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Everything posted by Aerlen.5326

  1. He is the perfect choice and who I plan to choose.
  2. Since I see so many players asking for more content like this, I have a pretty big concern. As much as Anet is being inclusive, I'm aro/ace and so are my GW2 characters. I didn't want to play this update until I heard there was a platonic option because I don't want to be forced into romance and flirting. I get enough of the "you aren't human if you don't want romance and sex" in real life and I sure don't need it in my pretendy fun time too. Can I ask for a platonic partner/friendship option if this is going to be a constant thing? And can that be pretty clearly pointed out which one it is?
  3. All of them. I was so irritated no mesmers were porting and so frustrated with the currency grind that I just went "kitten it", crafted them all, and skipped the entire thing. I normally love exploration (but hate JPS) however at that point I was just annoyed with the entire quest and couldn't waste more time.
  4. I had to use the griffon. I have vision and reflex issues, JPs are hard for me and anything with a timer requiring perfect jumps will fail. No mandatory JPs please, I can agree with that.
  5. Obviously uses the same coding as it has the griffon mount bug where you cannot properly control it sometimes after mounting.
  6. I didn't realize this wasn't part of the instance. Mine went Invulnerable at 25% and just sat hunched there. No shield. No movement. No NPC talk. Nothing. I kept waiting for it to take off and do the crystal thing but it did not. After about three minutes, it suddenly acted like something hit it (it flinched really weird and cried) and it was announced Aurene had done it even though I saw nothing but a flinching, grounded Wyvern that suddenly started moving again and could be hit. I'm a Guardian using Hammer and Scepter/Focus. Also Canach was nothing but a shield and sword stapled to an invisible model (he didn't appear to be attacking) and he kept saying "enough of this" or something like that.
  7. Not everyone was waiting for skins. A lot of players just want dye channels (let's face it : 1 dye channel for the default skin is lame), not flashy galactic/fiery mounts. That's all I wanted. Dye channel for my mounts. Part of why what I got out of the mount adoption didn't matter as long as I got one of each mount.
  8. Eh... I like all the mounts in the "loot box" so for me, it was never gambling, but I see now how it is for others and since Anet now backed off and said they won't add to it or do that again, I think everyone got their point heard on that. It was a mistake, a big one. Never let them forget that was a mistake and I think we won't see it again (someone messaging me to say "nice mount skin, lootbox wh***" wasn't helpful but boy did it make me laugh). I'm no fan of these 2000 gem mounts though. They just aren't worth that much and neither has been really impressive.
  9. Kay. So.... Totally okay with this except for one thing... You should not get mount skins for mounts you have locked - especially if the mount you have locked is the Griffon. Out of the six contracts I bought, I got two Griffon skins. Griffon is locked for me, I'm not even done with PoF story. While I do plan to get the Griffon and hope that Griffon runs will still exist when I'm ready, it's sort of garbage to have those skins in the pool if the player has Griffon locked. What if they never plan to get it? It's a secret mount that costs 250 gold and has a ton of requirements, it's not like the skimmer, springer, jackal or raptor that you just get handed to you for a story step or a heart quest. So now I have two Griffon skins and no raptor one.. which is what I wanted.. so all my mounts could be dyed. No complaints about the RNG because honestly, I just wanted mounts with 4-3 dye channels that weren't the spooky ones.
  10. Fighting over this is an actual thing? He's been Steve since 2013 at least. A few runs have called him Bob or Larry, one called him Colin, but 90% of the time - it's Steve. I mean, not that it matters, it's just a silly nickname players tacked on him for fun.
  11. I run GW2 on ultra with almost 60FPS, a "good computer" isn't the issue here. In fact, a good computer makes it absolutely worse because every thing is being shown. It's not an issue that's in any way under my control but thanks? I like the idea of options. If you like strobing seizure shows, you can have them, and if I don't then I can tone that down. Why is this not a thing? I also want to point out it's only certain types of lights and visual "noise". If you have the migraine/epilepsy triggers then you know exactly what types of flashing I'm talking about. If you don't... it's lights that strobe quickly and flash quickly and repeatedly, the brighter the color - the more painful to look at. The level up flash? No. The bolt from a scepter? No. Flying unicorns from magic pony bow? No. The bloodstone flashing that you're expected to pull into the path of a White Mantle boss? My gods YES, who created that? I was so sick after that fight. Why? So, Anet, why can't we have a slider or option for visual effects? Do we just need to be loud and complain enough? And shhh, I haven't finished PoF story yet, it's still six to me.
  12. I've suggested repeatedly as have others to please limit the effects of flashing or strobing lights in this game. It's a migraine trigger for me and an epilepsy trigger for others. Well, in the PoF instance in Glint's lair, the final phase of the Facet is nothing but constant flashing effects. I got so confused and sick that I just stayed in the center and brute forced the thing instead of trying to grab the shield to break it's CC bar. Thanks for allowing a safe spot to auto attack and wait it out but my gosh, why? You could have just as easily created that minefield without flashing lights. It's nice none of your developers have vision or neuro issues but it stinks for those that do. Then, I was on a bounty hunt in the highlands and there was a bounty that did NOTHING but constantly flash lights. It was so bad, I had to not look at the screen and randomly press buttons hoping I was hitting it. Again, why? Another effect that could have easily been done without blinding, flashing lights. Others who are not disabled even complained, the flashing was slowing down their game and hurting their eyes. Since Hearts and Minds, this seems to be a big thing with Anet - strobing lights, blinding lights, moving filters you can't see around, etc. with no option to disable or minimize. Please, stop. There are better ways to do these effects and artificial difficulty without constantly painful flashing or nausea inflicting filters. It's not fun. It's not revolutionary. If there's no plans to stop, can we at least get an option to disable? No amount of Git Gud is going to fix a neurological issue.
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