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Everything posted by Robban.1256

  1. High chance of failure is also what makes it more intresting , not a 1 shoot like fire elemental is, so it doesnt need to be something negative it also can be a positive for some ppl. And rewards why then are they doing gerent if not for account bind mats/currency or exp? Gerent gives 2g 39s for a 24min effort, so thats an relative gold per hour of 5g 99s. While marionette gives 3g 75s for 11min effort, so thats relative gold per hour of 20g 15s. Drakkar gives 2g 57s for 15min, thats relative gold per hour of 10g 28s
  2. You dont know how it works. Also your solution that less players should play pvp just makes it worse
  3. That is cus the pvp player base is too small, no matchmaking works good with low player base. Thats not the matchmaking systems fault
  4. Some interesting data from 2019: ''Highest Finish: 18021.1% of the players who placed below gold (0-1199) finished the season in plat or higher. Highest Finish: 1680Lowest placement to hit plat: 686''
  5. That isnt AFK farm that is idle farm. AFK farming is not allowed, that is, you must be at your keyboard. Inattentive/idle farming is allowed, for example, you can watch a movie while moving your character occasionally.
  6. But you said you wanted gold? ''i want to directly use bloodstones for useful stuff like tomes of knowledge or gold.'' so you dont thinks its useful for you at all cus you have already ascended/legendary gear and you dont want to use gobblers?
  7. But then game stores struggle to sell games nowadays since many buy online, here in Nordic where I live, all GameStops had to shut down Thier stores , https://www.dagenshandel.se/article/view/691606/gamestop_stanger_alla_nordiska_butiker
  8. 1= sandswept, 2= jahai, 3= kourna, 4= thunderhead, 5=istan, 6= dragonfall. If we rank based on karma/hour
  9. @Khisanth.2948 The rewards aren't bad. The player-base is just bad at running dungeons outside of insular speed-clear groups. You seldom see things like various dungeon consumables, stealth, combo/blast finishers, portals and jumping puzzle mechanics outside of experienced groups any more. Complaining that dungeons aren't rewarding when you're not optimizing the strategies you use for them is silly. Most of the "experienced" groups you come across in the LFG are just legacy pug strats from before HoT/PoF that are entirely irrelevant due to power-creep let-alone the original, more organized strategies. People got this nerf pretty wrong. Before, you got 1g cash for each path daily, 1,5g for Ascalon and 2g(?) for Arah. After the "nerf" you get ~35s cash for each path daily, 50s for Ascalon and 1g for Arah plus 5g cash after finishing 8 different paths. So after 8 paths without Ascalon and Arah it's 8g(old) vs 7,8g(new). With Ascalon it's 9,5g(old) vs 8,5g(new). And with Arah it's 11g(old) vs 9,75g(new). So at this point we see that the cash rewards were way less nerfed than most people think. But that's not all, there are three more points. 1.) The achievement, where you got the 5g for 8 paths, resets after it's done, it's not bound to any daily resets. So if you want to farm dungeons massively, you will be able to get way more gold after the nerf than before. 2.) Not only the cash reward has been nerfed, also the Dungeon Token gain were doubled. Actually the chest token were doubled, so now you get 100 token instead of 80 (20 are not in the chest but given after finishing a path too). This means 40 more tokens for each path. Regarding to GW2 efficency you can get ~30c or ~4s per token, depending on how you use them. Thats ~12s or ~1,6g more than before the nerf. So this bonus equalize the less cash gain (more or less). 3.) And last but not least together with the 5g, you also get a Chest of Dungeoneering from that achievement, where you can pick a bag of 150 tokens of your choice. That means another ~45s or 6g in addition. So all in all you get even more gold after the nerf than before, it's just a little less cash. The nerf actually was a buff (and even without tokens, only a small nerf), but people sadly got it wrong. It can be upwards of 30-50g per hour depending on available recipes and tour speed. Especially for people who don't have recipes, rising ecto and mat prices are good for dungeons. This spreadsheet is from 2018 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/443563530860363788/451915847049543682/xn8m74f.png and hers for 2020 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ex9zbExAYDY46LAeP58SI7ah-DSzVze3ZS5lGm03PLY/edit#gid=1713388649
  10. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/online https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/off-line Apparently the US Webster's dictionary puts 'off-line' with the hyphen by default, but not online, maybe why anet also do the same while another says "Off-line and on-line may be hyphenated or written as single words, offline and online. These are all standard spellings" source https://www.btb.termiumplus.gc.ca/tpv2guides/guides/wrtps/index-eng.html?lang=eng&lettr=indx_catlog_o&page=9RJt5wpIR9Rc.html
  11. Yes, https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/115015898508-Guild-Wars-2-Free-Account-Features-
  12. As Danikat says and if you know how to make money of it then I would save it only then. (Cus there's a way that can earn you good gold but it requires many clicks)
