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Everything posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. A solo roamer myself and from the way I see things, there are solo roamers and party/group roamers. Eg. there are players running 5man and call it roaming :smile:. Won't really know if they're bad with their classes until we try it out. Encountering another solo roamer doesn't means he is good until the fight starts and sometimes I do acknowledge the opponent's play/skill even though I won or vice versa. Imo don't let it get to you(OP).
  2. There're also things to consider:Enviroment - Enviroment obstructs and safe/higher ground.Positioning - Undectected/blind angle/distance for first strike.Hard counter - Odds against some class for consideration(eg. vs Mirage etc, winning a Sb doesn't apply or comes to a draw at best).
  3. Vouching for mirage/chrono as well. Events(scales), champions(any class), dungeons(skips and bosses), fractals challenge modes etc and as the difficulties goes on further...mesmer will be your best bet with invuls at disposal.
  4. Stealth was never okay from day one, unless the class profession you're using have access and is actively using it :lol:. Stealth trap as a solution? Supplies needed aside, you need to lure the invisible enemy in. What if the user's intention is to persue a running target from going stealth to escape or resetting? And channeling 4 seconds to setup the trap while the enemy is lurking? :lol:. Not to mention there are ways to remove or survive "revealed". ahem*
  5. 20ish minutes maybe slightly more Was there another support present & made them think your friend's FB is a dmg dealer? It is weird for them to stay for the entire run and waited to express discontent after it ended (100cm ain't a short fractal).
  6. PVT have it uses but it's unsuitable for raid especially for damage dealing roles. 2 reasons why : 1) The player with the highest toughness draws the bosses attention for most encounters. Should be avoided unless you're the tank (player incharge of steering the boss's movement) 2) There's a time limit; for all the encounters to be met.
  7. Already put all my thoughts on this topic by now. All thats left is wait and see how things get played out. Cause and effect.
  8. Lets not forget there will be new players joining raids not solely depending on current numbers (as long as the number is growing, it's healthy). Players old and new will respond to new raids. New content, mechanics (hopefully), and new skins/loots table will attract its crowd. It is true players won't be able to clear everything after x raid wings. But there are also other things factored together (eg. mindset to clear all within a limited time frame; a day or x hours, the rush for Li? :sweat_smile:) Bosses are already dying in minutes. Further reducing it will effect the combat, abilities cast/channel time etc. Worse case scenario, creating a solo play enviroment in a MMO.
  9. The scenario isn't the point :smile: . Just happen to pick fractals instead of raid since there isn't a lower tier raid(easy mode) in game to set as an example. Said this before, it's more productive if a specific encounter is mentioned to be worked on. Why do players find it hard? and how to overcome it. Or to make it easy mode? (How?). I believe most players that did raid find the bosses are fine as it is. It is always hard fighting blind, not knowing the enemy. Players new to raids in raid training are making kills (even if they're not in a full meta squad) but new raiders find it difficult to do so in some PuG. Ever thought why? Raid have problems, but I don't think easy mode is the solution or related to it.
  10. @Tyson.5160 Nope. It's actually the main reason to this OP discussion tbh. Most if not all the reasoning made is to support the idea of creating an alternate way to farm/ accessing the shinnies. E.g. Why only higher tier fractals have chance on ascended armors and none for lower tiers. Suggest maybe lower % drop chance in lower fracs etc. for progression reasons etc. Or Ascended armor access with dungeon tokens(easier content), cost a sum of tokens, slowly but surely method for asc armors outside of fractals.
  11. @Tyson.5160If it's just 5 Li, just try to create a squad/raid platforms to snipe down the easy bosses (Vg, Gorse, Escort, Mursaat etc) could probably earn you more/quicker than clearing all 5 raids for it. Slowly accumulate the shards and get the boss kill to unlock the skins (to be redeemable). But it might open to another concern later on. You can't use easy modes as reference to normal mode to learn and players might use these Li to get into elite groups. Like how fractals lower tier mechanics are skipped or made weaker, T4 will be new as the bosses lives longer thus gets to perform all their skills. Then there are also other problems like how skill balancing will effect both mode in the future etc aside from shinnies. @Ohoni.6057You made your point by now. But keep an open mind to accept the opinions of others (just like how you're thinking others are dimissing your idea, you've been dismissing theirs? Imo)
  12. While this been going for weeks. A guildie in one of the guild I'm in told us he did raid for the first time yesterday. How excited he was, got 5 bosses down and guildmates(including me) that were online congratulated him :smile: . The brave lad ventured alone with PuGs (strangers :scream:) after enquiring about raids sometime ago. He made the first step :bawling: so proud of him. I also recalled "Fractal is progressive, to prepare/train players in game by introducing more mechanics as they go higher levels. And if the players want more challenging contents, they have raids." Or something along those lines :sweat_smile:. Will open a can of worms when players start requesting alternate ways to get shinnies out from WvW, SPvP etc. And ultimately, I don't want to deny those who made effort.
