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Geoff Fey.1035

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Everything posted by Geoff Fey.1035

  1. Could maybe the "Daily Achievement" category be changed into a Weekly "Return To" for different areas? Like, instead of "Daily Season 3" you have "Weekly Season 3" with a number of different achievements similar to a "Return To" event? (Impacts to the game economy notwithstanding)
  2. Teleport mechanics basically removes you from point A and replaces you at point B. Typically these are movement-focused with minor secondary effects (attack, support, condi cleanse, etc.). The list of Teleport skills is very small. Shadowstep mechanics needs unbroken pathing from point A to point B. Typically these are attacks, effects, or have additional effects. The distinction is likely to restrict high-value skills, but at this point Teleport should be rolled into Shadowstep.
  3. That would make sense, possibly also making it that you can trade the Gift of [Map] for an extra helm or backpack? Means you'd need 3 characters minimum to unlock both the Spear and Backpack, or 1 character to unlock just one of the JW Leggies. Keeps players engaging with the content (similar design as SotO with Obsidian Armour) instead of just buying their way to the end, and creates a longer-term sink for the map gifts since they would be pointless afterwards (Gharr Leadclaw notwithstanding) I'm reasonably sure that the Precursor weapon or the "themed poem" will need (or both) will need Sweet-treated planks & neutralized Titan Alloy, so make sure you stockpile those along with ectos. As well as Ursus Oblige (at least 3500) Agreed that it doesn't need to make sense. Consider the slurry we make out of bones, scales, blood, dust, totems, venom, etc., and we then mash it together with plants created ectoplasm and obsidian, and then smeared onto coins, lodestones, or more ectoplasm to create a "Tribute" that's just an oddly coloured lump or statue shaped like a dragon. Or the fact that I somehow need nearly a dozen books/tales, a bunch of badges, and a literal chunk of a weapon forged from some of the toughest material that exists in-universe to be able to write a poem onto some cheap premium paper.
  4. I would love it if Claw Island would become an optional Homestead in the future, Kind of bring us back full circle to the beginning before we were the Commander, and pays homage to our Mentor. Would be cool having Heroes again too as a callback to when the Commander was the "henchman" for their Mentor. Would let ANet play more into the whole "Guild Wars" thing too, either co-opting Dragon's Watch or creating a new (or unnamed Guild) to suit the writing.
  5. Since it says "Additional copies can be purchased in the near future." I'm thinking that you need both for each of the Spear and the Backpack.
  6. God I hope so! Bring back GW1 Siege Devourer Mounts! HYAHHHHH! (Still sad PoF didn't have a Junundu mount and only had a single event for it)
  7. Warrior - Blood; Loyal Soldier Sire; Euryale (Elementalist) to show the baseline warriors of the Charr accepting even those who are most similar to the old Flame Legion. Elementalist - Iron Legion, Sorcerous Shaman Sire; Reeva (Engineer) to show the movement of Charr from magic to technology, with Reeva helping my Elementalist bridge the gap.
  8. It's more because you get various things from Birthday Gifts: Dye Packs for exclusive or high-value dyes Teleport to Friend Black Lion Statuettes (trade for Outfits, Armour Skins, etc. that are normally from the Gemstore) Anniversary skins that you can only get through Birthday Gifts Backpacks (4 Years or older) Luminous (5 Years or older) Dragon Decade (10 Years or older) Exclusive Enrichment & Amulet
  9. Sorry, I was teasing--I do agree with you that Syntri is just weird.
  10. Luckily for us, there are users on the Official GW2 Wiki who will do this In all honesty, it's likely an oversight or due to rushing Syntri. The far West, Blood Hill, and Sulphur areas all feel like they're missing something (meta, Hearts, World Bosses) and just sort of exist. I agree with you that the Curious currencies seem to be the main focus. Tinfoil Hat Time: It would be a shame if ANet made it that you needed 5x250 of each one for the new Legendaries, but not entirely unexpected. It promotes people playing the content and doing hearts for a long while; If you take the 15 from vendor -3 for cost of the opposing vendor, it would take roughly 100 days of just focusing on the Renown Hearts to get 1250 Curious Honeycombs/Mursaat Currency, not including if people are regularly doing events which cuts it down significantly. This lines up pretty close to the release of Update 1 from JW launch, so it's enough time for people to get there if they're regularly playing the content leading up to it.
  11. I don't understand why ANet didn't just make it require Rift Essences, especially given that it was introduced in SotO where Convergences/Rifts were kind of "the thing" (as a component of Obsidian Armour). Lucent Motes already had enough value due to Legendary Sigils & Runes.
