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Everything posted by DuckDuckBOOM.4097

  1. But it is a 20 sec cd stun break. Can't sum up the bad without the good. Oh absolutely that's a great aspect of it. I was mostly focused on the offensive aspect due to the claim "no one gets hit by it anyways."
  2. Sure that 10x damage was PvE but it still tells the bigger story of a huge player skill gap which is definitely there in PvP. I know you can double cast the gs evade if you cancel it at the right time. I know you can jump with GS 4 and other counter attacks to keep channeling blocks. I also usually screw those up and/or don't always bother with it. I also doubt that the vast majority of players even know you can do those things because of that "10x" skill gap. I 100% understand why top ranger players would be pissed and I feel bad for you but I'm not upset. That 15 endurance helps me with my next dodge and I can time that dodge when I want to. That's also a bit more healing/prot uptime because of an active dodge instead of evade frames. Making GS4 a full channeled block is a buff to my defenses that isn't randomly wasted on a clone etc when I mess up a jump. You lose an evade and damage on GS auto but you gain an evade and damage on GS4.2. I don't like the argument that no one gets hit by bandit's defense. I can say that about any skill to try to trivialize anyone's argument. I'll do it now. GS auto is only an evade and not pressure since no one ever gets hit by GS auto. /s. 3 second channel block followed by a 5 second window to evade & CC on a 12 second CD is a lot better than bandits defense taking up a utility slot. Bandit's defense also doesn't have an evade on that kick so it can be interrupted. Again, I understand your loss but it's 100% a gain for me.
  3. What are you talking about? Well of suffering has a coeff of 3 over 6 hits. That is only 0.5 coeff per pulse. Meanwhile longbow auto is 0.7-0.9. Power soul beast has way more modifiers than necro. How the heck would necro hit 15k-20k per pulse without sic'em? Also wells are 900 range. So are shades. Longbow is "1500" but actually is closer to 1800 range. That's almost double the range of necro wells/shades. A MAX dps power reaper vs a golem is only doing maybe 10k per tick with the power well and the power well does twice as much damage as the condi well. There is no way a necro hits you for 15k with well of suffering unless you are naked. Anyhow, if they want to give ranger a spot in WvW Zergs, I think the best shot is to buff SB group stability to be a contender in replacing FB in some subgroups. The only other group stability right now aside from guardian is either mantra of concentration mesmer (not long enough duration) or dwarven road on rev (which just sucks at 1 stack). Shared Dolyak stance is actually good and almost comparable to stand your ground (especially after it gets nerfed next patch). 6 second base stability, 5-6 stacks each. Stand your ground is 10 targets but will be nerfed to 3 stacks soon. So SB has the only real contender for group stab for WvW. SB just needs 1 more source of group stability. I would do this by basically copy-pasting shared Dolyak stance onto Unflinching Fortitude. Remove the 100% dmg reduction and make it aoe stability + immunity to chill, cripple and immobilize. So only SB (not core ranger which makes it easier to balance), only when merged with a stout pet (easy to balance again) has two sources of group stability. Furthermore, the stability + immunity to chill, cripple and immobilize give SB an "unstoppable movement" niche. I could see this version of SB being useful to WvW zerg subgroups that melee push. So it wouldn't even completely replace FB in all subgroups but just a melee groups. Giving a second class group stability that competes with FB would significantly shake up the WvW meta and give ranger a spot in zergs. Traits. I've been hit by necro wells at the same distance that i'm firing my longbow. If i'm being hit by a kitten necro well at the max distance at as my Longbow, I really don't know what to tell yah, other than some kitten would seriously be messed up. Then again, i'm not the fool programmer trying to hide things behind my boss' back in the programmers office.There is no trait that does that.
  4. 1) I never said I was for or against that nerf. I was pointing out the absurd lie that @KeyOrion.9506 told when they claimed necro wells do 15k-20k per pulse at the same range as ranger. That is objectively false on both the range and the damage. If you cant get those numbers in optimal max PvE buff scenarios, you won't get those numbers in WvW unless you are hitting a naked.2) If you think someone killing me in WvW means I have the honor breathing because that makes me less than them, you need help. It's a game. Nothing you accomplish in this game gives you honor.
