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  1. I was doing a jumping puzzle that has mobs on it and I had the tilt bug on me and as I was about to jump I reached the end of the ledge and ended up horizontal to the ground for like half a second. Failed the jump. It looked like my character had a seizure or something. Also to give you an idea of how ridiculous this can look: Let's Play Guild Wars 2 - In 2022 - Warrior - Part 7 - Immersive Leveling - Gameplay Walkthrough - YouTube watch from 31:45 to 32:50. This is a new player too so far from ideal. If it was me I would have quit right there. Also it obviously has something to do with crowd control effects on the player. Fix incoming any day now...
  2. Just to add to my last non-responding post. I could do way more with my re-shade but at a certain point it becomes something else. This is what tends to happen with most presets out there and it ends up looking like a scuffed poor mans BDO. GW2 is a cartoony looking game by default so it only makes sense to stay within that framework. Some people say that GW2 doesn't "need" a graphics update. Well no it doesn't need it but what really matters is this question, would it be a good thing for the game? The answer to that is obviously yes. WoW didn't need at least one or two of its graphics touch-ups yet they happened and the game looks that much better because of it. I'm not expecting GW2 to look 50 times as good as it does now. WoW could only do so much, these older games have a celling when it comes to graphics obviously. So when someone says that they can't tell THAT big of a difference in my re-shaded game I'm almost thinking that they are expecting to see a next-gen looking game or something. GW2 can only look a little bit better, and then a little bit better than that and it can do this a couple of times before hitting that aforementioned celling. And like I said in my OP, we are on the verge of seeing mmorpgs being made in Unreal Engine 5. That is going to make GW2 (and other mmos, GW2 isn't alone in this) look absolutely ancient.
  3. Well that's a bit baffling, are you viewing the screenshots on your phone or something? xD And I have named them appropriately but generally GShade are the ones that are a tiny bit darker, just an fyi. I guess monitor and monitor settings matter as well. On my screen the difference is pretty huge. But like I said, actually playing the game the difference is night and day. Not even close.
  4. Bear in mind I don't use "reshade" I use "GSHADE" (GPOSERS). Important distinction as GShade has some heavier shaders than reshade. As for what's costing me roughly 80-100 fps. Well its the ambient occlusion mostly, I'm running HBAO, SSDO and SSAO shaders. That's where the bulk of the performance loss is. The added shadows are not just on the rocks and trees, they are all over. Tiny pebbles, plants, in between armour and weapons on your character, npc's and other players. This is why the fps loss is so big. For world bosses and big fight in general I would of course optimise in-game settings to gain performance but I do that anyway with or without GShade on. Possibly turning one or two of the heavier shaders off if needed but so far I'm able to do stampede only optimising in-game settings. This is probably due to how the game is, in GW2 you can have 220+ fps one moment and then 80 fps the next moment depending on where you are and what's going on. This is with or without shaders so really I don't drop much lower with GShade on than I would with GShade off. So for anyone who still doesn't understand why the performance loss is so big, install GShade (GPOSERS) and activate these shaders and then you will understand when you see your fps vanish. NOT RECOMMENDED IF YOU ALREADY HAVE LOW FPS. Might fry your stuff idk. My RX 6900 XT is hovering around 97-98% with the shaders on. Basically being pushed as if GW2 is a new AAA game. Vanilla GW2 barely uses my gpu. And lastly if you are wondering I'm running a shader called "comic" which is what gives my game the Borderlands kind of look. Turning it off does make it look more realistic but I like how my character stands out with it on so I leave it.
  5. Yes there is performance loss. How big it is depends on the shaders you use. Things like HBAO and MXAO induce a significant fps loss. You can use milder shaders and only suffer a 3-10 fps loss while making your game look a decent amount better.
  6. Honestly I don't see that as a downside unless we are talking an astronomical increase in size which it wouldn't be I don't think. Many games nowadays easily surpass 100gb.
  7. Here is a comparison of my current GShade setup. I think there is a very noticeable difference and the pictures don't even do it justice, when I toggle GShade off and on the difference is massive. https://postimg.cc/gallery/QHdH9Cp If you want to get a proper understanding of what changed then download the images and switch between them back and forth. WARNING however, the things I'm running drops fps by like 100 and I'm not even kidding. It's manageable though because I have like 200+ fps without GShade.
  8. Huh that's interesting. The setup I have right now makes a HUGE difference. Structures and foliage in particular look much better. Armor and clothes are significantly improved as well because there are shadows in the crevices between armour/clothing and skin. I think you may just not have had a preset that makes that big of a difference. Go for GShade over Reshade. You can have things like MXAO in gameplay with GShade whereas with Reshade you can only really use it for screenshots due to it flickering under movement.
  9. Ah okay yeah I always end up changing peoples presets to the point where I may as well just make my own from scratch. But yes when I look at the game without GShade I almost cant believe that I could ever play like that.
  10. Oh no I wouldn't expect them to move engines but I just think that what I was able to do through a fan made overlay essentially should be possible through in-game settings. If not then that's honestly just sad. And I don't mean that in a derogatory way, genuinely sad that our game is built on such old technology that a fan made overlay beats it. And i have tried Tekkit's preset, way too dark for my taste and inconsistent. It can look amazing in one area and then not work at all in some other area. I think trying to make GW2 look like BDO is a mistake, its a cartoony game and it should be embraced otherwise like I said you create something inconsistent. With my preset I was trying to preserve the overall look of the game in order to not have to tweak based on where I am which has been the case with every preset I have tried.
  11. Completely agree, the graphics options need to be extended. Also I have read somewhere that you have to have that godawful postprocessing on in order to even see certain effects in the game effectively. If this is true then that is just abysmal. I have postprocessing on now but only because I tuned the image through GShade so now the obnoxiously bright spots that postprocessing causes cant come through as much. Before I started using GShade I couldn't have postprocessing on, no way that I could play with it on absolute eyesore.
  12. I recently watched a YouTube video on GW2 graphics and it prompted me to start fantasizing about what they could realistically do to improve the graphics. I did agree with the video in that GW2 is starting to show its age quite heavily and slowly but surely the graphics not being what I'd like them to be started bugging me. I then got into using Reshade (GShade) and I have now gotten so used to the improved look of the game that I literally couldn't go back to vanilla. The disgusting hue that postprocessing causes, the washed out colours, the lack of sharp textures (texture option needs about two or even three more steps after high) etc. Whenever I toggle GShade off I am surprised at just how and I hate to say it, bad it looks. Now you could say that the game doesn't need a graphics upgrade because there are mmos older than GW2 that are still around like WoW. Thing is WoW has upgraded it's graphics (several times I was told) and GW2 is just about 10 years old now, I think now would be the time. Especially considering that we are about to start seeing UE5 mmorpgs. This isn't a thread meant to bash the game in any way only to promote ideas and discussion.
  13. Its very weird for sure. When I was using longbow on my Ranger I'd sometimes get participation/achievements and sometimes not. I switched to using Untamed with hammer only and ever since switching I have gotten participation/achievements on every single stampede run.
  14. Been happening to me since the start of the festival. I don't enjoy the activity as is with all the flashy nonsense people run around with and then to not get anything for it on top of that is extremely frustrating. Also its not about dps, I have gotten credit on my level 27 character and then not gotten credit on my max level full exotics character. This has to be buggy. This is where ArenaNet could jump in and clear things up. If its not buggy and working as intended i would like to know for sure. Edit: I think its tag based and perhaps a little bit dps based on each individual mob, so if you are setup for single target and focus veteran mob you might not get participation. Use as much aoe as possible or i guess switch target often if using single target. Just my theory.
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