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Posts posted by sarkysek.1085

  1. @Karkara.9067 said:I read no so long ago a discussion about the death of almorra and that she may still have a part in the story, and it have come to mind something, Kralkatorrik have absorbed some of zhaitan and mordremoth's power's, so its easy to assume so did the other dragons.

    We cannot assume that the others aren't as powerfull as kralk even though he got balthazars powers, and because of that also got residual magic energy from both the defeated elder dragons up to that point, now kralk's powers where completely absorbed by aurene, so in this case his powers where not transferred to the others.

    What we can assume of this is that the abillity that jormag have shown to reanimate dead people (like she did in episode 1) is not a jormag power but an absorbed zhaitan power, (and in that case almorra might as well come back as an jormag zombie), after mordre death Jormag mind powers might have increased (since mordre was the mind dragon), and that may explain why she could influence other people than her fanatics (even the char miles away).

    The timeframe is also good since kralk was the most powerful after absorbing balthazar, jormag just waited his death to act. (Since she was the only other awaked that we know)

    That also may help with primordus, and the DSD character development since they may be able to use this powers to be more complex villains.

    You're using the wrong pronoun. Jormag is nonbinary. They/them instead of gender specific pronoun.

  2. @"Pirindolo.9427" said:It's self explanatory. The rate of (miserable) failure of Siren's with S.A. is the highest of any fractal ever. You can see a lot of LFG messages saying: "Siren's@boss", "T4 (except for siren's)"... But the worst thing is that S.A. punishes you for doing what you have to do in the boat fight.

    Please remove Siren's Reef from the game. It's the most unfun content I've ever played in over 6 years and I cringe every time I see it as daily.

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