  5. What are you talking about? Well of suffering has a coeff of 3 over 6 hits. That is only 0.5 coeff per pulse. Meanwhile longbow auto is 0.7-0.9. Power soul beast has way more modifiers than necro. How the heck would necro hit 15k-20k per pulse without sic'em? Also wells are 900 range. So are shades. Longbow is "1500" but actually is closer to 1800 range. That's almost double the range of necro wells/shades. A MAX dps power reaper vs a golem is only doing maybe 10k per tick with the power well and the power well does twice as much damage as the condi well. There is no way a necro hits you for 15k with well of suffering unless you are naked.Anyhow, if they want to give ranger a spot in WvW Zergs, I think the best shot is to buff SB group stability to be a contender in replacing FB in some subgroups. The only other group stability right now aside from guardian is either mantra of concentration mesmer (not long enough duration) or dwarven road on rev (which just sucks at 1 stack). Shared Dolyak stance is actually good and almost comparable to stand your ground (especially after it gets nerfed next patch). 6 second base stability, 5-6 stacks each. Stand your ground is 10 targets but will be nerfed to 3 stacks soon. So SB has the only real contender for group stab for WvW. SB just needs 1 more source of group stability. I would do this by basically copy-pasting shared Dolyak stance onto Unflinching Fortitude. Remove the 100% dmg reduction and make it aoe stability + immunity to chill, cripple and immobilize. So only SB (not core ranger which makes it easier to balance), only when merged with a stout pet (easy to balance again) has two sources of group stability. Furthermore, the stability + immunity to chill, cripple and immobilize give SB an "unstoppable movement" niche. I could see this version of SB being useful to WvW zerg subgroups that melee push. So it wouldn't even completely replace FB in all subgroups but just a melee groups. Giving a second class group stability that competes with FB would significantly shake up the WvW meta and give ranger a spot in zergs.
  6. Sure, I can understand and accept synergy, but lb/gs builds are already very effective and pretty common. Condi based builds need more help outside of pve, and so does the Shortbow. Even if the traits aren’t swapped, the daze and stun buff would be more useful in skirmishing for any type of shortbow builds. Unfortunately it still wouldn't make it viable. Buff shortbow up 3s daze/stun and it still wouldn't be viable because shortbow has no follow up for damage. You'd just swap weapons for more dmg... And gs doesn’t need it considering the potential damage output. But the daze and stun buff doesn’t need to be in the longbow line. Maybe not, but the damage buff on interrupt is definitely good with longbow, and the fact GS is easily paired with LB, makes the damage buff on interrupt pair very well with GS and so does the stun and daze duration for GS... In a way it's like because you're using longbow and invested in marskmanship, you should use GS too. Which is kind of cool from a synergy point for view. Because your have marksmanship traits essentially just for longbow with that other master trait that gives 5% to 10% more damage and lead the wind.... but you also have the option to run these trait lines of moment of Claire and remorseless that not only help longbow but also GS because you will have to go into melee range and thats cool... Now skirmishing does have some of the coolest traits in this game. Quickness on dodge. Quick draw is the coolest trait there is... yet there are to date no builds (for PvP) that can make use of skirmishing. Personally, I don't think moment of clarity should be move but instead, skirmishing should get some kind of trait for Condi clear on swiftness or quickness gain or something so that we can be freed from the shackles of wilderness survival, hopefully grab the Shortbow trait too. And then maybe we can actually have a skirmishing shortbow build, or at least, hope for skirmishing. Point is this, and I’m not trying to be rude in any way, a trait function that buffs stun and daze doesn’t belong, or make sense, in a trait line devoted to a weapon devoid of any stun or daze period. Shortbow builds are far behind in any wvw or pvp play, unlike the common, and highly effective, lb/gs “me too” builds you see. Lb and gs aren’t underperforming weapons compared to some others, and those others need some extra help where they can get it. Look at the link you posted.