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Everything posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. Pretty much. After all the system designed purpose (mentioned 4 in the FAQ) is mainly about coverage for competative play. No mention on changing anything else I believed?
  2. Oh :smile: would you be surprised of the invisible walls obstructing range near camps. And how good some classes(warrior, druid, thief, etc) outruns even range couldn't stop them.
  3. @Agrippa Oculus.3726I think what you're trying to say is : is it neccessary for the job. Won't go through details since your's only a nuance, but i think this is an easy to solve issue and let's just stop with restricting or limiting freedom to play for players is not a solution. I'm not good with words but I'll try put one here. There's a solution to everything. But what makes a solution to a problem hard/complex is most of the time people tend to get the result in their favor in addition to the solution. And it goes both ways.
  4. Everyone is capable of self thinking. You have your thoughts and perspective on how to do things, others have theirs. If both side find it hard to compromise, find others that do ; same effort. Newton's third law.
  5. @ankortwat.4926 said: 6-7% with infusions, excluding food and utility since both party is allowed to use it. If both player is glass with food and utility. Its still posible for exotic/semi asc to burst down a full asc.
  6. There's still the map que. From how I view, the system works as a free transfer for coverage (plans for getting guilds for dead timezones). A smaller scale guild merging(alliance) to strengthen numbers and coverage, instead of mounting an entire server.
  7. I'll assume the new system will prompt you with options when you intend to join WvW (new UI for alliance/ world etc).I'm more interested in how the system will sort roamers or mini-party guilds. Eg. There's only 3 of my guildies that runs WvW in a 25-30 active member PvE guild. Do I need to join a WvW Guild and have it tagged as my WvW guild to join up with that specific guild's alliance? What if a player have all 5 guilds maxed out and non of it is a WvW guild? (Banks, friendly inactive guilds, personal guild hall guild etc) Will they be directed to a random alliance or will they be given a list to fill an alliance? Will there be a BETA/ test for the players to experience this new system? (a separate world like Eotm) Will guilds/players from the same server given priority for an alliance? Will players be able to manipulate the alliance? (Fill an alliance population cap with free accounts)
  8. Need a clearer picture imo. Will it still be a three sided war? Do we need to join the guild/just declare associated with the particular guild/server? Rewards that is good enough make players raise their blades against same server/friendly guilds but under different alliance? Will the alliance continue every matchup? Will the enemy alliance be drafted randomly or matched? Etc. So many more questions
  9. I know what WvW guild(s) is running during my playtime. I'm not part of their guild but I do roam and jump into the fray from time to time. Had it planned roughly since I know which guild/community to associates with to suit my playtime. That said, its still unclear if we need be part of the guild for the alliance? Or its sufficient to just select the guild/server I want to be linked with to be part if the alliance. Question for the players disagreeing to the idea of coverage are WvW players? Or WvW dailies runner? For those who plays WvW, I don't see the reason why reject the idea of getting "free transfer players" to form an alliance to strenghten numbers and better coverage for a competative gameplay. WvW is going to be World War. Spare me server etc. especially those who transfered, my condolences. As long as the reward for winning is worthwhile, no matter what server or difference is in the alliance, everyone will fight to the bitter last. Example but don't need to be, say a legendary part and trophy parts for a guild monument to the victor, even friends will be foe if they're part of the enemy's alliance. And untill the system is up and ready, everything will just be speculations and more speculations trying to reach a conjecture. Wasn't announced or given an estimation date which could me months for it to be ready.
  10. Cap 500-1000 players in an alliance. Players that plays at different time? Some players doesn't play long thus having shorter WvW playtime (the server/alliance will need more players for coverage) I'm guessing. It's an interesting system tho. Will cover the 4 issues highlighted. Would like to know more on how the system captures the roamers etc. (There's the picture explaning the non guilded players outside the alliance but very little info?)
  11. It's the players choice. But if they are that dependant on the setup (trying to get them not to is akin to suicide) there's little you can do as it's a necessity than efficiency for them.
  12. From my experience of PuG'ing for t4, Nightmare and Shattered Observatory will take longer compared to a fully organized group with possible 0-3 wipes tops. Almost have no problem with Thauma tho?(heat room?) But I do find it hard to pug randoms for Mai Tirin but still trying to work a way around it. I do agree it's much more easier with a healer present. And for Oasis ; mostly due to wipes at Balthazar. It's usually the Vindicators causing a domino effect there.
  13. Trial and error, learning from experience, practice I guessed? Completed Oasis T4 daily ytd with LFG. Took 7-8 wipes for Amala, considering 2-3 is NEW to 87, imo it went pretty well for a 5 DPS team. Had to find replacements after the 3rd and 5th wipe tho. Forgot the original setup but a Reaper and Holo joined in the end.
  14. Been reporting this bug in WvW plenty of times. Every supply camp in WvW have this invisible wall bug. And just recently I found out friendly supply dolyaks can "absorb" friendly projectiles to the extend of preventing projectiles from penetrating. Was trying to defend a friendly supply dolyak, but the enemy is kept safe inside its hitbox...as if the ally dolyak shield is working against me.
