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Witch of Doom.5739

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Everything posted by Witch of Doom.5739

  1. I have unlocked all and while I think the griffon is the prettiest, I use the springer most of the time, even though I think it looks ridiculous. It's usually the most useful for where I want to go.
  2. Thank you for bringing back the Magitech and Braham's armor skins! I would like to request: Top Hat, Wire-Rimmed Glasses.
  3. So he acknowledges missteps but doesn't sound sorry, and nothing's going to change. Wow. And then there's "... our next planned mount skin releases will focus on individual sales like the Reforged Warhound and bundles like the Spooky Mounts Pack." Does that mean the only way to get a skin will either be one overprice skin at a time or you have to buy a bundle? Color me SUPER DISAPPOINTED. You just said nothing will change, and then you state what will change (they will not do it this way again and they will not add anymore skins to the adoption license system) and say you are disappointed. Which is is? Pretty much everyone who was against this said he would pay more if it was not RNG, or that he wants bundles like the halloween bundle. Mike said they will be doing exactly that in the future, and now this is once again not ok?I meant nothing is changing in the present set; i.e. no individual skins for sale from the current batch of thirty, already bought skins that are unwanted or unuseable will not be sell-able on the Trading Post. That's what I wanted most, so yes, I am disappointed. I don't know -- none of us do -- if by future individual sales he means they'll be 2000 gems each or not. I did buy the Halloween Spooky pack and like it, but if future bundles don't contain ALL skins that I like, I won't buy those. Does that satisfy you?
  4. So he acknowledges missteps but doesn't sound sorry, and nothing's going to change. Wow. And then there's "... our next planned mount skin releases will focus on individual sales like the Reforged Warhound and bundles like the Spooky Mounts Pack." Does that mean the only way to get a skin will either be one overprice skin at a time or you have to buy a bundle? Color me SUPER DISAPPOINTED.
  5. .> @pah.4931 said: It would be an option but still seems too pricey. I wish people could sell their unwanted skins on the TP. I have the feeling I want the ones that others don't. 'Cause I'm contrary that way.
  6. Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Yes, you gambled gems and got a skin you cannot presently use unless you spend another 250 gold and unlock the griffon. Ain't RNG grand?
  7. Another thought about how this could work (caveat: this is not my preferred method, which would be no RNG aspect to buying the mount skins at all, but that horse, I mean raptor, has left the barn and I doubt it's coming back) -- what if ANet announced new skins and said, "Here they are, you can buy them randomly or in one big expensive honkin' package and be the first to own them BUT in two (four, whatever) weeks' time they will be available for purchase individually in the Gem Shop." This way the whales and gamblers and impatient could get them first, and those of us who have more patience than money could wait.
  8. But we don't all want particle effects. I want some of the more subtle skins but am not gambling on the chance of getting them or (more likely) not getting them.
  9. Your very words; this is gambling. Spending 400 gems is risky in that I would hope for a desired result, and it is risky in that I would most likely end up with a skin I don't want and cannot gift or sell. Haha! You've made the same mistake I was making for ages there thinking GreyWolf and WolfHeart are the same person. It made the conversation between the two of them particularly confusing to follow. Oops, sorry! Yes, the quote thing can be a mess. Yesterday someone was "quoting" me yet it was nothing I said at all; it was someone else. OK, Witch of Doom out for now. Carry on!
  10. Your very words; this is gambling. Spending 400 gems is risky in that I would hope for a desired result, and it is risky in that I would most likely end up with a skin I don't want and cannot gift or sell. Which will be different for every player. It is a gamble if you won't be happy with any skin possibly being the outcome. If you will be happy with any of the skins, then it isn't a gamble. It is not 100% black and white gambling.And I'm sure there are many people who sit in casinos, hour after hour, pulling that handle, saying, "I'm not gambling; I'm socializing with my best friend Mr. Slot Machine." Rationalization at its finest. Whatever. Not arguing over whether or not RNG in games is gambling, as I clearly think it is but you do not.
  11. Your very words; this is gambling. Spending 400 gems is risky in that I would hope for a desired result, and it is risky in that I would most likely end up with a skin I don't want and cannot gift or sell.
  12. Can we please stop using real living things that need a real home as the equivalent to this? It's absurd. There are so many more factors that go into adopting an animal than getting a mount skin in a video game. Then perhaps that should start with ANet themselves, who went the marketing-puffery route by advertising the new mount skins license as "The Reforged Warhound and friends are looking for homes! Adopt a new best friend from the Black Lion Stables!"