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Moment_of_Clarity50% stun/daze duration was added later in the game. It's main purpose is NOT to extend the duration of CCs like you claim. It's main purpose was and still is increasing your and your pets next hit after interrupt by 50%. This trait is exactly where it belongs: the power/burst trait line. MM is not just a LB traitline. The extra stun/daze duration is a nice bonus to GS but also Druid Dazes, SB Gazelle F2 and any daze/stun on a future elite spec that, fingers crossed, might be announced soon. Short bow and skrim need some love but stun/daze duration MoC is not it. Pets don’t get the buff.You mean this one?https://imgur.com/a/v722TckWhere my Tiger F2 does 50% more dmg when I actually land an interrupt?Also at @Eurantien.4632If you are talking about my Gazelle comment, I was referring to the merged soul beast F2 being a daze not the pet F2. So you are going by the wiki description? Really? Those don't even come from in game. They are just what someone decided to write. I can go an edit that wiki to include enhances CC too. MM is not only about longbow. No single trait line should be dedicated to a single weapon. That is bad design because every build needs at least 3 trait lines. 50% stun/daze duration fits along with the main purpose of the trait, bonus power damage after interrupts. The slightly longer CC helps land the following bonus hit. Also, since I do occasionally run power Druid (PvE), the stun/daze duration would be missed. That's 50% less on break bars in PvE on glyph of equality, storm spirit active, CA3, GS5 and primal echoes. Listen, 50% stun/daze duration isn't helping condi builds outside of PvE. Best case scenario, the 50% bonus to short bow 5, only if you get a flanking stun, gives you 2 more auto attacks into someones back. Ranger condi builds have easy access to immobilize and condition duration. Since immob also prevents rotating your character, buffing immob or giving shortbow better capacity to flank is a much better buff than 50% stun/daze duration. Basically replace short bow 3 withhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Earthen_Rushand you probably have a much better chance of condi ranger working in PvP/WvW because it can get into position and hold an enemy down for a flanking shot. You would still be able to about face to run away with it too. Give sword 3/dagger 4 bonus conditions if you hit an enemies flank (bonus immob/more poison stacks). Change 10% crit while flanking to 2 stacks of poison when you hit an enemy flank (~3 second ICD).
  7. Sure, I can understand and accept synergy, but lb/gs builds are already very effective and pretty common. Condi based builds need more help outside of pve, and so does the Shortbow. Even if the traits aren’t swapped, the daze and stun buff would be more useful in skirmishing for any type of shortbow builds. Unfortunately it still wouldn't make it viable. Buff shortbow up 3s daze/stun and it still wouldn't be viable because shortbow has no follow up for damage. You'd just swap weapons for more dmg... And gs doesn’t need it considering the potential damage output. But the daze and stun buff doesn’t need to be in the longbow line. Maybe not, but the damage buff on interrupt is definitely good with longbow, and the fact GS is easily paired with LB, makes the damage buff on interrupt pair very well with GS and so does the stun and daze duration for GS... In a way it's like because you're using longbow and invested in marskmanship, you should use GS too. Which is kind of cool from a synergy point for view. Because your have marksmanship traits essentially just for longbow with that other master trait that gives 5% to 10% more damage and lead the wind.... but you also have the option to run these trait lines of moment of Claire and remorseless that not only help longbow but also GS because you will have to go into melee range and thats cool... Now skirmishing does have some of the coolest traits in this game. Quickness on dodge. Quick draw is the coolest trait there is... yet there are to date no builds (for PvP) that can make use of skirmishing. Personally, I don't think moment of clarity should be move but instead, skirmishing should get some kind of trait for Condi clear on swiftness or quickness gain or something so that we can be freed from the shackles of wilderness survival, hopefully grab the Shortbow trait too. And then maybe we can actually have a skirmishing shortbow build, or at least, hope for skirmishing. Point is this, and I’m not trying to be rude in any way, a trait function that buffs stun and daze doesn’t belong, or make sense, in a trait line devoted to a weapon devoid of any stun or daze period. Shortbow builds are far behind in any wvw or pvp play, unlike the common, and highly effective, lb/gs “me too” builds you see. Lb and gs aren’t underperforming weapons compared to some others, and those others need some extra help where they can get it. Look at the link you posted.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Moment_of_Clarity50% stun/daze duration was added later in the game. It's main purpose is NOT to extend the duration of CCs like you claim. It's main purpose was and still is increasing your and your pets next hit after interrupt by 50%. This trait is exactly where it belongs: the power/burst trait line. MM is not just a LB traitline. The extra stun/daze duration is a nice bonus to GS but also Druid Dazes, SB Gazelle F2 and any daze/stun on a future elite spec that, fingers crossed, might be announced soon. Short bow and skrim need some love but stun/daze duration MoC is not it.
