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Witch of Doom.5739

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Everything posted by Witch of Doom.5739

  1. The reason they or any other business does this misleading-on-the-surface practice is to make customers think, "OMG, what a good deal!!!!!!!!" Click buy click buy click buy
  2. What a great idea! While I'm usually all about the nostalgia, revisiting Cantha and the upcoming return to LS1 should scratch that itch. I agree that it's time to see someplace completely new.
  3. My advice is neither skip nor buy, it's WAIT. I preordered but got very frustrated with all the bugs and lack of decent loot, so I've taken a step back for the time being, until things are fixed/improved. And I do think they'll get better -- take HoT as an example. I hated that at first and left it until they fine-tuned it, and now I love playing its content.
  4. Rubi, will there be an official "What you want to see in the fourth expansion" forum thread? I think that would be nice and would corral all the posts that are bound to pop up about it. Thanks, and cheers!
  5. Hooray for LWS1 !! Thanks for the news! For the new expansion I hope for something like "Depths of Tyria" -- something brand new. Let's go underwater and make that kind of combat relevant again. Expansion of skiffs and fishing. Huge enclosed underwater cities, explorable caverns. More Kodan and Quaggan. Player housing. TYVM
  6. Ah, my bad. I was referring to the topic of this thread, ES weapon collections; I do know of course that you can buy Gen 3 Leggys off the TP and did not want to stray off topic. Cheers.
  7. No, you can't; the final versions of the ES collection weapons are account-bound. My "sour grapes" mindset is that they don't look all that different from the starting weapon in the collection, and I am not doing the story nine times. I can barely stand it once. As long as I have the Elite Specs unlocked, I'm perfectly fine with using other weapons for my characters.
  8. And this is where I am too. I found myself dreading playing the EoD maps and doing the story, and I thought, "Why the heck am I torturing myself?" I've gone back to the HoT and PoF content I love, working on some Gen 1 and 2 legendary weapons, and so forth. I hope in a few months most of the EoD bugs have been fixed and the quality of loot/rewards is VASTLY improved.
  9. Would sure love some feedback from ANet on this. I'm not even completely through the story the first time and am bored with people talking ten times more slowly than I can read. I literally get up and go away from my computer and do chores, fix lunch, etc. Please change the Elite Spec Weapon collections or I just plain will not do them. As other posters have said, couldn't you have chosen a wider variety of things to do for them, like in PoF and HoT? Gah, talk about boring. It's one of the many things (bugs, terrible loot) turning me off of playing EoD.
  10. LOL, "git gud" as applied to childrearing. Look, my kids are grown; I don't have a dog in this fight now. I have tons of time to game, hallelujah. But many people don't -- they have fulltime jobs, long commutes, small children, elderly parents to care for, housekeeping, outside obligations, whatever things to keep them from big chunks of game time, and I remember those days too. It's hard. A little sympathy would be nice but toxicity and "git gud" seems to be the order of the day in these forums.
  11. You don't have small children, do you? If you did, you'd realize an uninterrupted hour of gaming time is pure heaven. Also virtually impossible.
  12. I respectfully disagree. Beauty is subjective. PoF has been and still is my favorite expansion. I love the wide open views, the huge maps, how I can really see where I'm going, unlike the quasi-claustrophobia I got in HoT (although I love HoT now too, for the events, metas, rewards, etc.). I've played EoD for two and a half weeks and don't find it fun; maybe in a few months the bugs will be fixed and the loot will be rewarding, but 'til then I'll be back in older content.
  13. I can see it but can't preview what part of it contains. Dang, you know the bugs are BAD when even a GS item doesn't work right!
  14. Yes, but then you have to use it on a toon that's got every single PoF HP to get the currency, which I'd rather have directly, on any toon. I dunno, seems unnecessarily complicated. GW2 has about ten times too many currencies in toto as far as I'm concerned. Volatile Magic? Or do I mean Unbound Magic? Unusual Coins or Canach Coins? Tokens, coins, notes, seals, shards... too many. But thank you for the answer. I'm just feeling crabby.
  15. Yes in WvW Skirmish Chests, we get Jade Heroics now. I don't want those, I want Desert Heroics; i.e., a choice. Please fix. Thank you.
  16. I'd like to thank you for this post and I mean that literally. Exploring maps on my own is indeed what I do probably 90% of the time, plus HoT metas and a few minutes of WvW here and there for dailies towards GoB. My trying to get the Siege Turtle would be a waste of my game time and resources. So thanks for helping me to make my decision to forget about it. I've seen other players using it of course and I think it looks ugly and clunky. Skyscale forever! Edited a year+ later to add: I changed my mind and decided to go for the turtle for completion's sake, but cannot bring myself to do the Strike Mission because I hate Strikes. I'd really hoped by now that there would have been an alternate method of acquiring that one part. So I guess it will remain nothing but a giant annoying turtle following me around Arborstone.
  17. You are comparing my gameplay to being a toddler... and I have to completely agree with you! 😄 I'm such a klutz with game mechanics. I blame old age, arthritis, and stubbornness. Tried strikes before, hated them, not gonna do them. Period. If I lose out on a mount or a shiny, so be it.
  18. Yeah, I opened most of the chests except for the big one and two of the smaller ones. The loot was such garbage that I have exactly zero interest in running this again. Ever.
  19. I think all your criticisms are valid and well-stated. I'm slogging through EoD's story and maps with my main but can't see playing the content much after that, except for fishing on other maps for the collections. One of my biggest beefs right now is that the rewards/loot are so poor that they're not worth my time. I think last night I was literally dreaming about Drizzlewood Coast.
  20. From yesterday's patch notes: "Fixed an issue that prevented some players from getting progress toward the Resting Heart achievement and being able to loot the final chest in the Valdhertz Crypts minidungeon in the Echovald Wilds." Nope, still bugged.
  21. It's not needed per se, but is nice to have especially when you get a reward like a cape skin or whatever. I still collect sets if I like the skins, achievement/collection or not. If you're going to talk "need," then why have any achievements at all? Just "do stuff" without any reward except the experience and the items you pick up.
  22. I agree. There were so many cool collections to chase in PoF, as one example.
  23. I've played both GW1 and GW2 since their betas, have been and am a huge fan of the game in general, but EoD is firmly last. It's so buggy; much of what I want to accomplish isn't do-able because of bugs. And the maps seem empty. Killing bosses and champions fails time after time because there are no other players around. The loot is largely garbage, literally. Hope it's fixed over time but right now I am not inspired to play EoD content.
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