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Witch of Doom.5739

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Everything posted by Witch of Doom.5739

  1. I'd buy more mount skins if we could get the suggested "Jackal Box" or "Skimmer Box," whatever. A random skin occasionally is fun, but the game seems to know that the Beetle is the mount I use the least since I get so many Beetle skins.
  2. Oh that dye is beautiful!!!!! What birthday gift is it in? I need it :D Sand Shark is part of the 6th birthday gift. Good luck! Oh no I seem to have misplaced the dye kit somewhere. I was saving it and then put it somewhere for later and now I can't find it. Nevermind, I think I get another in February :D Thank u thoDo you use gw2efficiency? That way you can search for an item on your account and figure out if a character has it in his/her inventory, or if it's in your bank, etc. A great site, and free.
  3. Oh that dye is beautiful!!!!! What birthday gift is it in? I need it :D Sand Shark is part of the 6th birthday gift. Good luck!
  4. For a teal blue, I love Sand Shark. It seems to give better effects than a lot of light/teal blues. And for another black, I like Tar.
  5. No pix, but I love the new wings. They and the new glider each have 4 dye channels, and you can dye it any colors you want, there's no "always dark" look. The wings have the flapping animation too. Now, if I could just find some good dyes for the new outfit that make it look as good in-game as it does in the preview window!
  6. I got a rock. My obligatory Charlie Brown reference; however, it's true. Nothing but junk. Congrats to all who got good stuff.
  7. I'd like to see another Skyscale-only set of mount skins that would fill in the blanks in other collections; for example, Spooky, Mad King, Mad Realm, etc.
  8. RNG is RNG. Sometimes I have great luck, sometimes I have terrible luck. I like to get 25 keys when a new batch of BLC contents comes out, if I have the money and if the uncommons interest me. Was hoping for the Dark Matter cape this time, but nope. That's OK, at least I didn't get that ugly Warclaw skin, and I got some nice random things in wardrobe unlocks (Deathly Avian Mantle Skin, woo!).
  9. You mean Hot Chocolate lied? ♫♪ Everyone's a winner, baby, that's the truth ♫♪
  10. They are gorgeous. I narrowed my choice down to the shield and I love it. Well done, ANet!
  11. For Halloween/Mad King, please have all the old themed skins return and have a few new ones, too. Halloween is the best time of year in Tyria!
  12. I mean... okay? The footwear was my main focus, and was mainly cause I think shoes look strange sometimes on Charr, but I brought the rest up cause I didn’t see the point in not having a toggle as long as there’s a an option for other players to switch on if they can see other players toggled clothes or not. (Side note: Accusing someone you don’t know is an adult or not of reading that kind of stuff isn’t the best use of time.) I'm not accusing anyone of certain reading habits. What a said was a figure of speech, a comparison to a similar line of reasoning, which I can see would go over the heads of any children (if any) reading that. And someone telling me what's the best use of my time is laughable. Thanks for the chuckles.
  13. Saying "um, it's mostly about the footwear" when someone is asking for characters to run around in underwear or with no clothes at all is the "I look at XXX magazines for... uh, the articles. Yeah, that's it. The well-written articles..." line of reasoning. And similarly unbelievable.
  14. Want: huge open world with lots to do and see as a solo playerDon't want: repeatable hearts, achievements tied to "do X event 10 times, which is boring even once"
  15. Edited post to delete something I'm not supposed to link to. Sorry! Anyway, I hope Abaddon's Mask will be in the GS soon because so many people ask for it and it's a really cool skin.
  16. Thank you everyone for trying to help. Guess it's just not going to work for me, but I'm no worse off than I was before the change was implemented! :)
  17. Yes, I put in 4 items, hit Forge and then hit Accept. The result goes into my inventory, but then all three buttons are grayed out again: Refill - Forge - Clear. Clicking on any button or ingredient does nothing; I have to manually drag all 4 components into the forge again. Can't post a screenshot, sorry.
  18. Well, I'm glad it worked for you. Nothing I try works, Refill button is always grayed out. Thanks.
  19. For Mystic Clovers: 1 Mystic Coin, 1 Obsidian Shard, 1 Glob of Ectoplasm, 6 Philosopher's Stones. Does it not work because the outcome can be different? All I want is an option to literally REFILL, to put the same 4 things in that I just used! Again, thanks.
  20. Doesn't work for me. After I hit Forge, Refill is grayed out, even though I have the same ingredients in the same quantities in my inventory. Thank you for trying to help. I thought the point of Refill was to put the exact same things in that you just used, with one click. Oh well.
  21. I'm just not getting it. I'm using the MF to get some Mystic Clovers and although I have plenty of components in my inventory, the Refill button is always grayed out. What am I doing wrong? Thanks very much.
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