  8. Ranger sword 2 in game only mentions the 130 range (the stab range) and revolution probably got confused. It's Saturday and only been a few hours. Did you expect everyone to instantly read it? Anyhow, I do think SB is a bit over tuned on some level, especially roaming in WvW but that is mostly about the alpha strike potential not the mobility. Some counter points on mobility/range: The first part of sword 2 is an evade but the second part is not. Swoop (bird) is also not an evade. GS3 swoop is only an evade at the end when the ranger swings the sword. You can immob/CC during these. None of the running away mobility on ranger is instant cast: A 1-2 second cast time on 1000 range mobility is worth less than a 900 range instant teleport. The DH scenario you listed went way wrong. If you are fighting someone with unblockable, you don't use F3 and not dodge. JI + sword 2 is an instant 1800 range teleport + blind. F1 is a 1200 range leash. So basically 3k range can be covered quickly/gap closed. You cannot dodge the pull of DH F1. So leash before the SB tries to GS3 or Sword 2 and then pull them once they try to use any of their mobility skills to interrupt the mobility regardless of evade frames. 1800 range teleport + DH elite vs a glass SB with no easy stability = dead SB. If using meditation elite, channel that invuln, or double dodge. Seriously, why use F3 and face take an unblockable attack. Weaver: Burning speed? Who uses dagger on weaver while roaming? Sw + Focus or dagger. Air 2 is a 600 range teleport. Ride the lighting is 1200 range. Lighting flash is 900. More importantly though, Comet and gale are both 900 range CC skills which stops sword 2.2 and swoop before the SB has a chance to leave. Oh and that 600 range teleport air 2 is also a daze. Elite FGS 3 and 4 are both 900 range and can basically match ranger mobility. Holo: Rocket boots, rifle 5 or holo 2 to quickly gap close then...Rifle 2 and 4 are 1200 range immob and INSTANT CC. See above for when you use CC. Spell breaker.https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Spellbreaker_-_Magebane_Roamer Thief should have zero problems catching a SB: Shadow step then time Steal for a near instant 2400 range interrupt on SB mobility.Mesmer "OP". More than mesmer can reflect. Rev sword/shiro. Necro: Yeah you are right on that, just a walking bag in that scenario. Those reaper shroud/SR nerfs hurt RS2 mobility a lot which was the only real answer to these situations, especially with the projectile blocking on it. The most I can recommend is to try and abuse spectral walk and outplay the ranger. Also sacrifice something to Anet and hope they add a new elite spec with mobility on the weapon. Sword MH necro! So 8/9. Feel free to link glad videos since I'm not familiar with that streamer.
  9. I can get behind @"Pterikdactyl.7630" suggestions: especially the better visual tell/cast time on sic'em and smoke assault and removing the passive stone signet (they are trying to do that for all the classes). "Good" rangers use muddy terrain which immobs for 3s. By the time you've stunbroke and cleared immob your health is 50% if you're tanky. Dead if you're anything else. You should know this since you main ranger. Axe 4 > heal because lolmuddyterrain > axe 5. Btw slow is a thing that exists. If you keep getting hit by that combo, all you have to do is press shield 5, rifle 4, elixir S or rocket boots when you get hit by axe 4. All of those skills will remove the immob and/or interrupt the combo. Rifle 4 is the only dicey one as it can be reflected but it'll still knock you away and clear the immob. Try to land that while they cast the heal. Of course, you could just have stability to prevent the pull or dodge the axe 4. BTW, 3 of 4 of those skills are also instant cast so slow isn't an issue there. If you have really slow internet/reflexes, that is not a balance problem. However there is a solution: take reactive lenses instead of power wrench for the passive stun break on CC and hit the dodge button before the 1 second cast time on the heal.
