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  1. I believe this may be in reference to the spear shards on the auto attack hitting harder than the primary spear target in the beta. Per my tests, the spear shards were routinely doing ~600-700 more damage than the damage to the initial target. assuming they made the max distance damage the standard damage at all distances, this is actually a welcome change and will increase the auto attack damage by a fair amount. It’s not really a “new” mechanic though. Just a better version of the same thing.
  2. It is not that bad at all. It is more viable than rifle in competitive, people are being hyperbolic. It’s not good, but it’s not rifle…
  3. I was thinking about spear and how flip skills could have been a very enjoyable and novel (for Warrior) way to make spear a more interesting and versatile weapon. Flip skills like: Skill 2: remove the second impact and have it become a flip skill. For example: Leap to your spear (no damage, sword 2 style leap, 900 range) Skill 4: Remove the daze, increase the damage, and give it a pull flip skill. For example: Pull your spear back, bringing all impaled foes with it. Skill 5: Give it a flip skill that scales on the number of spears that hit the target. For example: Dethorn: Pull your spears out of your opponent, dealing damage per spear pulled out. Range 130. This gives a melee range follow up for damage based on how many spears hit. These 3 flip skills would: 1. Give spear more mobility to be able to kite or pursue. 2. give spear a powerful setup and control skill that leverages off of a skill shot. 3. gives spear a strong 5 skill combination skill with melee follow up because more damage is fun. 4. Spear becomes a far more independent weapon set, which Warrior needs more of. Just some thoughts I had. I anticipate spears kit to be set, just some thoughts on how it could have been a bit beefed up.
  4. @Cal Cohen.2358 Fairly important point that may be a bug, may be a feature, I’m not sure. After testing on the golems in armistice I have realized that the spear shards on the auto attack hit harder than the initial auto attack itself. at 2.4k power, the auto attack was hitting 580-620 without a crit and the spear shards were hitting 920-1010 without a crit. Just my thoughts but I would imagine it would make more sense for these values to either be reversed or to both adopt the higher damage value. I am admittedly biased as a warrior main though. Other functional points I would suggest; Maiming spear and disrupting throw both need faster casts to be able to usefully combo and more reliably land.
  5. I take back what I said before about just needing might. Warrior spear is out damaged by most of the other implementations despite being all skill shots on the weapon skills. I’m pretty sure 2, 4, and Harriers toss need a decent bit more damage. Ranger spear 3 out damages all of them, tracks, and has a short cool down and a stealth skill that is even better. Warrior spear 4 should hit as hard as Ranger spear 3 stealth skill imo, otherwise it’s a harder to land, worse version… The daze on spear 4 is effectively useless with the cast time. I’d say keep the immob, put the daze on skill 2, and increase the damage of both. Spear 2 is very difficult to land. The comparative payoff is low. Move the daze from 4 to 2 and increase the damage of the secondary strike. 2 and 4 need faster cast times, they can’t combo with anything else in the kit at the moment. 4 should be 1/4s, 2 should be 1/2s. Auto attack should grant might. Harrier Toss also needs more damage. It’s also difficult to land and, while it is an evade, it really doesn’t punch hard. I like it, I like using it, I feel weak though after trying any other class but revenant, which is a condi spear anyways. Spear 5 needs to hit people who are moving, obviously. That’s just really bad ngl. So yea, faster animations, more damage. I do like the primal burst on spear though. It’s pretty decent damage in 300-600 range and power zerk with spear
  6. I agree I think people who had different ideas of what they wanted spear to be are just exceptionally upset Anet didn’t pick their specific idea and are flaming. Im a bit more critical than you but I also think your view is perfectly reasonable. I also o need more play time during the beta to speak more confidently on what the current state of spear is, though I’m reasonably confident that my impression thus far (slightly undertones but not far off) is close to accurate.
  7. That’s a fair disagreement. I don’t think it’s that far off from the play tests I’ve done so far. This may come from playing different builds, etc. I do think spear 4 cast being reduced would be helpful, I think removing mixed range on spear 2 is necessary (see comments elsewhere, 300 standard at all distances for a skill shot is where I’m thinking), but other things like the auto I don’t think it matters as much. Im also going for minimum viable product and I think just might gen and the weapon is fine because at 20 might I can 100-0 a marauders revenant. That’s really not bad. At 0 might I do 40% of their health. So the might is pretty important in my view. I will update my opinion on a post at the end of the beta in a post that is more detailed. This was a quick post on mobile.