  13. The Glicko system isn't just based on your current rating, it also takes into account the volatility of that rating based on the standard deviation of your results over time.The variance in point loss/gain for similar point differences has to do with each individual players' rating deviation (uncertainty). Players with high RD will earn or lose more points when they win or lose respectively.e.g. -If you loose against a weaker opponent, or win against a stronger opponent, that will affect your rating more than loosing to a stronger opponent or beating a weaker opponent. I will not reprint the Glicko equations here because they are much more complex than the Elo equation, but for the mathematically curious an overview that includes the equations can be found here http://www.glicko.net/glicko.html There's a graduate student master's thesis on the topic if you're interested. http://rhetoricstudios.com/downloads/AbstractingGlicko2ForTeamGames.pdf Glicko is mathematically better than Elo, but requires more calculation. Elo was conceived around 1970 and could be calculated without a computer. Glicko is only practical with a computer.Glicko and Elo should reach the same rating, but Glicko reaches the right rating faster. Glicko-2 is more modern system than Elo and encounters such factors as new people in the pool and changes in strength to adjust speed of rating change. If two continents implement Glicko or Elo and the players of the two continents never play one another, then when they start playing intercontinental it will always show that one continent is overrated and one is underrated. Only if they play intercontinental will the ratings on both continents equalize.That is also the case with FIDE rating and USCF rating: USCF is overrated as compared to FIDE. ''@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:In a recent random sample of 100,000 matches, we found that in approximately 95% of matches, the difference between the average skill rating of each team was less than 50 points. The matchmaker is doing a good job in most cases. Things get more problematic at the very low and very high skill ratings. Our change to duo queue for 1600+ ranked players is part of our efforts to address this. In addition to that modification, we’re working on some fine tuning on the matchmaker. Our simulation with the proposed changes extended the favorable difference ratio mentioned above from 95% to over 99% of matches. I can’t give you specific dates on when these changes go live, but we’ll be looking to trial them on the unranked queue somewhat soon™. One thing to keep in mind is that just because the average skill rating of each team is close, that doesn’t mean you won’t have a blowout match. Some maps just tend to snowball, some players tend to give up when they get a bit behind, etc. This can lead to a blowout even if the average skill rating of each team was fairly close. I know we have top stats, but they don't generally tell the whole story. Individual performance is a very situational thing. If we tried to adjust ratings based on stats, we'd have people chasing stats rather than the win. That's why we value the win over everything else. @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:@Forsty.7968 is correct in that we use the composite opponent method for rating changes. I think we may have tried the composite team method in the past and it didn't work well. I could be wrong about that, as it was before I joined the PvP team. The problem with composite teams is that it basically never gets people to a rating that reflects their real skill.'' And for you who doesn't know who Ben is he is one of the pvp devs.
  14. That wasn't a trailer BTW. That was an teaser. A teaser is a short trailer that doesn't give away any plot details but gives us a glimpse of the tone and characters of the movie. A trailer is a video that sometimes gives us some of the plot details, normally 30 seconds to 2 minutes and 30 seconds, but can vary
  15. If we talk about gold per hour or total amount of gold the VB is much better. Verdant Brink baubles = 15-19,46g/hour + 22,6k karma + 9 spirit shards. Total gold= 30-38.https://fast.farming-community.eu/open-world/farmtrain Dragonstand= 11g 78s/hour + 7,7k karma + 12 spirit shards.https://www.peuresearchcenter.com/benchmarks.html But why more ppl do dragonstand is cus of Legendarys (specially for Crystalline Ore) or map completion and that VB is much easier to Solo or low man VB baubles can only be done once every 3 or 4 weeks since the map bonus thing that gives the baubles rotates.I do know, VB is still better
  16. If we talk about gold per hour or total amount of gold the VB is much better. Verdant Brink baubles = 15-19,46g/hour + 22,6k karma + 9 spirit shards. Total gold= 30-38.https://fast.farming-community.eu/open-world/farmtrain Dragonstand= 11g 78s/hour + 7,7k karma + 12 spirit shards.https://www.peuresearchcenter.com/benchmarks.html But why more ppl do dragonstand is cus of Legendarys (specially for Crystalline Ore) or map completion and that VB is much easier to Solo or low man
  17. Or 1, 5 or 10 from completion https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gerent%27s_Chest
  18. No, for example five 28 slot bags is cheaper than buying another character or five 24 bags is about the same cost as buying a extra bag slot, see here for chart https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/231772598801793025/780182888087552000/unknown.png?width=960&height=429
  19. Easy points:8 personal story8 completing LS 2 story (not the achievements)2 Tequalt1 Karka Queen1 LA exterminator1 Dry Top skritt queen1 for first character reaching lvl 80That’s 22 points without doing fractals, dungeons, JPs, LS achievements, difficult bosses or rare spawns. And that’s easily enough to max out Pact Commander (19 needed).As for Fractal Attunement, it pays for itself in terms on MP’s…11 needed, 14 available. But if you don’t do fractals, this line is useless to you and you can ignore it.
