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Everything posted by Pridedemon.3041

  1. Being something fun is objective and can never be balanced around individual level. What you may find fun may feel absolutely bland to me and vice versa. My main is a ranger and i have 4 full different sets and build's on that character. Druid healer build for fractals/strikes Soulbeast DPS build for fractals/strike WvW build and finally my favorite own made Celestial druid build. Now my druid build is extremely tanky and good dps balance with sufficient boons and heal that can easily solo HoT hero points without any issue. I always run this build in open world but i also know its not the highest dps build around, that's why i also keep my soulbeast build which is couple clicks away if i am joining any instanced content. Nothing wrong with keeping fun and optimized gear and build on your main professions simultaneously and keep your fun build for 95% of the content while swapping to optimized for 5% when you are doing anything competitive. Seems a fair trade off to me.
  2. GW2 really doesn't need vanilla servers as all of the content in gw2 remains relevant and gives appropriate loot by design. When you compare it with other mmo's like WoW which have vanilla server, it makes sense in that game because every new expansion make the old content and maps completely irrelevant except maybe leveling. A World boss in WoW which required 40+ players to kill can be 1 shot by characters couple expansions later, this doesn't happen in gw2. Can you solo claw of jormag? I don't think so, all of the world bosses and meta events are already run regularly exceptions being the one's which aren't pugable (triple trouble for example). Besides, there is no one forcing you to play elite specs, some vanilla specs are totally viable and still run regularly. Example being the vanilla support bunker guardian is currently meta in pvp.
  3. Ah this, when HoT was released this was considered an exceedingly hard meta to complete. I remember creating my first Gen 2 Nevermore and killing Chak gerent was the hardest item for the collection for me back then. Now we have everyone on skyscales and extreme power creep that this is another one of those afk event. I recently returned to gw2 after 5 years of break (after pof) and everything has become extremely easy including. I remember when fractals used to be tough and running through fractals like t4 cliffside used to be a challenge, now its just rush kill rush kill all fractals except maybe silent surf 100.
  4. Yeah this is definitely dropping more in wintersday. According to gw2tp this item has exactly 0 supply on TP from July to October 16. During halloween it maxed to 13 in supply on TP and then slowly fell down to 5 supply until December 11. As soon as wintersday started in 2 days from December 11 to December 13th it went from 5 to 27 in supply and its climbing ever since to current supply of 73. Guess anet figured it's drop rate was exceedingly rare and hence they definitely tuned it for wintersday which explains my totally out of blue drop.
  5. Yeah i think i will keep it in my bank for at least after wintersday is over. At worst the price will tank further downwards at which point i will just use it on one of my characters or it may go up couple grand if the drop rate hasn't been changed. I was looking at gw2tp that this infusion was like 8-10 supply MAX until wintersday and now suddenly its 72. I do believe drop rate must have increased or at the very least it has much higher chance to drop from wintersday gifts then halloween bags
  6. Getting items that are no longer available are always considered prestige and shows dedication and/or to show this or that guy was there at the beginning. The people who got Black Ahn'qiraj mount in WoW are extremely rare and that accounts now have a value in thousands of dollars because it is no longer attainable. When i see a toon in WoW with Hand of Adal title i know this guy was there during Burning crusade and is a veteran. All mmo's reward long term commitment, this is literally the soul of mmo's. I really wanna play FFIV because i always hear my friends talking about that but i don't because i know i can never compete now with characters that were made a decade ago. You can't expect playing a year ago and then complain that your toons can't match in prestige to other characters who were their when the game launched in beta more then 10 years ago. Note, you are still talking about presgite not actual power level or gear.
  7. So recently i was in divinity's reach doing 1-10 story for my weekly key and while in the way i picked my first Gixx present. I am not bothering with festival achievements so i haven't farmed any gifts and when i opened the present it gave me an enchanted music box lol. Now i am not sure what to do with it, as i see price of it has recently tanked in the past couple weeks from like 6k to just under 1k. Did anet increase the drop chance or what or is it only temporary due to so many gifts being opened right now? Any idea if the price will improve after wintersday is done or will it remain permanently under 1k. I don't really care for infusions so i am probably gonna sell it and complete my 32 bag set on my main character.
  8. I would say use it on a dungeon currency, probably Arah or someother as dungeons are pretty much dead now. Its almost impossible to find a good party for dungeon as all of those veteran players have moved onto high tier fractals and raids. The only realistically possible way of getting dungeon currencies is to finish the dungeon story and then do pvp reward tracks for that dungeon.Don't waste it on open world currencies especially HoT map currencies. They are extremely easy to farm, and doing a 30 minute meta in Verdant Brink/Auric Basin/Tangled Depths can easily net you over 300 map currency. Not to mention they are FAR more actively run every day then Path of Fire maps. Bandit Crests? Heck no, easiest to get and running silverwastes i have over 10k of them and no good items to get.
  9. My base magic find is 220% and about 2330 hours of playtime. I have got quite a lot of ascended chests actually, mostly from tequatl/pvp just playing the game.I don't play fractals anymore and when i used to play back then regularly before HoT (lvl 50 was the max you could do) ascended chests did'nt use to drop in fractals. Although i have still over 2 tabs worth of bank filled with ascended rings from fractals (many deleted lol, you couldn't salvage rings back then) and every single character of mine equipped with ascended rings (i have 15 80's) I only ever had ONE precursor drop on me and it was a filthy precursor for LEGENDARY TRIDENT (sold for less then 100g) and it dropped from an elite mob in crucible of eternity. I guess what you play or where you play does indeed increase your chance significantly of getting an ascended chest. Got an ascended armor chest yesterday from pvp :P
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