  10. You are comparing two sets of utilities on base guard/ranger to an elite spec on a class which is forced to bring 5 or nothing of a utility via picking their legend. Rev also has energy which forces them to make a choice between which facets are channeled and for how long to channel. Facets can be made stronger because there are so many restrictions to them. If spirits are made into facets but none of the drawbacks are there, they will suck. Having the restriction of only 1 active at a time doesn't work because Rev don't have to option to mix and match/trait WS or meditations which ranger/guard can. I'm all for having use for spirits in other game modes but with the exception of the elite passive being OP, I wouldn't use any of those abilities you suggest in WvW/PvP. It would also kick Druid out of PvE too. So... I'd consider that a fail.
  11. A couple things, I hope you take this as tough love rather than me just being a jerk.We all share a fondness for Ranger or we wouldn't be on these forums.I have 3 rangers, I know some people that have 6 and more, on one account. For starters, if you aren't happy with the game, you don't have to play.There are more classes than Ranger although I will mention again, Ranger is VERY competitive. I don't share your love for guildwars. It didn't ring my bell. It was a pretty girl that was not my type.Stop holding on to the memory. This is not that game.Even if they bring back a monk, you aren't going to be happy with the gw2 incarnation.And do you know why? This isn't guildwars.And its not even here yet.No use dreaming of what was or will be until it is. Ya feel me? Honestly, how about you take my word for it, and go learn soulbeast.It wont feel right but,It is MORE ranger than a vanilla Ranger.There is MORE I can doThere are more CC chains I can perform.More unblockablesEasier ways to get stability and share it with your team!There are MORE ways to get into stealth without longbow.The pets are MORE important than before.There are more ways to get awayto healand to do dmg! In a match going far on a well played soulbeast practically carries the match. Cheers I have not taken any offence to what you have to say. but i still am disgusted by trying to play druid idk what it is I never tried and and I don't want to try it and I tried soul beast once when it first came out I was not happy with it... One thing that does bug me about your post is... For starters, if you aren't happy with the game, you don't have to play. This bothers me, I have played this as my main game for over 16 years now. Ranger was always my main... and I still feel like they turned it into trash. the damage on LB is trash there really is no point in using it now by by Kudzu what a was it was to make that. ( no balance for LB compared to other weapons)so now I have chose Necro as my main for now, as far as the game its self I enjoyed GW1 and GW2 sorry if you didnt like GW1 but I loved it. and at the time it was a little more complicated to play compared to GW2. GW2 is easy Vs GW1... But enough of the past. I am not happy with what they have done to Ranger which was my main, Instead I find myself kind of lost in the game I play more Necro now then anything else waiting for the day of a new part of the game to come out and hope they bring something back to ranger that might perk up my interest again. Druid required in all fractals and all Riadswell like I said before they place druid on rangers because the build worked better on ranger then it did for guard or rev i forgot which one it was that was a post to take that roll any hoot I never wanted to do it i never wanted to play it I never thought it was right to force ranger into being a healer and i still feel it was wrong. So i do fractals everyday I don't do raids I have not found a interest to do them, My other is PvE and PvP but I don't take ranger anymore again I have had to chose another for my main because I no longer enjoy playing the class of ranger, and I guess at this point I am kind of mad for even making it my main considering all main crafting is on her and not on any other class she sits by a crafting station just to knock out whatever daily crafting I need to do. I don't want to play like a thief so souldbeast takes out my ranger to something comeback to when they improve the play stile to something that is more agreeable for me to play. If you like Ranger i am happy for you. but its not for me anymore. SoulBeast requires: Dagger/Axe, Sword/Axe, Greatsword, and Beastmodeall those weapons are close range ( Which is more of a play stile for Thief)well I guess they wanted you to play more like a thief here rather then a ranger so grats on all that like thief because I hate that class.Well I feel like they wanted you to act more like a thief here rather then a ranger. I didn't enjoy these skills that they placed on ranger with the weapon choice. Its not fun for me. I always hated thief and i don't like the feel when playing soulbeast, I realy dont care for melding with my pet * Beastmode I have known a lot of player and most of them ran ranger as there main and what I see now is that they don't play ranger anymore they basically swapped to other to charters play now, I know of many other rangers that feel the same, they are just to afraid to post on here because some peeps cant take the criticism from how others feel and windup getting a fraction for what they have to say. I have 3 rangers, I know some people that have 6 and more, on one account.I should not need more then 1 ranger, and gw2 should have a way save for our builds. But I did make another. I just see it as them wanting to make more money off of us. and at this point I will need to agree with you I will need to make others so I can have one for PVE, WvW, PvP, Raids and Fractals Take it from someone that was an altoholic/mesmer main for 12 years then swapped 4 years ago, I've been a lot happier with gw2 when i accepted that I enjoy playing ranger and necro a lot more than mesmer. Gw1 ranger could do necro touch or scythe or hammer builds and they were all meta in some form of play due to strong stances evades. So even back then, ranger wasn't only a melee class. Gw2 doesn't do 75% evade stances because it's a different game. It has those active leaps and evades gw2 style. You can also use axe axe or longbow on soulbeast. It's not restricted to melee in pvp.
