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Everything posted by noodlebeans.8369

  1. So sorry to have missed this question earlier! I realize that you've probably moved on, but here's an answer for anyone reading this. While each officer has some discretion when it comes to enforcing this particular rule, I think your name would probably be approved today. That rule was written to be purposefully broad, since it's hard to define all the ways a name could be inappropriate--it's one of those "know it when I see it" things. If you have any concerns, please feel free to apply with your preferred name, and then give us more info or explanation of why you chose that name in the "reason for joining" section of the application. If a name is deemed inappropriate (which thankfully happens very rarely), we'll give you an opportunity to pick a new one. And, while I'm here, yes we are (always) actively recruiting new members!! :grin: :+1:
  2. Happy Halloween everyone! If you're looking for some buddies to run around the labyrinth with, send us your application today! :grin: :+1:
  3. Thanks for the kind words, Majic! We're really glad that you found us!! :heart: We're always recruiting, so if you're reading this in the future and wondering if you should apply, then you should. :grin:
  4. Are you looking to make new friends in a casual, friendly, and supportive environment? We've been looking for you! Make Guild Medieval your new digital home. We're a guild of many games, and we've been at it for almost twenty years. All the benefits of an established, well organized guild, but still with that small-guild feel. It's where everybody knows your name! And we're always glad you came! :D Visit our website for more info and to fill out an application. Hope to hear from you soon!
  5. Yes, we are still recruiting!!! :grin: If you're looking for a fun, laid-back group of friends to enjoy the Wintersday fesitivities with, look no further! See the top post for a comprehensive FAQ and links to our website and application. Feel free to message me here, in game, or on discord (noodlebeans#5087) if you have any questions. Hope to hear from you soon. :smile:
  6. We're always looking for new members! If you'd like to try a casual, friendly, social guild, please fill out an application today! :grin:
  7. There should be a private message waiting for you on our forums: https://www.guildmedieval.com/forum/ Please follow the instructions there and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! =)
  8. I'm so grateful for everything we've accomplished in the last six months. And I'm excited for what the future holds! We're always looking for new members, so fill out an application today and help us to grow bigger and better! Thanks!! <3
  9. Sorry for belated replies here! Quickest way to get in touch is to fill out an application. You'll be able to ask questions on our forums while you wait. And our turn around on applications is usually only a few hours, but no later than 48 hours. Of course! We do communicate in English primarily, but we have members from all over the world, including Brazil! Looking forward to seeing your application!! Already got you set up, but welcome again!! :grin:
  10. Just want to remind all new applicants to check back on our website, www.guildmedieval.com/forum, for private messages related to your application. Whether you've been accepted or if we need more information, you'll find all instructions on how to get started with us there. Our forums are the heart of our guild, as we exist in many games, and that's the place we do all of our important communication. That said, if you have any questions, problems logging back into the website, or if you haven't heard back from us in over 48 hours, please feel free to get in touch with me. I'm not so good at checking my messages here, but I'm on the Guild Medieval forums every day if you want to PM me there, or send me a DM on discord (noodlebeans#5087), and/or I'm in game nearly every day (noodlebeans.8369). Hope to hear from you soon! :)
  11. Always! Click the link in the top post to fill out an application. :grin:Edit: I see that you already did! Excellent!!
  12. Wow, so much has happened in just over a month since we started recruiting! We successfully captured Gilded Hollow, and we're working hard on upgrades. Some wonderful people have joined our online family, and existing GM members continue to return or try out GW2 for the first time. We've been running guild missions every Monday night and Saturday morning. Looks like we're about to start a static leveling group, and maybe some dungeon/fractal running events. And we're planning to go on our first raid next weekend. It's exciting times! I hope you'll join us. =)
  13. I hope everyone's holiday season is going well! We've seen a lot of growth in the last few weeks, both from brand new members and our existing members who are trying GW2 for the first time. I'm very excited to see where we go in 2018!! As our numbers grow, we're making plans for various events, including capturing our Guild Hall very soon. I hope you'll consider joining us. Follow the links in the top post to see our website, review our rules, and fill out an application. You can contact me here if you have any questions, or if you've filled out an application you can send me a private message on the Guild Medieval forums. Happy Holidays! =)
  14. Guild Medieval is now recruiting in Guild Wars 2!http://i.imgur.com/R7SLHdXh.jpg We welcome players of all skill levels, experiences, and walks of life. We are inclusive and pride ourselves on maintaining a friendly, mature, and supportive gaming environment. Our footprint in GW2 is small right now but we are actively recruiting and growing. That said, we're far more interested in finding recruits with the right mindset and personality than we are in bolstering our numbers. Read more about us below, check out our website, and fill out an application today! Click here to visit our website.Click here to fill out an application.Guild Medieval was founded in 2001 as a haven for players wishing for a mature, safe environment free of hacks and obnoxious behavior. We’ve established guilds in many games, including Dungeons & Dragons Online, Diablo 3, World of Warcraft, Path of Exile, Neverwinter and Elder Scrolls Online, and are exploring other worlds besides. In DDO we are known as The Silver Legion, and have become one of the largest, most successful, and stable guilds on Cannith. We are now recruiting in Guild Wars 2, offering a home to any gamer that recognizes the value in our level of organization and sterling reputation. We are family-friendly, helpful, and courteous. Thematically, we are built around the idea of feudal kingdoms and orders of knights with a strong code of conduct. Many of our members form friendships that last beyond the games we play (some have even gotten married). Guild Medieval is foremost a community of like-minded people who happen to like playing online games together. We are only concerned about the person behind the keyboard, and not your gear or accomplishments. When joining us, you join our community which means interacting with members on our forums and not just in-game. We are always recruiting, and our requirements are