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Everything posted by tomaxamot.2683

  1. it's probably just like the grothmar valley node thingie-cause mucho dinero to buy n gives useless mat that u cant sell to npc or players n cant consume it for Violatile Magic n then a few days later u can buy it on TP for half the cost from npc vendor :( we just have too much in game gold :( :)
  2. we need more Kas-smear n Marg-ery n their girl on girl stuff :) that will make everyone happy :) n add in a Can-notch here n there for some vegetable dietary fibers :) cause u know u need to have some Vitameatavegamin to become regular n to help u from being tired, run down, n listless n not poop out at parties :) lol
  3. lol only 4071 hrs? :( try 15k hours n then maybe u can start complaining n 'expecting' this n that patch by this n that time frame :) i m sure more people has more than 15k hours played on this game :) n even then anet wont give in cause u r whiny about expecting this n that. just live with the LS episode; it's always meant to be short like that. remember u r not reading a freaking 800-2000 page Hairy Potter or Lord of the Pings book. :)
  4. to answer your question, crepuscular, i did select the map, n it was the Djinn map. from what i saw in the old forum chats n reddit chats, this map has been around since 2015 with the same results-players logging out n back in dont help, going to another toon dont help; only thing it works is wait for awhile or long time then it disappears naturally or it was anet bug fixers that did it while u were offline. n to your comment of 'logging out for 30mins to fix it' ... i did that, more than 30mins n it didnt work. i tell ya i noticed something strange when the 1st time the Djinn map was part of the selection n i selected it but the other people didnt n the random system picker didnt pick it but it was slow n laggy to start the match from the Map Result window, but at the time i just thought it was my system doing background updates like Microsoft or Norton... but then the 2nd the Djinn map was part of the selection, 6 people including me selected it, 2 abstine, 2 selected something else-n then Djinn was selected as the next map to start, that's when it froze like u r skiing down the slopes of the French Alps with nothing on in the winter while eating a peppermint paddy :) n now all these more people r posting the same experience...brrrrr
  5. yay it got fixed. ty anet :) but i m kind of afraid to queue up again for ranked pvp-i might get stuck again on that Map Result window n have to wait awhile again for it to get fixed :( lol :)
  6. i m still stuck after 2hrs now. so i dont know if any1 noticed but i 1st got stuck in Map Result window is when the new map, Djinn's Dominion was part of the selection n it selected that a next map to start. could it be the Djinn's Dominion map that is causing this? n now if i add people to my party n then port to them at their map zone the system kicks them off the party. also if i add them in party n enter my home instance it hard crashed them, kicks them from party while i could enter my own n when they log back in they r put at the beginning of that map zone, not where they were earlier. n if i have them in my party n enter their home instance i get hard crashed n gets kicked out of the party n when relogged i get put at the beginning of the map zone. still waiting on that fix, anet :)
  7. lol exactly, welcome to the club :( :) i have been trying to do home dig n guild hall dig with that stupid giant Map Result window in the middle of my screen for 30mins now. super slow going i tell ya. please fix this bug.
  8. i m still stuck on that 'map resutls' window after 15mins n 2 reports sent in. cant do anything on other toons because that big window box is dab smack in the middle of the screen n cant see a thing. at least make that a 'floating' window so we can move it aside so we can see. please fix.
  9. i was playing for like an hour or so n then logged out for a break for 10 mins, n logged back in n got that message lost all of my HoM titles n the AP as well :( please fix this anet.
  10. it's still bugged. besides, as the name states-Eerie Driftwood, it's eerie n it drifts, so u just have to wait for it to drift towards u. it could have taken a different stream path than your other players/friends :)
  11. yeah but then your said auto maid/butler would ask for a pay raise since u havent paid them in eons in in-game reality time or they would go on strike with picket signs right outside all the home instances with all the other auto maids n butlers n gardeners n home chiefs n your mount care takers :) n then they would say the uniform they must wear is too sexist n shows too much skin or not of n they will sue u to the auto maid-butler workers union n then when u come back into your home instance everything would be a mess: Hunters Hearth would be full of drunken norns sleeping here n there n their vomits everywhere n broken furniture all over the place; charr machinery would be thrown this way n that in your Hero's Canton n charr fur all over the place n not a vacuum cleaner in sight; overgrown plants everywhere in your Dreamer's Terrace with seed pods spilling out of every cabinet n strange sylvari u have never seen before hammicking everywhere; nutty inquest techs testing crazy contraptions in your Applied Development Lab n u step on unknown ghostly goops everywhere n they want to scan n probe u because u r a bookah; loud unknown humans trying to sell u stuffs that u dont need in your Salma District n squatters wants u to spare them coins n Caudecus said u still owe him this months' rent even though your maid/butler had sent the rent last week. :)
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