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  1. maybe the WvW balance patch will come when they release alliances. xd
  2. Minion Mancer necro is not strong at all in 2v2s. However, this simple mechanic makes it impossible to beat.When waiting for the "Round Ready" signal we summon all minions and use lich 4. This gives us both full life force before the round even starts. This inherently lead to the first edition Minion Mancer build that was Paladins with Spite, Blood, Death Magic. That build although really strong, was able to be beaten in some cases. Now With the new minion mancer build that I and ckod came up with it is unfair and unbeatable. The whole reason this build or playstyle rather is viable due to what I believe is a bug. In 5v5s, It shouldn't be a good sidenoder, but having max shroud while going into a side node at the start allows you to just win it without even trying. The only reason that this build is better than the old one is due to the number of immobs it has. 3 to be exact. With all of them being annoyingly long duration. This allows the build to hit certain skills like bone minions that do over 2k base dmg on a condi build btw. I'm sure this isn't an issue for everyone. However, I want to never see another minion mancer ever again. This build was created because of 2v2s and made its way into meta for no reason. 30k+ health, lots of shroud, tons of power, and Condi dmg. This build on paper is overpowered in of itself, but being able to get full shroud before every round is oppressing and needs to be fixed.
  3. stuck in match ready for 3+ hours dylanirwin.6249
  4. i have been stuck in queue for a few hours now. with the match pop window just stuck wherever i go. dylanirwin.6249
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