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Witch of Doom.5739

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Everything posted by Witch of Doom.5739

  1. I like the infusion -- it's subtle yet pretty. Not blinding. Also, I am very, very happy to be able to pick the Searing and Godless dyes today.
  2. I used to hate WvW too. Usually I just pop in once a day for easy solo-able dailies, but I also joined a different guild that is quite fun to play with in WvW. If you still hate it and only want Gift of Battle, I recommend doing the dailies for the potions that give you 250 reward track points each. You'll get GoB before you know it.
  3. GW2Efficiency tells me I have 10 minutes until receiving mine. I'm really looking forward to it, and your post is a breath of fresh air in all the negativity!
  4. Were you not able to pick the dye you wanted, or did you have them all already? I was never able to get Searing and am looking forward to getting my paws on that one. Godless is pricey on the TP, too.
  5. I've loved this skin since it first came out but have held off on buying it because I'm afraid the rapid wing motion would aggravate my motion sickness. If you have both, how is it? Does it bother you more (or less) seeing the skin being used by others or by yourself? I realize motion sickness varies widely from person to person, and I'm not asking for general tips on dealing with it, since I've made some adjustments and am usually fine. I can play the game in solo exploration mode all day with no probs. Things that bother me are very large flashing groups, like the latest LW meta. I have to literally close my eyes and just mash keys if I want to participate, taking a peek now and then to see where I am. Thanks very much in advance!
  6. Fractals are good and also helpful for getting some more central Tyria mastery points. I don't do strikes so no opinion there. Also love crafting -- try it and see how you like it; as for which crafting discipline to start with, it depends. Do you want to craft a Legendary Weapon some day? (there's another long-term project that you might enjoy) If so, see what crafting you'd need. Have you gotten elite specializations? Those are journeys of mastery points and things to acquire. I loathed the Skyscale collection (it's a little easier now compared to the first week) but was glad I stuck with it and got the Skyscale, as it's by far my most-used mount now. Did you get the Beetle? That was a fairly quick process, and although I don't use it much it is useful in certain situations. Have fun, so much to do!
  7. Count me in as another agreeing with this. Most of the stories and maps have been slogs to me. Doing the same boring event 10 times to hit an achievement, really??? The Prologue was interesting and gave me hope. I do think all the maps have been beautiful.
  8. Are you NA or EU? I'd be glad to help if you're NA. Also, just FYI, doing anything like this (a quest/bounty/point on an older map that's not so populated) is usually easier on weekends when there are more players.
  9. From the post title, I thought the OP was going to talk about looking forward to retirement IRL and having tons of time to play GW2. Trust me, it's awesome.
  10. Because the Aviator Box isn't annoying enough??? Big fat no.
  11. Yeah, I hope they don't recycle past year's dye gifts. Maybe there will be a new set, Asura or Sylvari (since we got Charr and Norn)?
  12. Wondering what you think will be in the 8th birthday gift "Dedicated Dye Kit." Pleaseohplease have the Charr and Norn sets -- Searing would be so perfect for my Sylvari's autumn look. Which other sets have yet to appear in a birthday gift?
  13. If I can dye my legendary weapons... I would be so happy. Their color scheme never works for the look I am going for. I know it's not for everyone, but dyeing a toon's armor to go with the Legendary instead of the other way around can be beautiful. I dyed my Elem's armor to go with The Bifrost and have literally had people do double-takes and tell me how pretty she looks. If I ever make Frostfang I'm going to do the same thing, lots of inspiration on GW2Style. Again, not everyone's cup of tea, for sure, just an idea.
  14. I understand the rewards aren't distributed until 8/25, but the achievements show no progress either. Do those all update on 8/25 as well? Thanks.
  15. Offhand the only thing I can think of is the Mist Stranger Outfit. Not armor, but an outfit, looks pretty cool.
  16. Let's have a new LS map that is the old Lion's Arch. It could be one of those "it was only a dream" sequences, and I'd love to be able to wander around in it.
  17. To OP -- hey back, and have fun! Don't worry about what others do or don't do in the game. Honestly, some people seem to spend all their time watching others and complaining instead of enjoying things. Don't be That Guy. Also, your post is a great reminder that ANet should never deactivate accounts or character names that have been inactive for whatever amount of time.
  18. That's a tough one. I love the ruins in several Ascalon maps that make me nostalgic for GW1. Desert Highlands has a bit of everything -- desert, mountains, sand, snow, water, trees -- which makes it interesting.
  19. Since the Skyscale collection, which I loathed, I'd say any of the LW4 maps. I haven't been back, that's how much I grew to hate them. I hope the upcoming Skimmer collection for the underwater skill doesn't similarly turn me against any maps, although of course I realize that if it does that's my problem and not a game issue.
  20. Thankyou. These are wise words, i wish i read them befor i did what i did. More on that later. Everybody has been telling you this from the beginning of your thread. TL;DR: Stop. Just stop.
  21. If your imagined "horsey" sounds would be anything like the goat sounds that the Springer makes, kill me now.
  22. Wait, so you said at 25 chests you felt "robbed and beaten" and that the game was "ruined" for you. You also said disappointed, saddened, and ruined again. So you kept buying chests, up to 60?!?!? What part of RNG are you not getting?? This is EXACTLY why these chests work the way they do. ANet thanks you for your support. Seriously, I have no problem with the BLCs and buy some keys when I feel like it and if my budget allows. But I have a hard limit, and also the mindset that I may get something great, or I may get a rock.
  23. Stop discriminating unconventional body types. Flat shaming is not ok! lol at flat shaming. Also have to throw in this pun: soon my skimmer will have a resting beach face.
  24. What a great idea. I have and love the "killer whale" skin but would love more aquatic creatures. Dare I say... narwhal?????
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