  20. If you died during the time the boss was alive then no its not autolooted, if you died after the final boss is dead then yes. Also the autoloot has an max radius it works on and that is 2000 units, so for example on chak Gerent you have to loot manually since its so far away.
  21. You can port to the nearest waypoint for free whenever you are downed and out of money. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Waypoint and scroll down
  22. You can have a good match that was a hard fight between equally skilled opponents and... loose so much points its unrecoverable unless you win the next 3 matches in a row. Given that many won't even run that many matches in a row if they are into more casual PvP, whats even the point of trying? Loose 2-500 or loose 498-500, same thing the game says you suck heres equal penalties for it. kitten doesnt tell what you are meaning, and you can read everything why on the thesis. Glicko is mathematically better than Elo, but requires more calculation. Elo was conceived around 1970 and could be calculated without a computer. Glicko is only practical with a computer.Glicko and Elo should reach the same rating, but Glicko reaches the right rating faster. Glicko-2 is more modern system than Elo and encounters such factors as new people in the pool and changes in strength to adjust speed of rating change. If two continents implement Glicko or Elo and the players of the two continents never play one another, then when they start playing intercontinental it will always show that one continent is overrated and one is underrated. Only if they play intercontinental will the ratings on both continents equalize.That is also the case with FIDE rating and USCF rating: USCF is overrated as compared to FIDE. The Glicko system isn't just based on your current rating, it also takes into account the volatility of that rating based on the standard deviation of your results over time.The variance in point loss/gain for similar point differences has to do with each individual players' rating deviation (uncertainty). Players with high RD will earn or lose more points when they win or lose respectively.e.g. -If you loose against a weaker opponent, or win against a stronger opponent, that will affect your rating more than loosing to a stronger opponent or beating a weaker opponent. I will not reprint the Glicko equations here because they are much more complex than the Elo equation, but for the mathematically curious an overview that includes the equations can be found here http://www.glicko.net/glicko.html
  23. @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:In a recent random sample of 100,000 matches, we found that in approximately 95% of matches, the difference between the average skill rating of each team was less than 50 points. The matchmaker is doing a good job in most cases. Things get more problematic at the very low and very high skill ratings. Our change to duo queue for 1600+ ranked players is part of our efforts to address this. In addition to that modification, we’re working on some fine tuning on the matchmaker. Our simulation with the proposed changes extended the favorable difference ratio mentioned above from 95% to over 99% of matches. I can’t give you specific dates on when these changes go live, but we’ll be looking to trial them on the unranked queue somewhat soon™. One thing to keep in mind is that just because the average skill rating of each team is close, that doesn’t mean you won’t have a blowout match. Some maps just tend to snowball, some players tend to give up when they get a bit behind, etc. This can lead to a blowout even if the average skill rating of each team was fairly close. I know we have top stats, but they don't generally tell the whole story. Individual performance is a very situational thing. If we tried to adjust ratings based on stats, we'd have people chasing stats rather than the win. That's why we value the win over everything else. @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:@Forsty.7968 is correct in that we use the composite opponent method for rating changes. I think we may have tried the composite team method in the past and it didn't work well. I could be wrong about that, as it was before I joined the PvP team. The problem with composite teams is that it basically never gets people to a rating that reflects their real skill. There's a graduate student master's thesis on the topic if you're interested. http://rhetoricstudios.com/downloads/AbstractingGlicko2ForTeamGames.pdf And for you who doesn't know who Ben is he is one of the pvp devs.
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