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Everything posted by Bugabuga.9721

  1. In our case we have one good WvW guild in alliance and various degree of bad players and we got topped up with random bad pugs. Result -- one map with good wvw guild has KDR of 5, every other map 0.02 - 0.3. So it's a bit of an ugh. And same goes for coverage -- outside of NA prime time outmanned everywhere in off hours. So whatever method of new "server" forming is not really working very well. Or severely depends on how lucky you are
  2. Yeah this is happening repeatedly in Griffonfall/Skrittsburgh/Seven Pines match-up. If you queue EBG 100% won't get there first time around, you'll get "borderland ready, try to travel, whoops it's full back to queue for an hour, have fun" thing.
  3. Even after adjustment fishing in Horn of Maguuma is basically impossible, and requires special _special_ effort with food and fishing power (and you lose stacks when you move between maps). Can it be more normal? Was there any particular reason to make it extra hard? Just to discourage players from fishing there in general because that takes away players from rift hunting or... ?
  4. If you buy multiples of item (i.e. Bag of Laurels x 5) until you run out of Astral currency several things go wrong: 1. Buying "last" pack does not deplete rewards to zero. So start with 50 rewards, buy 5 bags of laurels at 10 each, system will say everything is ok. Your display _will continue to show 50 currency_ even though actual amount is now zero 2. From that point until you close and re-open the Wizard's Vault window the display will continue to claim you have 50 currency even if it's actually zero 3. Any attempt to buy something will show "ERROR: Your inventory is full!" except your inventory is not full, it's just you're out of astral currency things
  5. Please stop adding these mini-dungeons to mandatory daily, especially as everything is broken. Three different maps, nothing works. Events finished but "cannot open chest", and then it resets p.s. fourth map finally worked, with events properly registering and then one of the final chests opening. This took about 35 minutes 😞
  6. It would be better if legendary relic was introduced upon release instead of unspecified "future" a year or so later. Can re-do of runes be delayed until everything is ready? It feels like getting this expansion is "you pay money _and_ your quality of life is going down" in addition to breaking many builds (i.e. right now I can use Zephyrite rune to increase superspeed duration but new relic has nothing to do with superspeed at all, which makes me wonder how many builds will get broken because new relics are not one-to-one last effects)
  7. So does this mean we will no longer have quickness scrapper? As leap finisher is basically not a good thing in pve environment and application of superspeed was more convenient than some random blast finishers. Or are quickscrappers expected to be bomb kit forever? Ugh
  8. At this point if you're outmanned (i.e. SBI+eBay where combined servers _still_ get outmanned in T4, and we've got re-linked _again_ like being lowest server in lowest tier is not enough, we need to be kept here over and over) you're not expected to play support or defend, cause you're actively playing against yourself. You won't get any rewards (good luck trying to kill anyone "eligible" when 30-man blob decides they want this particular tower) _and_ your participation will go down.
  9. Up until now repairing walls/gate was basically the only reliable way to get "defender" event participation. Killing enemy invaders didn't seem to matter much, if you're lucky you'd get bronze participation, if you're not lucky it didn't count (especially towers on alpine BL by Garrison). What exactly is supposed to be done for "gold" defender event? If enemies run away from the tower then literally nothing, right? Please clarify.
  10. So with new Defense Field (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defense_Field) being "ground-targeted" it's now fully broken under water. In most cases you can't target anything because you're "too high up" in the water anyways (hello, underwater fractal), and even if you are near "ground" (as in all the way down at the bottom of the lake) you still can't deploy it at all. It will show green "OK to deploy here" indicator but simply won't do anything. Deploying shore-side works just fine. Help? 😞
  11. It seems that every time there's an "underwater" part of the story, or "cave" near initial crash site that has lots of those white-shimmery-crystals my Gigabyte 3070 revs up to 80C and has all fans blasting at maximum. Looking at other parts of the map or moving away from the area of the cave, or even just opening map view for a bit calms everything down immediately. Anybody else has this issue?
  12. Well, _now_ anyone who might have repaired in the past faces simple choice: if you don't kill the important stuff (not every enemy NPC now counts) or actually take an objective (as in enemy doesn't actively guard camp or something) repairing loses you participation. Basically encouraging run with the zerg, discourage going into outmanned map (if you're in severely skewed population map you're out of luck).
