additional effect was applied to them.


    Traits - Grand Master :

    • Vindication : Gaining Kalla's Fervor grants you might. Citadel Bombardment pulls more missiles into Tyria for every stack of Kalla's Fervor affecting you.
      Improving the F3 skill, it's an interesting concept. Could be even more interesting with the "stack generation & consuming with thresholds" I've mentioned multiple time, making it a very strong skill to use as an all-in.
    • Lasting Legacy : Kalla's Fervor you inspire lasts longer and is more potent. Heroic Command grants more might per stack of Kalla's Fervor.
      Meant to give permanently stronger damage, and could find usage in "stack generation & consuming with thresholds", meaning you would want to keep your stacks instead of consuming them.
    • Righteous Rebel : Kalla's Fervor reduces the damage you receive from conditions. Orders from Above lasts longer and affects a larger area.
      Strong traits for support, just taking it allow you to give your team easily permanently alacrity.

    Conclusion : One is meant to improve the damage of your F3 citadel skills, one is meant for your Kalla's Fervor stacks, and one is meant for your F4

    Slot skills :

    • Breakrazor's Bastion
      Strong spirit which provides a decent party healing. I like this one :). Could benefits from being a water field.
    • Razorclaw's Rage
      I don't see the point of this spirit unless as a min/max damage output with a party.
      I think as a game design of a "party buffer" it could be so much more. With its 1 internal second cd, I think also it kinda kill the idea behind.

    • Darkrazor's Daring
      I love this spirit, allowing a lot of synergy with the "on interrupt" sigils, as it interrupts 6 times. It serves also as a break stun, and I don't think it should ever be touched.
    • Icerazor's Ire
      Decent damaging spirit, but sadly that for now doesn't synergizes with the stacks of Kalla's Fervor for now. With all that "stack generation & consuming with thresholds", I believe it could find more usage as it attacks fast.
      The sad part tho of this spirit is you can't control which target it will attack.
      Maybe the projectiles could benefits as a "projectile finisher" ?
    • Soulcleave's Summit
      I don't why they've put an internal 1 seconde cd for this elite. It kills the usage, and I always feel to use it. Before you could be back to full HP by using it, which felt amazing.
      I believe giving 0 internal cooldown, but with a higher upkeep/cost, could make it more interesting again.
      Or if by balance an internal cooldown is mandatory (I don't believe it does, but why not), then it should ticks every 1/4 of seconds at least.

    Conclusion : They're kinda diversify, but I feel so awful to use some of the spirits under certain conditions. Also the internal cooldown kinda kill the usage of two of them.


    TL;DR : General Conclusion :

    -> Kalla's Fervor are boring. You will always have 5 stacks. I think it could benefits from having 20/25 stacks, and having a similar "stack generation & consuming with thresholds" of the Harbinger, improving/changing skills effects. Citadel Order Abilities could totally benefits from that consuming effect.

    -> Spirits Internal cooldowns kill the fun and the usage of them. Lower it at least to 1/4 of seconds

    -> Some traits will never be picked by design, as they are extremely boring. They could be improved by having an additional effect with them

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  2. It was one of the most interesting weapon to play with ! I enjoyed it :)!


    I just wish there were actually magic in it, such as a reference to GW1 Paragon, which were very close to Warriors (even tho Guardian is a mixed of Ritualist/Monk/Paragon thing...)

    As a support weapon, I would add an access to a fire field, and a blast finished, so it could actually give might in some interesting ways. So far we only have the longbow that can create fields, and I don't think it would hurt warrior to have access to such a field.
    Also there is a way to make an epic animation, bringing back the wings of the Paragon (like the one used by the DragonHunter on their F2 skill), shouting, galvanazing everyone on the battlefield !
    Since the #5 is already a very nice heal skill, I would rework the F skill to achieve that fantasy (could still give AoE healing or barrier)

    A skill that could actually throw the staff like a spear would be super welcome into that philosophy of a Paragon !

  3. Maybe already shared, but:

    • The fact it's a ranged weapon kinda suck, especially those reused animations from Ranger Axe.

      I would rather it being a mixed, with a melee auto attack on, where the combo 3 would actually throw a spinning axe that pierce.

      #2 skill should still be ranged, but I hope it completely get reworked. Right now being the exact same equivalent of Ranger suck and make it heavily boring. It should still be the main spinning axe generation.

      That idea to have a weapon where you actually have to play melee/ranged is interesting. Making it a ranged weapon on AA by default makes it boring to play and safe. Thief game design is not about safe plays.


    • #3 with dagger off-hand, I am disappointed you can teleport (not behind tho lmao), and then use dagger #5 to go stealth, but piercing axes would reveal you instantly. It should keep you furtive, to allow actual fun combo to do.


  4. Thank you for acknowledging your mistakes on Warrior and others takes, sincerely.

    Despite this is not perfect, and/or too soon to tell, at least for Warrior I can feel a game design behind it, and it feels better on paper.



    FYI: we’ve also added an additional balance update to our release schedule on August 23, focused on buffing a larger set of specializations.