  15. Nothing to do with raid or other game mode imo. Just happened he's the same class and made a comparison based on his standard. A typical case anywhere, like how you judged him, after him judging you.(Not dropping comments since I don't know what actually happened, what caused the dps variation etc) Call it a draw, unfair as both is, he made a judgement based on his oppinion, and so did you made a judgement to raid. Nevertheless it's unfair to place standard & expectations into a LFG party, mainly because we won't know what class/build is going to join. Unless there's indications for it (exp'd speedrun need x, need ps war for might etc).
  16. Completed a full PuG Nightmare CM with no healer before, avg 2-4 wipes per boss tho. Had someone explaining battle plan after the wipes on strat so I'll assume some could be new. My point is there's numerous ways to do things, but in the end its up the player's decision on how it should be done. Efficiency is always debatable. Gathering 10 different people, will get you 10 ideals.
  17. As I said before, the fractal Meta is shifting. Players are adapting to the changes, and this will effect the contents (Fractal in this case). Give it time and things will get better when it stabilize. It's a common occurrence (and not only in GW2), and to me it's good to have a change(it means the Game is changing and not stagnant). Players will always find ways to optimize, Meta Elitism had always been in Fractals I'm not sure why some had forgotten or denies it, there was a time LFG was filled with Reapers and power based are shunned in T4s (remembered the kicks). Currently, classes specializations are in a race to secure their position for fractals (druids, power warriors etc, class diversity and not just c.Reapers) to be made viable. Which also effect Non-Meta setups (if 300-400 toughness is needed?, might distribution to improve dmg, rectify what's casing the deaths etc). There's nothing wrong with doing it without healer, but if the changes made the current progress slower, sticking to the same build(your current meta) will often produce the same result.
  18. Elitism Happening in Fractals.Raid Elitism Happening in Fractals. Raid was direct/indirectly pulled in, when used as benchmarking. Hence why there's a few of us (during the start at least) tried to seperate the context.
  19. Vulf.3098 probably was just trying to say its possible to 4man. As for the wipe, we don't know what actually happened in the run, everything is mere speculations for a conjecture.(eg. was the druid not able to go celestial form, unable to generate astral force, class skill and build used from randoms was unclear) Overall sounds like a normal if not a good run to me with just 1 wipe. In fact, it's more surprising at least to me, if one never had any wipes or deaths before in fractals. Plus, they took measures to work around it and got it completed after. But just drop it. Its going out of both topic (main post and its own) and the last comment stepped over the line. Fine for thoughts and ideas to clash, but when insults are thrown, it's no longer a debate but an arguement.
  20. There's numerous playstyle and ways to do fractals(same for raid). And often people will look for optimal/efficient ways to do things. Eg. The debate on needing a healer in T4 for efficiency. The unshaken meta in Gw2 so far is to have 25stacks of might. To achieve that, players need to be stacked and if not; close together. Some of the mistlock instabilities prevent that idea (especially social awkwardness) and some find having a 'healer' overcomes the issue plus encourages stacking(for boons). Everyone probably had their own differents scenario(fractal level and encounters) running in their head therefore theres disagreements here and there. Can be done without, but I do find having a healer helpful for some encounters and strategies. And what TexZero.7910 said: Everyone is capable of self thinking. You have your thoughts and perspective on how to do things, others have theirs. If both side find it hard to compromise, find others that do ; same effort.
  21. There was a time when reflect skills are highly valued. Nowadays I'm just grateful too see one used in fractal. And yes, it's sad to see when a player doesn't realize the potential of the class can offer or understanding the mechanics to adapt according to situation. Lucky ones get pointers or guidance, but majority will just be left alone and hope they realize it through exp.
  22. Pretty much there's to say and :lol: for the mirage and necro run lol.Back when there's only dungeons in GW2 : zerkers, stacked and lvl80s only even if its for a lvl30 dungeon run or be kicked. There is elitism players everywhere regardless of game, content etc. Just a fractal elitism scenario in this case.
  23. Agree, just make your own group. There will always be players with fixed mind set, be it meta or not of how things work (extremist/ fanatics for example). Too quick and unfair to blame it on raids, could be from other games with a dedicated healer role but my point is such people are out there ; even before Raid was implemented.
  24. The difficulty is okay-ish but yes it is slightly harder than most of the previous bosses as this is one of the few bosses that actually fights back :) but after 1-2 attempt you will be able to grasp its pattern. Do you know, that in some of the previous stories you could actually AFK and let your immortal NPC allies to clear the entire field? Plus fights in POF actually requires effort to suicide if there's Rytlock & Cananch as they constantly tank & rally you. And try to get connected with people; friends; get their help, don't treat an online MMO as a Solo player game. The community in Gw2 is kind, nice and polite compared to many others MMO. But I'm not sure if I can say it's friendly. There's very little interaction between players, you may get to know and adds a player into friend list after but it ends there, never a word after. Most of the guilds are quiet or majority of its members doesn't even remembers one another. Back to topic, the final boss is do-able and its a joke fight if you attempt it with a friend(s). If you're having trouble surviving, you must be running 0 toughness which I'm guessing zerkers. Since the boss does go down quicker with condi, and do noticed my zerker classes does lower dmg. (Similar to those Dummy Training Golem: Heavy in The Mist(PvP)). Overall, the boss did covers everything as whole(counters) as some of the bosses in the stories with certain equipment say focusing on healing and toughness, will make one immortal with regen which makes it kinda silly.
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