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Witch of Doom.5739

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Everything posted by Witch of Doom.5739

  1. If you really can't decide, I'd recommend heading over to GW2Style.com and looking up both male Charr and Norn in light armor. I was about to despair with my Charr Elementalist but saw some cool tribalist armor looks there that restored my faith in the giant kitties.
  2. Yes, there are a few outfits with one part I can't stand. For example, there's something on the Grenth outfit that, no matter how hard I try, I can't un-see.
  3. You can't use an outfit with an armor skin because that's not how they work; they've never worked that way. Many players don't like outfits for that reason so you have lots of company. I like outfits but realize they're not for everyone. Let's be careful what we wish for. ANet is now selling that Ice Reaver armor set one piece at a time in the Gem Shop, and to get a full set it costs WAY more than buying an outfit, all for the option of being able to mix 'n' match. You wanna pay 3000 gems for a full set or 700 for an outfit, knock yourself out.
  4. Agreed. You have summed up the banality of Twitter quite succinctly.
  5. Worth it? Yes. After I acquisition, it's become my most-used mount, probably 90% of the time. But I found the process maddening (did it when it first came out), to the point that when I was done I had to take a looooong break from the game; I was that frustrated. I found the Griffon acquisition to be much more fun but I almost never touch my Griffon now.
  6. I have found that if you submit a ticket quickly after a mistake, and word it calmly and politely, good things happen. Kind of like in real life. Good luck!
  7. I disagree that the latest legendaries are the "best." "Best" is a matter of opinion. There are Gen 1s and Gen 2s that I like, ones that I don't like. I'll craft the ones I want the most, and they aren't the latest ones. Count me in as looking forward to seeing what the next expac will bring!
  8. Thank you so much. I figured it was something simple that I blindly was not getting. Hover, not click! Thanks again.
  9. Please, please, please, my old eyes beg for a nightmode. This literally hurts. And too much blank space for my preference, but if others prefer it I'm OK with it. Where is the Ignore feature? I look forward to ignoring several posters who have to post on Every. Single. Thread. Thank you.
  10. A question for those who have the Sinister Feline and/or the Desert Shiba -- have you found any dyes that look really good on them? Every dye I try, and I own all but a few dozen, looks very flat and dull. I still like the skins and am not complaining, just feel like I could get a better look for these two. Thanks very much in advance!
  11. Cool !! On the other hand, the Grumpy Cat aka Sinister Feline dyes poorly, very dull and flat-looking. I guess that's another thing it's grumpy about. I still like the skin and its grumpy meows.
  12. I agree, kudos to the team that came up with these skins. I think this is the first set where I loved every single one, so I happily bought some random licenses knowing I'd be happy with whatever I got. I love having the Grumpy Cat (it even meows) and the bird-dragon-Skimmer. I hope to get them all as budget allows. Well done!
  13. Big THANK YOU to ANet for putting the Wild Magic Backpack & Glider combo in the Black Lion Statuette vendor's list. Been saving up my statuettes for it!And to stay on topic here, would love to see more Skyscale skins that have the "cute" face like Aurene. ty
  14. Not sure if this is the place to post, but the Swedish makeup company Oden's Eye has come out with a Norn collection and they ship worldwide. I am in no way involved with the company but find the lore interesting, and I'm a makeup fan in general. https://www.odenseye.se/collections/norn-s-series
  15. In the Improvised Weapon set, the dagger is a broken bottle, so there is that. Also I expect some more interesting weapons in the upcoming expansion pack.
  16. Didn't see right away that this was a very old and resurrected thread. Mods, please delete my comment, thanks!
  17. I just want it to be over. Bring on the next full expansion. LW is so boring; I slog through it but don't like it.
  18. New classes, lots of new maps, player housing or something else completely new (to GW2).
  19. Although I was dissing the look on Charr, I actually like how they look on Asura, unlike 95% of the footwear available!
  20. Have you seen them on Charr? I have no words. No, wait, I do: clown shoes.
  21. I have an Asura Engineer named Ebenezer Screwge and he sports a dapper Victorian look -- top hat, shoulder scarf, Rogue coat, and Heritage leggings.
  22. I'm a PvE'er who doesn't particularly like WvW. I find it repetitive and boring although I've met many great players there. It's just not my style. That said, I'm working on my 4th Legendary Weapon so the Gifts of Battle are a necessity and I've put in the time to get them. I do one or two dailies per day, easy points, and run around the Borderlands with my guild once in a while on weekends. It takes me a long time to get a GoB, but I'm farming everything else I need for a Legendary too, so what's the rush? As others have said: If you want a Legendary, either put in the time and effort to get the components, or buy it off the TP.
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