    This is very much appreciated, and it's a tight schedule, I hope we will get a few rework or improvement on unused specs/weapons/utilities other than just numbers 😄. Fingers crossed !


    I hope also you learnt from your mistakes ArenaNET and finally dedicated a team to balance.


    Balance is hard, but it is one of the main reasons that makes a player come back and play the game (casual example is league of legends with their 2weeks balance patches - which is extremely short).

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  5. This one has, for me, a lot of possibility of combo with traits, just with the combo you can do with the munitions ! And it's really satisfiying!

    That said, I have a few remark to say, which could also be controversial since it's kind of big with game design


    - 1 weapon in combat, core adrenaline burst

    I think some weapon feel too weak without their F1 burst skill, and a great example is hammer. This forces still, for min/max purpose, to play axe to maximize your flow as fast as possible, also increasing your overall pure dps.

    Meanwhile Hammer with its trait could as well give you flow, you lose 1 huge aoe CC with the F1, making the trait not that worth taking.

    To counter balance that, and to avoid swaping with 3 weapons, maybe we can be lock with 1 weapon in combat (the one we initialize with), and when we would swap in combat, it would give the gunblade.

    So there would be still a loss : you have only access to 1 burst skill - that you have to choose at the beginning of your combat, and a forced GunBlade.


    - Traits should have a condition one

    And here it's more for a fun perspective, and diversity, but why not having a Tiers 3 trait inflicting something like 20 stacks of burn but no damage ?
    I think it could be cool, even if it can be easily purged (or played around by inflicting before/after others conditions to avoid the cleanse), it could be satisfying to watch something die slowly, ticks by ticks 😛 

    Aside from that, I think that's it for me ! Thank you for reading, and keep up the good work devs ! 😄

  6. I really really like what in the end has been given to the Vindicator, even tho its french name is "Justiciar", which is a White Mantel title, and makes it very much uncoherent with the lore (by the way, please also pay attention for others languages, I was not the only one to complain about the weird result of translation in other languages).

    Rant aside, thank you a lot, I had a lot of satisfaction moment by playing celestial, and balancing between damage or support when it was needed.

    That said, now I will give my feedback on what I think is missing on this specs.

    - Greatsword should apply some based condition damage, to be hybrid DPS/condition damage (but still mainly Pure DPS) :

    I think aside from the shortbow, we didn't really get a condition damage weapon for a while. Greatsword is also a big fan favorite (and it is for me :p), so I would love actually to play Mace/Axe + GreatSword.

    So far, the only condition damage we can have is applying tourment with chill, and it's not a lot haha. The #5 could apply chill for 1second each, which could help a lot for example, or/and the #2 directly applying x stacks of tourment.
    I don't want a main "condition damage", but hybrid would be really satisfying !


    That's it for my feedback on this spec ! Thank you for reading me, and keep up the great work developers ! 😄

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  7. That new version of blight & thresholds is as expected way more fun to use, so I don't have much to say. It's also hard to design so I can understand the whole struggle haha. But here my thoughts anyways : 

    - Elixirs still are too similar to one with the others, even with blight thresholds
    I know it can be a design purpose, but then, it feels kinda boring which one we need to use ? ("Do I use the condition one ? The breakstun one ? The damage one ?")
    I don't mind for example them having a similar base effects without blight threshold, but all of them having actually new additional effects could be very satisfying to use : one could create an area of effects for x seconds, one could create x new minions, etc...

    By the way, I believe adding a new minion to this elite spec would allow more traits to combo with, that has been seen with Reaper where you can do something fun with Death Magic and Death Nova. I really hope this will be taken into consideration, why not a decomposing new minion, that could explode on death (similar to the one created with the Lich Form) ?

    -  Traits are still very linear, this makes it feel boring 

    Again, can be a purpose of game design, but I believe the traits don't combo very well with what has to offer the core Necromancer. There is too much similarities between the Pure DPS, and Condi DPS, and that makes it very linear to play (this is why it can be a design purpose)
    One solution could be to look at other spec lines of the necromancer, and design some traits based on them, but again it's kinda complicated.


    That said, I think that's it for Harbinger from my side. Thank you for reading, and keep up the good work dear devs ! 😄

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  8. As said multiple time, I really liked a vaste majority of the changes, and thank you a lot for that ! ❤️


    3) The Vindicator perpetually feels like a hybrid and is difficult to specialize into a damage-dealing role.

    That said, I would like to hear the design decision for the Greatsword of the Vindicator to not be hybrid damage ? I was waiting for the greatsword to come for so long, and, I don't mind Mace/Axe being mainly condition damage, but I would have love the Greatsword to deal some of them (hybride oriented)


    3) Elixirs are boring! Press button, get boon isn't enough for the base version of the skill, even if traits do let them do more.

    Here, I would love one of the elixir to create a new minion.
    You may already know, but just giving a new minion to the Reaper opened so much possibilities and team building !
    So, if one of the elixir had that, for example applying a debuff on target, and on death dealing damage & summoning x new minion(s), that would be amazing !

    But all of that is not the most important, but if in the end all of that gets implemented, I would love it by a loooooooooooot

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