  13. I'm not seeing many people wanting ANet and GW2 to fail. If we play and enjoy the game, why on earth would we want it to fail? Personally I hope ANet realizes the RNG aspect was a mistake to most players and changes it. I want ANet and GW2 to do well and keep putting out content, maps, things to do, things to buy. Honestly happy for you that you wouldn't mind getting any of the mount skins. As for me, there are more I dislike compared to ones I do like, and I'd be furious if I gambled 400 gems and got one of the (imo) ugly ones. I'm reading comments from my guildmates on another site about how angry/upset/sad they are that they gambled and got what in their minds is an ugly skin. A few are happy, but more are unhappy.
  14. Uff da, pages and pages more of comments to read since yesterday. That's good though -- ANet must know they have a PR disaster on their hands if they don't do something quickly. To add to my comments earlier, which boiled down to "no RNG, make each skin buyable on its own, make the plainer ones less expensive than the fancy-flashy ones," I'd like to add something I haven't seen addressed. ANet, if you don't sell the skins individually and by choice, how do you know which ones are the most popular and which ones people REALLY want to spend their gems on? Don't you want to know which direction your artists should go, where they should be spending their time and talents? Sure, maybe more people want the fiery or starry ones, but will they pay more for them than the plainer ones? Personally I want a couple of the more subdued ones, especially for the Skimmer, whose default in-game appearance is less than thrilling for me. I got the Halloween Spooky pack and am glad I did, because often I just dye my mounts all black and really like it. Yeah, I'm dull. But I have gems to spend! Thank you.
  15. I hope all the ANet suits and employees who were involved with putting the mount skins behind RNG watch this. Again, make the skins available individually and by choice, and I will buy some.
  16. Actually, I would. After previewing all the new mount skins, I prefer the more subtle ones, although some of the Raptor ones are too bland. The flashiest ones are IMO tacky and I think they look pretty ridiculous in-game. Personal opinion only; if you love them, great, but not everyone does.
  17. Preach it, sister/brother. And then there's Grenth's Outfit, which appears to show, over the crotch area, a skull vomiting up a phallus. You can't make this stuff up, folks.
  18. It has been mentioned but needs mentioning again. I watched one review that can be basically summed up with its term "debacle." Personal opinion and all that, but I agree. The RNG aspect has a lot of people po'ed but if ANet changes it to "buy the one you want" they will have po'ed people that already gambled.
  19. There are more options. They could make them sellable on the TP. They could make the price variable, from 300-400 gems for a more subtle skin, to 700-800 for one of the flashier ones. C'mon ANet, work with us here.
  20. OK, ANet, here's my feedback. At first I thought "Awesome!" until I read they were random, so I will not be buying any, as some of the skins are not anything I want. Please either make it so players can choose the one they want or so they can sell one(s) they don't want on the Trading Post. Also, how about making some of the more subdued skins cheaper, and the flashier ones more expensive? Thank you.
  21. You're right. We should have all our characters run around in their starting style armor, in the default colors, because it has zero impact on gameplay? Après vous ! :-| I for one am complaining-whinging-venting because I would LOVE to give ANet some more money. Would LOVE to buy the skins I think are the nicest, prettiest, most appropriate for how I view my mounts. It's the random part that's irking me since it's gambling, and for the money I can afford to spend right now it would likely not yield the ones I want. If I got ones I didn't want, I couldn't sell them on the TP.
  22. I'd guess that most people want the shiniest, flashiest, most "fire and lightning" skins but I actually prefer some of the more subtle ones. Skimmer isn't my favorite mount but I think some of its new skins are very pretty and I know I'd buy one or two if I could, either in the GS or on the TP if that were possible. But RNG and you can't sell the ones you don't want .... nope.
  23. I'm amazed that no one has replied to this one. As someone who does collect trading cards, I got tired of relying on RNG to get a certain card, so guess what I did. I bought a single online. For like the same price as a booster pack, I bought the exact card I wanted. Agreed. If I open a pack of MtG cards and don't get a card I like or need for a deck, I can trade the rest, sell them, give them away. Not a legit comparison.
  24. Don't worry about gems? So I guess in your world money grows on trees and trickle-down economics actually works. :-|
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