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Witch of Doom.5739

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Everything posted by Witch of Doom.5739

  1. The Herald shows all the new skins, even shows the bear armor on each of the races. It's too darn cute on Asura.
  2. I don't mind reading either, but all the grunting and throat-clearing is making me laugh.
  3. I didn't say it was hard or difficult or impossible. I know how it works. For whatever reasons, I just plain hate WvW. Also PvP but that's another story. I don't know why it's so hard for someone to comprehend that there are parts of the game that certain players hate. I've completed several WvW tracks for the rewards but hated every minute of it. Do I wish I felt differently? Sure. But I don't.Oh I see... not hard, not difficult, not impossible.But "pure torture".Got it. Thanks for clarifying.What part of "extremely unpleasant to play for me" do you just not get? I don't like the maps, the mechanics, any of it, but I do sweat it out to get what I want and I'm not asking to be given anything. Obviously at this point you're being deliberately obtuse, so enjoy what you think is your superior wit.
  4. I didn't say it was hard or difficult or impossible. I know how it works. For whatever reasons, I just plain hate WvW. Also PvP but that's another story. I don't know why it's so hard for someone to comprehend that there are parts of the game that certain players hate. I've completed several WvW tracks for the rewards but hated every minute of it. Do I wish I felt differently? Sure. But I don't.
  5. If you mean the WvW reward tracks, yes, I agree you can get them that way, but for some of us, WvW is pure torture. I hate it so much and only put up with it to get the Gift of Battle for a Legendary.
  6. I agree that the RNG for Mystic Clovers needs to go away. The ingredients cost enough without flushing more hard-earned money away. Can you imagine doing this with some other things in the MF? Hey, put in the four things for your Legendary in the Mystic Forge, and you might get your item. Or not. It's terrible.
  7. What a sexist comment. By this reasoning, GW2 only needs one armor set and one weapon set, because in the end, all fashion wars are shinies.
  8. PoF for me, although I'm glad both maps have their fans. HoT maps give me a feeling of claustrophobia and often one of "I can't get there from here" frustration. However, I have grown to appreciate all the challenges in the HoT maps... well, except maybe Tangled Depths. Pretty sure Hell is like Tangled Depths.
  9. I would, but might be slightly concerned that I'd be tempted to spend too much on it, in that I enjoy "shinies" in GW2, like various mount skins. I think it could be a good money-generator for the company. I'd like it to be completely optional and personal. And totally off-topic, if you enjoy life sim games like The Sims, a new indie one called Paralives is having the reveal of its people, called Parafolk, tomorrow May 19th. I'm excited for this game.
  10. Whatever it is, I sure hope the whole virus/disease thing from Factions is gone, 'cause I've had enough of that in real life.
  11. No, not permanent but a week here and there would be fun.
  12. I'd like to see another meta-event rush week like we had last June. That brought a lot of people into central Tyria maps, made metas more fun and do-able.
  13. Would love to see some grouped logging nodes for ancient, seasoned, hard, and soft wood the way there is elder wood near Pagga's waypoint. Thank you.
  14. Yes, I know you get it. Sometimes I have a streak of good luck and sometimes a streak of bad. Did I say bad? I meant horrific.
  15. RNG is RNG, no way around it. If you wait and there is demand, that skin will be in the gem shop or at the statuette vendor. Yes, I get you spent 50 of your statuettes -- consider it a painful lesson learned. Save those puppies for an end result that you actually want. The only way BLCs work in your favor is if you don't mind spending the money and would be happy with whatever you get. And I mean whatever. Fifty hair change kits, fifty crappy mat bags. The same goes for anything random such as mount skin unlocks. Don't do it unless you'd be content with ANY of the choices.
  16. I'm not even affected but I'm sure the Charr Metal Band is playing just for them!!
  17. Please either have Orr temple metas on a fixed timer again, or remove them as requirements for collections (such as the Legendary Weapon I'm working on). Waiting many days for them to happen, and I'm stuck on the Leg until they do. Very frustrating.
  18. Edited to state that I basically sat at my computer for a long time and toughed it out. I'm now at 4 out of 5 and I WILL get it. Thanks for the slap upside the head, which sounds sarcastic but isn't.
  19. I'm on NA. And the items I need are in the Meteorlogicus III: Storm collection -- there are five "Help the Pact take control of __ Temple" items and I only have one after weeks of trying. Thank you very much.
  20. After a terrible experience crafting my first Legendary a year or so ago (my own fault), I decided to try a different one and am currently working on Meteorlogicus and enjoying the long process. But now I'm stuck in the collection or scavenger hunt, whatever you want to call it. I need five temple metas from Orr and after trying for weeks, only have one of them. There's just so few people in the maps and it doesn't seem like anyone wants to do them, or at least not enough. I've tried map chat, checking frequently on weekends and so forth, and I can't move forward in crafting until this is done. Has anyone had any luck in submitting a support ticket over this? I'm not asking to be given anything that costs gold, karma, gems, whatever. I did these events numerous times years ago when the maps are full, but having a collection tied to dead events is frustrating. Thanks.
  21. You're not an idiot. Bet we've all done it. My bête noire is getting to a place to charge quartz crystals, and then realizing I hit "deposit all materials" while gathering and my quartz is all in the bank.
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