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Everything posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. Damage was nerfed for sure, but it wasn't that bad. A little exaggeration with some player's feedback (difficult to solo camp NPCs etc.). Some skills coefficient did take a big hit (eg. utility skills CC etc.), but most of the damage nerf is still reasonable. No problem taking objectives and all in WvW, tad slower that.
  2. Core's shroud has bleed, fear and torment, possible to work something out. Reaper's however, leans towards Power, especially after they nerfed Poison in Spiral.
  3. Gotta wait and see. That said with the changes, some of my burst build (dh, slb etc) will probably need to improvise. Haven't got the time to fully explore everyhthing yet but do think the change is interesting, so far. Refreshing at least, planning to try new stuff like Grieving stats etc and see how things go. :smile:
  4. I believe many foresee condi will be indirectly buffed by this patch. Will it be too powerful, we shall see. The nerf in power is huge this time, enough to shift classes and builds in PvP/WvW. Will wait till its stabilized. With one answered, the next question is will condi be adjusted as well(?) After monitoring and fine-tuning the recent changes. As second half of the patch. Question everything :wink:.
  5. Like many have said, minor adjustment for PvE, and there are buffs but won't effect PvE much. The main focus/ big chunk of the patch is for PvP/WvW. It will be a new experience for sure. Enough to shuffle the classes and new traits to be considered. Eg. Will bunker be unkillable, condi be the META etc
  6. Hope to see new models of flora, fauna and wildlife etc too. Something different, dislike recycled models/different colors mobs for games in general.
  7. "No please. The Classic experience required community building that LFR sidesteps. Things like LFR helped kill the social engineering that was part of playing in the Classic era." Text is from elsewhere, but the "community building" rings. Is LFR implemented WoW classic? The need for "guild/community" is weak in GW2 (Rp, Raids, WvW etc). There's just this feeling fighting alongside a guild/community, eg. in WVW, even if you're not part of their guild members.
  8. It will probably continue to go smaller, following the path of dungeon if continue to be left alone.PS: A friend(return player from core) came back recently, to checkout the changes in game. I hit a paused, when he asked me how to obtain Arah's dungeon skins. Players have difficulties entering the content, newer players doesn't even know about raids or how to start, without proper guidance. No groups running in LFG, similar to dungeons. With no group, insufficient numbers for a "group content" its difficult to fly. Can't or won't lead as first timer/inexperienced or to not deal with the pressure of leading.
  9. That's in another game where Raid is their focus. How will easy mode work for Gw2 raids? Personally, I don't know.I do know however it will create a rift between the 2 modes as its not the same. Fractals 99 & 100 and CM. Strikes and Raids. Same, yet splitted.
  10. Asking in map chat or guild chat. I tend to alt-tab if its regarding crafting (eg. Amount of Materials) or lengthy walkthroughs.
  11. Can't think of any sorry, most if not all important items eg. Part of crafting or quest can be reobtained/made available for repurchased from npc incase of eventuality. On the contrary, its the other way round. Players kept getting duplicates or event items are still kept untill, some even after its done. Turning them into junks.
  12. Do require a few achievement involving Strike in order to get the emote(not sure of the exact number, sorry). Kinda remembered this because I found out about it later, was focusing on map event achievements. Thus, had to put everything else aside, missed a strike rotation and that delayed my completion by a week. (Still have 10-11 incomplete Strike achievement after getting the emote.) Did it by joining players asking/advertising in map chat, LFG and even solo'd some (doesn't require kill). From my perspective, no issues with the achievement. PvE players do need to go into WvW to obtain the Warclaw. Players stayed or learned something about it after, while those who doesn't like it; didn't.
  13. Friends; and hope. Since you're here. That's doubt. :tongue:
  14. PvP/WvW game mode has remained the same for a very long time, there's 2v2 but it never stayed. There's balancing patch once in a while targeting PvP/WvW occasionally, little attention I suppose, but the game mode (capture points) remained the same since day one. Everytime a new competitive game mode is introduced, there's numbers. Open world has story, but there's only so much it could do to retain after the players are done with the map/achievements. Replayability, not many will replay the story over and over and over. There's a̶n̶n̶o̶u̶n̶c̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ hints* for Fractals, no details; yet. Rehiring and hiring new staffs :smile:, not sure if it's a team for specific content or general.
  15. Minnion Build - fun in its own way, but there are too many downsides for it to be viable imo. Although it does work occasionally, there's too many situation minnions are not feasible to justify for it to be used. Minnions either gets ignored or obliterated at higher level contents by stronger foes (eg.elite/champion). Unable to fully control the minnions is the major downside. From not optimal attack skill, pathing, staying/walking into AoE, insufficient damage and keeping player(s) in combat while its not the player's intention etc. The later builds are more viable, maybe alittle touch up, Min-max and adjustment depending on situation (theory crafting).
  16. Let's not forget "Survivor". Fully negates attacks/cc. Tried to low-manned Mulkstalker long ago, but immediately turn down the plan after seeing the abilities.
  17. Sums most of it imo. Be it time constrained or etc, it's impossible to get 100% audience participation for it in GW2. It's possible only if the game mainly focus on it, whereby it will only attract players specifically for raids. Players are given free will, nothing is forced. As much as I want PvP skins, I just dislike PvP. Not going to find excuses for myself eg. Toxicity, just dislike the whole flipping capture points idea which all PvP is based on. I'm fine with WvW. Strike Mission is just a stepping stone to raids; a platform. It won't force players into raids if they're not interested. I do believe there are players trying out raids after doing strike, but couldn't find a "proper" group to fit in (same problem as before, and those who are interested will find a way). Players who are not interested in raids, will still not raid even though they're doing Strikes regularly. Nor keep in touch with anyone they met in Strike to organize something. Enough for it to be considered and implemented and attract a big crowd for HoT. Why the number didn't maintained till today is debateable. Not sure what "balance" is referring and related to raids (condi was nerfed during HoT, Might stats was lower compared to when the game was launched etc(?) Wasn't things more powerful back then?
  18. From my exp, there's always 1-2 patrol trial going during Drakkar's meta event. That's how I got mine.
  19. Fairly easy boss, untill it hits below 25%(?). Slithering Rime Explosions orbs phase, its a total mess from there. The skill is blinding, especially for those in melee range/closer towards the boss. To add, multiple skill/mechanics can happen during the channeling attack. The overlapping effects makes it impossible to see(chain/ice shards/ice aoe/green bomb). Plus the orbs doesn't seem to have a specific pattern (got trapped in a formation with no escape; dodge triggers explosion, few times). Standing at the ledge doesn't help much or at all.
  20. Network error the inability to connect to Guild Wars 2. Maybe caused by internet routing issues or a server network failure.If the problem persist, please visit our support website. (code=5:11:3:159:101) Been getting the pop-up error above since yesterday. The DC started ever since I purchased the "Recharging Teleport to Friend" (GMT+8, 15th Feb 2020) and I get DC every now and then whenever I try to switch maps. Anyone having the same issue?
  21. One of the original fractals when Fotm was introduced, long before the game updated warning indicators(red outline & bright orange/red for AoE; could use the update). "Desynchronised" could be from lag/delay. The boss attacks are slow hence predictable, simply stand behind or move behind it when its facing your direction. Randomly pulled this tutorial from Youtube : Watch out for the V-shaped frontal stomp (8:35) & charged-attack AoE on the ground (8:45) in the vid. Can easily be missed due to visual noise & colour blends with the snow.
  22. https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/f2ioqa/ncsoft_earnings_report_4q2019_25_decline_over_q3/ The report with Reddits comments aside, the "content" isn't maintaining.
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