  12. Slithering in with my usual refrain of: Bloodlust: Bleed on Critical Hit (100%) Synergizes with all currently existing Arms traits as they are Duration increase (+33%) could be removed or decreased, as Warriors would have greater access to bleeds Creates competing trade-offs with Arms Grandmaster Burst Precision (100% crit chance) and Furious (+stacking condi damage on critical hit) Multi-hit weapons (OH Axe, OH Dagger, Pistol, Greatsword, Spear, Gunsaber) & Fast attack weapons (MH Axe, MH Dagger) become Condi-capable weapons by maximizing hits-per-second to trigger conditions (a la Guardian) Creates the most condi & hybrid build opportunities for Core & All Elite Specs and weapon choice with the minimum needed changes King of Fires: Get rid of the internal cooldown on crit causing aura Crit Chance becomes more valuable for condi-zerkers Less reliant on Leap finishers for combos Duration increase (+33%) could be removed or decreased, as Berserkers would have greater access to burns (especially if paired with Last Blaze) Creates tradeoff of utility skill selection (Rage skills) vs. utility usage (not having emergency buttons/utility) vs. DPS Maintains the current design with the minimum needed changes, allowing rebalancing across other traits Fierce as Fire: Get rid of internal cooldown & do burning per round of ammo spent. Pistol becomes a Condi-burst weapon Gunsaber (all skills except auto-attack) becomes a Condi-capable weapon Armaments, Shouts, and some Physical skills become Condi-capable weapons Promotes Hybrid builds (rather than Condi specifically), as Dragon Slash is still Power-focused Makes the heat-glow of the Gunsaber actually make sense Works as indirect nerf to Dragon Slash, allowing ANet to refocus on Guns x Glory and/or Grandmaster Traits for Dragon Slash buffs. Maintains the current design of Bladesworn with new Condi opportunities with the minimum needed changes, allowing rebalancing across other traits EDIT: I try to focus on the smallest changes possible to have the biggest impacts rather than reworking entire traitlines or mechanics. By making it small it means ANet doesn't need to invest much time in it so it's cost-savings for them, thereby making it more reasonable for them to look into it as an option rather than overhauling an existing Elite Spec to function better in-game.
  13. The only thing making GW2 still playable for me is my trusty ol' Logitech G600 MMO Mouse. Apparently Logicool (Logitech branding in Japan) still makes the G600t that's fully compatible with the English version of the software, so I ordered one of those (at 1.5x markup, but still cheaper than the Americans doing x4-x8 markup) and am just waiting for it. Will try to repair my ol' faithful once the new one arrives.
  14. For sake of argument lets say we only need 100 each for the Spear and Backpack.... So what? There'll always be a market because some people won't want to farm them even if it's super fast and easy (see Flax Seeds, Jade Runestones, etc)
  15. So basically Living World Season 2: Seeds of Truth and Visions of the Past: Steel and Fire (Darkrime Delves mission)? It would be nice if ANet revisited the Scrying Pool, because after the Season 1 re-release, they've stripped out everything except Canach's Lair which kind of makes the Scrying Pool pointless. A nice callback would be to add in missions like the Bonus Mission Pack from GW1. As far as Henchmen go, I really want ANet to have "Heroes" that we can customize that can be brought as stand-in players for (non 50-player) instanced content. Sure, it's not perfect as mechanics will kill everyone in certain content, but it gives players a bit more leeway if they can't find the players they want/need (or simply want to do things solo).
  16. I was just about to reply to them--you're 100% correct. Unblockable effect was removed from Skill 5 and Skill 4 was altered to need the first hit for the rest to stick.
  17. Combination of history of GW2 having balance patches that make/break entire builds Excessing to "theoretically" discuss refunds over the Spear nerfs. EULA condones ANet doing whatever to GW2 at any time forum history of peoples involved Warrior Spear needed some nerfs. Skill 2, 4, and Burst were hilariously strong in WvW, and Spearbreaker Bunker was wildly strong in PvP. Everyone agrees that the nerfs went too far (skill 4 & 5 mostly). The Spear isn't 100% meta anymore, but it's still high up there. It's a bit of an overreaction to something that'll likely get rebalanced in a few months anyways.
  18. Seems like Major Caches don't give guaranteed Runestones now, which is unfortunate. I know the Wiki says "high chance" but before it seemed like every single one of these guaranteed a Runestone, but now it's maybe every third one that I'm getting one. Better to save your keys for Mythic and always grab them when players on the map give callouts.
  19. Honestly, the Story Mode just needs to be toned down to be as difficult as the normal 1-80 Personal Story missions. Nothing beyond that is required. (And ideally having a Story Mode for Raids too--with less rewards, naturally--so that people can engage the story of those areas)
  20. The daily chest that you get from it, if you grab each of the essences once, then at the end of the week you'll have enough essences for x4 Amalgamated. Since you can only get the daily chest once a day, that's why I recommend doing Convergences once per day to maximize Rift Essences for time spent in-game. (does not take into account Nuggies)
  21. This hurts me on such a spiritual level I think you sent a part of me to the Realm of Torment
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