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Witch of Doom.5739

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Everything posted by Witch of Doom.5739

  1. RNG is RNG. No matter how many people post, it's all just anecdotal, and your mileage may vary. Whenever new BLC contents are released, I try to buy 25 keys if my budget allows; that's my hard limit. Sometimes I have great luck, sometimes it's terrible, and usually it's so-so. This time I got the raptor skin and the Vermillion wings/glider combo, the latter on my 25th key.
  2. Oh? Do items like those actually show up elsewhere eventually like that? Many do. If players keep requesting them here on the forums (see dedicated thread for GS requests), ANet often listens.
  3. Honestly, if that's the only thing you want in the BLC, try to wait until the item is either in the Gem Shop or at the Black Lion Chest Statuette vendor. Plus by the time it is in one of those spots, there may be something else you want more. Not to sound all woo woo, but if you don't go into opening BLCs with the mindset that you'll be content no matter what you get, there's a high chance you'll be disappointed.
  4. Will you have a second recipe (either crafting or Mystic Forge) for the Charged Stormcaller Weapons that will use the Tier 1s? A lot of people were counting on that because of your text that said they would be upgradeable. Thank you.
  5. Yeah, all those useless scrolls you sold? Now you need them. And all those Stormcaller weapons you kept because of the text that said they could be upgraded soon? Now you don't need them. :/
  6. I got it and found the dye channels weird in that it was hard to find a combination of colors that looked good. Several other players I talked to said the same thing. I finally settled on a light yellow for the main body color with dark spikes that looks pretty good, and it seems to highlight the somewhat chubby appearance, which is fine with me because it's a little different. While I'm a mount skin collector, I'd never pay 1K+ gems for this one.
  7. I did the new meta for the first time yesterday and it will probably be my last. While it's typical for maps to be crowded upon release, the amount of flashing lights and visual effects, combined with the excessive length of the meta, made me physically ill. I mean on the verge of barfing ill. At a few points I literally had my eyes closed and was just mashing keys, figuring that if I died, I died. At the end, the rewards were uninspiring.
  8. "Expect these weapons to be capable of upgrades in the near future" heavily implied that the weapons themselves would be upgradeable, and then to literally remove that tease on the day of the next episode without an explanation was weird. Look, I disagree with the title of this post in that ANet certainly did not "make" anyone keep these T1 weapons. I just hope that they make the Charged T2 ones obtainable in a second way, by using the T1 as one of the ingredients.
  9. Yesterday I was excited to play the new episode's meta. Before reading spoilers, I wandered around in the new map wondering where in the heck it was. Since I did not have 2+ hours to devote to doing the first meta ALL OVER AGAIN, I never got to it. Frankly I'm not feeling very inspired today either. We shouldn't have to re-play a previous episode's content to play the current one's.
  10. I would really like an answer from ANet on this. Before I salvage my T1s and probably end up with a bunch of rocks, can they let us know if there will be an alternate recipe to craft T2s that includes the T1s as a component?
  11. I am so sick of the first Drizzlewood Coast meta. This next one may be one and done for me too. The first drizzlewood meta finishes a lot faster now.OK, that's really good news. Thank you!
  12. I've discussed this in the Living World section. For them to say for two months, or at least very heavily imply, that the weapons could be upgraded and then that vanishes today is disappointing. Why not make two paths to the Charged Stormcaller Weapons? One would be the recipes that dropped today, the second would cost less gold and use the Tier 1 Stormcaller Weapon. Make it so, ANet.
  13. I am so sick of the first Drizzlewood Coast meta. This next one may be one and done for me too.
  14. You know, if more people are happier with the change, great. But to say for two months that "these weapons will be able to be upgraded" and then do the last-minute switch, grrrr. Best-case scenario would be to have TWO ways to get the charged weapons, either craft from scratch or craft for less gold using the first tier weapons. Maybe that's a hidden feature that we just haven't seen yet.
  15. Yeah, kitten that. I feel tricked, which is souring me on the whole episode. It's like dangling something in front of us for two months and then jerking it away.
  16. ANet, why did you remove the description from Stormcaller weapons from "No Quarter" that literally said for each weapon, "Expect these weapons to be capable of upgrades in the near future."? Now it turns out that, no, they are NOT upgradeable. Was that some kind of cruel trick? Or is a way to upgrade them still coming? If so, why did you remove that line of flavor text?
  17. I agree with you. I crafted some T1s because they were called upgradeable.... maybe there is a second way to acquire T2? Hence my questions if anybody knows. If it turns out T1 is indeed a "throwaway" tier I'll be less than happy.
  18. Yeah, I saw that! That's why I was asking -- is that the only way to get the Tier 2 Stormcaller weapons? If so, I think calling the T1 weapons "upgradeable" was deceptive.
  19. So is Tier 1 actually upgradeable, that is, does it act as a precursor, or do you have to make Tier 2 weapons from scratch (from the new recipes)? Or are there both ways of making T2? thanks in advance
  20. I also want to say that the design, dye channels, and animations are superb. Well done!
  21. I like that idea. Also for outfits -- for those days when your toon is too tired to pick something out of her/his closet.
  22. More Skyscale skins using the "cute" face as seen on the Speckled Shortfang.
  23. unless they literally meant a floating brain for a skimmer, that'd be wild but interestingA floating brain? Sounds like something Asura would love. "“I’m nigh invincible!" Lots of great ideas here. I really wish the Beetle & Skyscale skins that are "missing" from other collections such as Awakened and Shiverpeaks would be added as a set, like another all-Skyscale set. Although not a fan of industrial-type skins for me personally, I love to see other people use them, if that makes sense, like the new Beetle skin.
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