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Everything posted by blackjinx.4975

  1. thank you very much, i didnt know i could cast sic em during traps!
  2. Thank you for the tips! I also posted on the subreddit and added a recording and dps log if that can help. I have a hard time with warhorn and im doing worst with it so i tried without. Edit : here's a recording of the medium golem : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-Z_rn9SpUw and here's a arcdps log (not the same but i did the same thing with same result) : https://dps.report/QAXt-20220911-202650_golem i tried the rotation with warhorn and did slightly worst, not sure why...
  3. Hello everyone, im what i would call close to a veteran player, max masteries/some legendarys/all fractals cm title/cleared most raids and cm but i never reach the benchmark dps on the golem that snowcrow have on their site. I know its no big deal and i can clear everything with 30k but its bugging me that i cant reach 38k on the golem. First of all im using this build : https://snowcrows.com/builds/ranger/soulbeast/power-soulbeast Its claiming a bench of 38k but i only reach 31.6k I dont have stat infusion, so we need to consider that. But everything is ascended with the right rune/sigil and food. But there is one thing i struggle with, the written rotation dont seem to match the video posted at the end of the page. Could someone shed some light on that. I understand i should squeeze all my big damage skill inside sicem and owp window but i have a hard time following the rotation as it is written. Here's a screenshot after a average golem with full condition on him : https://imgur.com/a/BEF6k47 Any pointers ? Edit : i am looking at this screenshot and i have a feeling i have way to much ricochet damage and you guys will tell me to press my skill faster but i end up cancelling OWP and Splitblade when going to fast 😞
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