  8. I believe it is slightly undertuned and in need of some might generation to be a truly good weapon. Might an AA per target hit, 3 might on the second strike of skill 2 per target hit, might on Harriers toss (5 might per target struck). then obviously make the 5 skill actually hit moving targets…that parts pretty bad. But that’s just my opinion, you are free to disagree 🙂
  9. War spear just needs to generate might per target struck (initial strike and aoe strike) and the auto attack will go from underpowered to good. The entire kit would grow from that. Add 3 might per target struck to the second hit on spear 2 and we’re getting to a good kit. Add might to harriers to round it out and make skill 5 ACTUALLY HIT MOVING TARGETS, and it’s a legitimately good, non-nonsense weapon. Just might and spears being hucked with big, brawny, sweaty, veiny arms 🤤 Edit: oh yea, skill 4 is a delayed skill shot with a tiny hit box, give it a flip skill with a pull or give it more damage. That would be AMAZING.
  10. I don’t think it’s great as you say, but the hyperbole on here with it being straight dead is laughable. I think some might gen and skill 5 actually hitting a moving target will make it a very nice choice. In our right now but add me in game/send me some mail so I can add you I’d love to duel some time I need practice in warrior mirrors 🙂
  11. Saying it’s worse than rifle is hyperbole. It’s definitely not. The iframes on it are beautifully done. It really just needs damage and, if you go full damage) can nearly one shot people I kid you not. The best way to add it, imo, is: add might to spear auto (1 stack for 7 seconds baseline), add might to the second impact of spear 2 (3 stacks per target struck), increase the radius of the impact on spear 2 to 300 at all distances, increase the damage on skill 4, make skill 5 ACTUALLY HIT MOVING TARGETS, and add 5 might per target struck to harrier’s toss (and maybe some more damage) Good might gen on the weapon will make it far more viable. I like how it plays personally. It’s just under tuned. those iframes are literally perfect though, they’re an absolute delight to use (until I land a skill short burst skill for 2k in full zerk 🙃)
  12. My opinion is that This weapon is close but improperly tuned. I’m fine with the muted effects, that’s more my style. I don’t find it boring either, personally. Here’s my feedback: The good: Maiming spear (spear 3) is beautifully tuned, smooth, and an extremely useful. The harrier toss cover is BEAUTIFUL. It functions exactly like you want an evade to function. Really phenomenal work, the sustain for a damage-only weapon is exponentially higher because of how beautifully these two iframes function. Given that is the most screwed up thing on most weapons, I really cannot praise that enough. The bad: The damage is low. However, with 20 might and landing all skills, the damage is just actually good. Here are my recommendations for the damage. Skill 1: Add might to this skill. Allowing might stacking with the auto will help increase the damage of the kit as a whole. Enough to maintain somewhere around 6-8 might stacks. Skill 2: Remove the radius scaling on this one. It doesn’t even conceptually make sense since the spear is being thrown vertically. 300 radius all around. The initial strike is already incredibly hard to land because it takes so long, the second hit is borderline impossible. Secondly, add might to the second strike per target struck. 3 might per target struck. Again, I think increasing the base values is a problem given stacking ALL multipliers and might is a problem, but making might gen easier is a good way to build in both more utility and damage into the kits. It feels fitting as well. Skill 4: More damage or quickness per enemy struck. This is a hard to land skill shot. It needs more payout. Skill 5: I’ll address that in the “ugly” section because you already know the problem. Harrier toss: I once again request might. 5 might. This skill really doesn’t do enough damage for its difficulty, but it’s also covered. 5 might would help this kit really generate some might which makes it significantly better. I want to say again that this skills evade frame is beautifully implemented. Th Ugly: Skill 5: This not hitting moving targets is pretty much inexcusable. Especially when there are other skills like this that hit just fine. If this skill hits, Spear’s damage potential goes from horrible to solid. Add might and it is a good weapon, especially with all of warriors trait potential with might. I hope you all will take the time to read this, I believe spear is close, but needs these rather minimal adjustments to really become a solid primary choice.
  13. I haven’t tried it yet, but that’s pretty inexcusable of an implementation, especially when other similar skills exist (guard focus 4, ranger warhorn 4) and don’t have that issue:
  14. Definitely agree with this, no reason it shouldn’t be 1200 imo
  15. I agree with you, I prefer the understated effects of Warrior, it’s part of why I play it. But everyone has different preferences, and flashy Warrior is definitely an archetype, so I don’t blame them. Spear *was* a place to spice it up a bit (like a streak of fire behind the spear or something) but I like the white, force impact visuals we got, feels very warrior imo.
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