  13. SBI got Devona's Rest and Giant's Rise. So far reset is "filled one map and 10 man queue in EBG". Ick 😞
  14. Also note -- if you open the first chest you _have_ to exit the instance and get into a different one. If you're in the same (even if you re-enter it and get placed onto the same map) the first chest will no longer grant any progression as it will be "open". So... exit completely before re-trying.
  15. I presume the reason for JP being mandatory for Court achievement (it's still optional for overall meta achievement) is that only a small subset of people actually bothered with it. Those who are good at doing JP were just farming it for rewards (which are reduced this year) and nobody else bothered. So they're trying to "fix" it by shoving it into other achievement. Kind of like Chalice of Tears that was made mandatory for trinket achievement
  16. The Court Duty achievement (Court Duty: Gathering Evidence) requires Court Duty: Terror of the Tower -- gather 100 objectives. I can't reach even first off-side "chest" -- always get stuck in lower debris or fall off the stuff. Is there any other method to getting it? If not I guess there's no point in trying cause there's no way in Tyria I'll get anything out of that jumping puzzle Edit: Thanks DEVs, now there is an angry chest that gives progression without actual jumping. This is a great compromise -- anyone who is good at jumping can do this achieve and get glorious Joko, and for those for whom jumping is hard there's a workaround now 😄 Yay
  17. Basically when you place Razorclaw's rage on enemies in low level zone (Brisban Wildlands, for example) it simply doesn't do anything. The animation plays, it stands there, whirls, all enemies are chilling in the circular field it shows, and not a single stack of bleeding applied through while time it's up. You don't even get in combat. Icerazor works fine. I think it's a bug in a way we're scaled down in lower level zones?
  18. So after 4 or 5 of attempts finally killed both hounds by tainting corpses. Except game doesn't care. No dogs, but "Destroy the hounds by tainting their corpses with dragon energy" is still up.
  19. Between team "We Want More Thief Build Variety" and team "WE HATE ALL BOONS NERF NOW" the second team won. So support thief won't be a thing any more because having _two_ of them is, well, not smart. Healing is not that great and DPS is low. We'll just get swarmed with condi venom deadeyes doing 43k DPS with allies :) All while people will continue complaining about 30k condi firebrands ;)
  20. As new fractals are getting longer and longer and more and more mechanics heavy, we absolutely should have KP. I don't want to spend 1.5 hours on 100 (non-CM) because people keep dying over and over. Maybe when I'm bored and have extra time to kill. Otherwise please no. And KP is one of the ways to filter down the situation a bit.Ideally we should be able to show how many times particular fractal was finished. "Did Siren's Reef 200 times" is way better than "Did Siren's Reef 5 times" expectation wise.
  21. It would only be fun for first 30 minutes or so. Given that radius of AOE skills is rathe small it'll make "two zergs growl at each other" and "single-target sniper night" happen (while number of players per tick is limited, generally you can hit more of them when there's no stacking limitation) I think we should have "you don't get any stealth" events first. Having zergs not be able to stealth and sniping squads be out in the open would be a fun event.
  22. Yuikes. Basically you will get "people immediately pull back to objective with aura" and make this aura mandatory in WvW. Add to that wonderful arrow-cart fiesta and 2-3 people spamming dragon banner (from more than one objective) and you're basically increasing difficulty of taking objectives, resulting in "blob waits by 5 trebs until everything is trebbed down and all siege is destroyed" situation -- hardly optimal. No Downstate itself is a rather bad for anyone except 'I want to gank players out of stealth and run away if attempt fails' type of builds and encourages more and more tanky blob type of fight. It's a temporary disruption that interrupts wvw regulars for a bit (and the worst possible time for PvE-ers to join WvW to try it out) but the whole thing is, it's temporary. You could make it slightly less awful if, for example, you double or triple everyone's health for the duration of the no downstate event. Frankly I'd rather us to finally get 'a week without stealth' with 'honorary combat mode' were you don't get any stealth at all and then see how many people would like that :)
  23. Same. I worked from outside map and from the pavilion. But using inside the Cliffs insta-disconnects. Using regular 'invitation' (not the universal item) works just fine though.
  24. I presume I'll have to try it again tomorrow, to see if cadence is actually 'once every 2 weeks' instead of weekly? So far everything is still locked beyond first checkmark.
  25. Mine also plays tones for each symbol, so you can repeat those by using sound :)
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