  12. Owl is one of the most used Soulbeast Pets in PvP and usually paired with either a pig/siamoth or smokescale.The speed is nice, but the leaps on the way to nodes or to get out of a bad situation is amazing and the heal is clutch. Oh for sure. I tried giving pve/wvw advice because PvP doesn't require taming?
  13. I would add smokescale to the above for casual solo/wvw. Iboga, bristleback, lynx and warthog for condi. Owl is more of a wvw/solo sustain and speed choice. Personally not a fan of jacaranda but it seems like a popular pick. Maybe fern hound if you want to power or condi druid: it's weird in that its regen acts as if you applied it and charged ca.
  14. I think I have a problemPower SB/Power druid setCondi SBCondi DruidHealer
  15. I miss the days when most people brought reflects (which can be huge DPS increases!) and blinds in fotm and didn't require a healer. I can still run a meta glass cannon build such as SB, DH or BS in a casual pug group without a healer/chrono and usually not die; when I get downed, it's not the absence of a healer but my own mistake. So I fully agree that it's usually the "dps" player that isn't good enough/adapting to survive. It is annoying when players blame the druid because they cant accept fault. That being said, I don't leave pug groups if things aren't going super well. I also play with some casual guildies. Nothing I say in the moment is going to make a bad pug play better. Nothing I say is going to make it so that a friend doesn't have RA. So I do what "good" players should do. I adapt. Sometimes it means looking at the group and realizing my Druid buffs aren't doing crap because the group is spread out, so I swap to DH and basically solo stuff. However, sometimes that means swapping to Druid because regardless of how poorly the other players are doing, support classes can make things go really smooth if the team stacks. And if I can make those swaps, but choose not to adapt, those other players are still "at fault", but I am actually at fault there too. TLDR... I think you are actually missing Sephylon's point. Sure there is an overarching "meta" for gw2 but the actual most efficient tactic available in a group playing poorly (aside from leaving) is swapping to the build that carries the hardest and it's often a support build.
  16. Because GW2 doesn't need to copy everything other games do. It can do its own thing. I, for one, am glad Soulbeast didn't turn out to be some sort of shaman copy pasta. Also, available resources and possible tech limitations. With that kind of mentality we would have never gotten mounts, and see where we are now, we have mounts, and they're better than any other MMO's mounts. Soulbeast and druid are both missed opportunities to do shapeshifting elite specialization justice.I wanted this too but my fashion wars...Then again we have the green swirly which is annoying to deal with
  17. I've bought various harvest tools and gliders for a single alt (I have 16) because of fashion wars. Even though I think they're a bit pricey, all of them haven't been rng and I'm willing to support a game I love playing. I want to buy different mount skins for my alts but I refuse to support the rng nature of this update and won't ever buy a mount skin if this model doesn't change. The Halloween mounts were actually a nice balance. If you like gambling, get black lion key's. If not, it's 2k gems for a set. I would be ok with continuing this trend. Have guaranteed ways of buying a mount skin (I'm ok with a bit pricey here but 2k gems for one jackal is too much). 2k for a set, 500 for guaranteed individual, and 300 for those that feel the need for rng. Or a rare drop in blc that gives you a random unlock.
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