  13. Stack up, heal and dps. Ignore all mechanics, just like vg, gorse, etc. The current ignore the mechanics method (instead of dropping to 10%hp when the players screw up, you will have a healthy % hp remaining). The only thing to practice is rotations :lol: . Prefer not to nerf the rewards if that's to happen, would like to get the remaining items in raid and be done with it. As of now, players still get rewarded for failing to kill the bosses :sweat_smile: . It's just that players that are not interested in raid, just don't. Just like WvW, there's karma train, afk stations, etc for easy shinnies yet it's not getting the players interest as it should be. There might be a surge of players if there's an easier mode made but it will die out, dragging the current mode players with it. I just accept the fact some things is not for everyone. Not because I don't care, but it's because they don't.
  14. ? Actually... this will go alot faster if a Boss/encounter is being put up for discussion. Why is it hard? What needs to be balanced? Feedbacks on what went wrong/ fix. The discussion will be productive and a sense of direction.
  15. Honestly, Wow’s raiding have several different tiers of difficulty much like fractals, however you are rewarded for the efforts and the top tier difficulty take months to complete if at all. I kinda feel like the reason Raids we’re added was because of Wow. Possible I guess? Not sure if that changes anything since WoW is different game(like Gw1). There, different raid tier give different tier of rewards/gear threadmill. While here, Gw2 is more into fashion than tier rewards :lol: . Imo, WoW made a mistake that can't be undone. I'll just stop here since that's about another game. I'm just glad there is a group content like raid. No longer need to split into 2 groups while playing together with friends & guildmates to complete dungeons/fractals. Open world can be fun during leveling, but as a content it's too random to be a group/organized play. Same goes for mapping world completion (faster by soloing). Not sure if I mentioned this before; TLDR but raid's difficulty is adequate (w1-4 at least, haven't tried the new one). If damage is further reduced while some are already being ignored, it will just be another punchbag, stack and heal gameplay. Lowering bosses HP will result mechanics to be skipped with sufficient dps.
  16. Tldr. But for those who had problem getting into raids had already solved it. The ongoing are just the same players from what I noticed.
  17. @zoomborg.9462 Another issue I hope Anet will look into aside coverage is the reward(or some form of benefit/fame) for WvW. For a competative game, there will be a victor and loser. It's very important to distinguish the two. I understand the game is trying to be fair to all. But if the winner and loser is getting the same reward/benefits there's no point in trying or motivation to win. Hence PPT is ignored, why rank up to struggle when we can get the same/better rewards by not to. WvW will probably function better if the coverage is mended, but imo it's not fulfilling its true function as a competitive mode.
  18. It's like 90% a sure thing. As much work they are putting into it.. no doubt it will be active soon. I think if that was the case it would be front and center, but after not posting on this thread for a bit I had to dig to even find this announcement. I can't believe no one in charge has realized what a disastrous change this stands to be; carrying a big risk of losing players and deterring future players... for little potential reward(and frankly I think the problems it may cause stand to outweigh the benefits even if it works exactly as they're hoping, which with MMOs is seldom how it goes). If I could get a response from a more official source over whether this change is certain to come to pass or not would be appreciated, as it will influence whether I'll be playing this over another MMO that has their priorities straight.When T1 &T2 start showing symtoms, indicates it's time for a change. Mid tiers are on life support, while the bottom tiers are "expected". All this new system offer is just gathering up the numbers to fill up as much worlds as possible. For better or worse, a change is needed because the old system is "dying".
  19. Coverage will still be the issue...players login and out. It will just be another form or similar to server relink.
  20. The idea won't work? It shares the same fundamental flaws on coverage? Just say if server A have a lower population/coverage for certain time zones, it's a disadvantage for them in the game mode you're introducing since they barely can defend nor attack.
  21. @Diku.2546It won't work. Different players have different mindset for playing WvW.
  22. Just to update, it appears to be some sort of "stealth" target-able. When my smoke scale was using Smoke Assault, it jumped around hitting what seems to be target-able (obstruction spots) as if something is there, just invisible. Not sure if Revenant's sword skill Unrelenting Assault will behave the same manner.
  23. Can the op be tweaked? It will save half of the discussion made necessary.
  24. It will give players easy access to some of the raid stuff, skins etc. making it farm-able but it will defeat the purpose as a squad event. With some of the bosses avail to be killed with lower numbers, the training mode will be solo able. Having 10 players for a content that is toned down to dungeon/fractal difficulty is overkill. Its fine making things as simple as possible, but not to lose its meaning by making it simpler. Raid is as simple as it is. The struggle is mainly on getting 10 players for most players (players with the same mindset). Players in Gw2 can be polite, kind and helpful, but I can't help to notice there's lack of content in game that can create interactions or teamwork to bond the players. Played lots of MMO (some even in languages I don't understand, don't ask :lol: ) but even if there's a language barrier or a typical grinding MMO I've played, there's a bond. Eg. even Grinding MMOs gives you the feeling of player bonds by having a group of players doing the same thing or gathered in the area grinding, leaving an impression on the players next to you. Guilds plays a role in most MMOs. Here however, I sometimes question why I have these other guilds when I just have time for one (others just sitting there). Just among the things I felt Gw2 greatly lacks, making it difficult for players to form a proper bond for raids.
  25. I do like the idea. But I don't think it wil be a thing. Aside from what Miellyn.6847 said, rarely or hardly any players will participate nor experienced players willing to help since there's little to gain. Over time, it will quickly become a dead mode due to lack of participant. Currently, there are training communities, where players do get kills and shards for trying.
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