strict. No Profanity.No Harassment.No Sexism/Racism/Bigotry.No Hacks.No Cheating.We encourage fair play, courtesy, and camaraderie, with players both in-guild and out. Register on our forum to see our full list of rules and policies and fill out the application. All serious applications are considered and replied to. Please take care with your application and fill out the reason for joining with more than just a couple sentences. You should get a response within 48 hours. Check back for a private message on our forums regarding your application. Applications with little information, poor grammar, or generally showing a lack of earnestness will not be considered. To reiterate, we are highly selective. We are a guild of friends, and it’s hard to make new friends with someone who doesn’t make an effort at an introduction. Showing us you want to belong and value the same things we do will go a long way in your application. Your application is viewable by any member, so keep in mind that this is how you are presenting yourself to the guild at large. If you have any questions, you can reply to this thread or message me directly in-game (noodlebeans.8369) or on discord (noodlebeans#5087). Also, after you fill out an application, you'll have limited access to our forums where you can ask questions and read more details about our rules and policies. Our forums is usually the fastest way to get in touch with us. Thanks! Q&A SectionQ: Are there playtime requirements? A: None at all. Play as much as you like. Even if you quit GW2, our forums will always be open to you (given that you have become a knight–a full and permanent member of the guild). Q: What timezones do you play in? A: Guild Medieval is international, with members split about evenly between the Americas and Europe, and with a good representation from Australia and East Asia. Peak times tend to be evenings for both US and EU, but there are usually a few members on at all times. Q: Do you have a guild hall? A: We do! We're currently restoring Gilded Hollow, and we have many amenities available to guild members. Q: Which Server/World do you play on? A: We have a slight majority of players on Isle of Janthir, and so we've chosen that as our WvW server, however we don't require members to be on the same world. Any NA server will work for PvE and PvP group content, chatting, etc. We hope to do more WvW in the future, but our activity there as a guild has been limited so far. Q: Is Discord required? A: Nope. Some members have hearing difficulties or just don’t like using it. Some have to have it off for household considerations. In some groups, we'll encourage everyone to at least listen in, but we try to be accommodating if that's not an option for you. You will need to communicate by in-game text chat, however. While it is not a requirement, we do have a lively Discord server, and lots of our members choose to use it. Q: Is it required to use the guild forums? A: Yes! We are first and foremost an online community, one that happens to play games together. You do not have to be a posting maniac, but you do have to show that you can and will participate. Q: It’s okay to swear, talk about doing drugs, sex, and other “adult” topics, right? A: Well, no. When we say “mature” we also mean having the ability to keep polite company. We are family-friendly, meaning we keep things we don’t want our children hearing out of our guild gaming. You can swear to your heart’s content with your mic off, but we keep our forums and chat clean. Q: What are your age requirements? A: We don't have a definitive age requirement. Ideally new applicants will be 16 or older, but exceptions can be made. For younger children of current members, we have a special "Page" rank. Otherwise, we accept all ages. And our membership really does run the full spectrum! :wink: Q: What does your guild provide to its members? A: A safe and friendly gaming environment. That’s all. We get you away from griefers, cheaters, the dishonest, and the people you just don’t want to be around. We have lots of nice members who gladly share loot and will help you in many and various ways, but none of that is guaranteed. A lot of what you get out is what you put in. Share and be helpful, and you’ll see it come right back to you. Q: How skilled/experienced do I have to be to join? A: Skill and experience are not factors in joining or becoming full members of Guild Medieval. We have very skilled players and players that are still learning the game. We are only concerned about the person in front of the screen. If you have the qualities we share that make you a good person, and not necessarily a good player, we will be happy to have you. Q: I put in an application but didn’t hear back. Was I not accepted? What should I do? A: Remember that communications are handled through our website. After you apply, you need to check back on the site, especially to see if you have received any Private Messages (PMs). Also check your spam folder since you might receive e-mail notifications by default when you receive a PM. While your application is waiting to be processed, you’ll have limited access to the forums so you can read more about our rules and policies, and post questions you might have. Once you are accepted, you’ll have a rank of “Squire” and will be able to view the rest of our forums. Q: I put in an application but I didn’t get any e-mails or PMs, and I can’t even log into the site anymore. What happened? A: You were either outright rejected, or we attempted to contact you via PM on our site and you did not reply within a week. See above about how selective we are. Things that will get your application rejected: Breaking rules in your application like swearing (yes, even acronyms and replacing letters with stars), or giving graphic examples of derogatory behavior you have encountered elsewhere. We already know it is out there so we don’t need specific examples of horrible things said to you or witnessed. Your application is publicly viewable, so we cannot allow those examples in the applications. Keep your application instead positive and focused on how you and Guild Medieval will be a good match. Applying with a forum, account, or character name that breaks our rules. We get a surprising number of these despite detailing what is not allowed in our rules. Check your names over. Do any of them break the rules that you agreed to before filling out the application, or could they be interpreted a way you didn’t intend? Only writing a couple sentences or telling nothing of substance about yourself. Your gaming history is fine to list (we actually have a separate place for it on your profile once your account is created), but it could belong to anyone. What is it about you that will make our members want to know you? Poor spelling and grammar. We don’t expect perfection, and understand difficulties especially if your first language isn’t English, but we do expect your best effort. Communication is very important in online games, and if your application gives a headache to someone trying to decipher it, it will not be considered. Any other questions or comments that we didn’t cover? Let us know! We hope to be seeing your application very soon!!
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