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Everything posted by Tatwi.3562

  1. The mech should transform into a submarine that we ride on and its skills should still work as usual, even if the mech doesn't auto-attack. I mean, that would be cool.
  2. The easiest fix would be to simply attach the Fishing Party buff to the player, rather than the boat, and have it last the standard 30 minutes. Needing to kill stuff is irritating, but in itself is not a problem. Losing the buff while doing so is a design flaw.
  3. lol for sure! This physical requirement is quite unique. I mean, I am no where close to finishing any of the fishing achievements (for the first time, even!) and I am sitting here right now nursing the knuckles in my middle finger. Ring finger is sore. Pointer finger is fine though. Anyway, I think the longest session of fishing I've had is 40 minutes. It doesn't take much of this activity to become problematic.
  4. Yes to this, but I 100% do not care about the other stuff, at all.
  5. I do! I've said so before. I quite prefer that style and flow over the way we have it now.
  6. - by Mike O'Brien on April 27, 2010 https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/guild-wars-2-design-manifesto/
  7. I'd really like an acknowledgement about this issue, because The repetitive nature of this particular activity is such that it 100% does induce pain in the knuckles of my left hand, where as most other activities in the game do not. ArenaNet claims to be one of those inclusive and enlightened companies by putting various types of people in the game, but the reality is that we real human beings playing the game are not going to get prosthetic Jadetec limbs and solutions already exist in the real world that any programmer qualified to work at the company could produce in a timely manner. If you actually care, put your money where your mouth is and get it done. Also, I discovered that there isn't any native support for any game controllers at all. I tried setting up my Logitec F310 controller with third party software, but it was janky/unreliable and I don't want to be banned for using third party software. I've offered solutions. I've done my part as a customer. Now it's your turn, ArenaNet, to step up and actually be inclusive.
  8. Gee, what else happened at exactly that time in 2020? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic There was a direct correlation between an unprecedented amount of people world wide being stuck in at home in lock downs, many with government subsidies that provided extra income, and an uptick in time and spending on video games. Here's another source from 2020. Wanting your opinions to be true does not make them so.
  9. *sigh* This has been a problem since they changed the way salvage kits worked (for the worse, I might add). "Salvage" now means "break down into components" "Recover" means, "remove and keep the sigil/rune" Only a Black Lion Kit or an Upgrade extractor will function as you expected, returning the sigil/rune to you. Ps. It's worse, because sigils/runes used to cheap and easy to get, but now crafting them is insanely expensive, so most of the ones you see for sale are put there by people who lucked into getting an Endless Upgrade Extractor from a Black Lion Chest. This was done, of course, because it makes more money for NCSoft.
  10. Show us the data. Oh that's right, you can't. Thank you, fellow Armchair General. Good night! 😅
  11. From the perspectives of Existing game play systems that were used in Core/HoT/PoF/LW Maps, but not at all in EoD. No mount races, no adventures of any kind, no updrafts, etc. Geometry and texture problems in all 4 EoD maps, making it obvious that they were either rushed or made by less experienced/motivated employees than all the previous maps. alone it's obvious that the same level of quality and attention to detail put into Core/HoT/PoF/LW absolutely was NOT put into EoD. They can yell it at us until they're blue in the face, but it only takes a single play through of the maps and stories to plainly see that EoD is not up to the same quality standards as the content prior to Champions. I am sure the people who worked on EoD did the best they could, but they're clearly not the same people who made the rest of the game. That's fine, but it would be appropriate if ArenaNet would, at the very least, teach their new employees how to create new content using the older systems. As is often the case in the software industry, this may well require bringing back the people who designed and/or last used these systems, because there simply isn't any documentation for these systems, hence why no one is left at the company who knows how to use them. This happens all the time in the software industry. Is EoD a flop? Not on the whole, no, but it's definitely less entertainment dense then either LW season 3 or 4. The maps are super boring the first play through and, well, apart from grinding XP that's all the play through I am compelled to do; I have so much more fun in so many other parts of the game!
  12. Allow me to add the following to your list: Spell Effect Overload. How long have people stated, over and over again, that there are so many player spell effects over lapping that they literally can't see the boss "tells", ground zones, or other mechanics? Pretty much a decade. People with low-end computers (a large percent of Steam users) and other new folks who feel this way might bounce right off GW2's end game content. Overlapping/Chain AoE Ground Effects - "Don't stand in the bad". Back in WotLK WoW I healed something like 1,100 random five man dungeons on my Shaman. I also healed most of the raid encounters for friends and co-workers. That was a long time ago and I haven't any interest in that type content anymore. But that experience gave me a point of comparison between the story and boss encounters in GW2 to those an another popular game of the genre. The biggest difference is also the most annoying and absolutely the opposite of fun: In GW2 the ground is constantly covered in overlapping effects, such as knock backs/downs, AoE damage, DoTs, and confusingly, areas where you are supposed to stand, but you can't because they are being overlapped by effects you can't stand in. Waaaay too much randomness and chaos to really learn the encounters beyond stuff like "jump over the wave" or "get behind the pillar". The rest is often a wacky spam fest that other folks who have done this type of content in WoW will likely not appreciate either. In short, GW2 encounters are spastic chaos and, in general, aren't fun at all, especially when compared to those I enjoyed in WoW. In shorter, ArenaNet stinks at encounter design, at least when compared to peek WoW.
  13. A conclusion on it can't be made either way, because we're not privy to the data involved. For my own part, I have definitely played more in the last 3 years than I did in the first 6 years. I've only ever run a single dungeon and a single strike and I only poke around in pvp/wvw very rarely and randomly, most times for a quick spvp daily before reset. So a good 99% of my time in the game is spent in open world / LW maps and the story instances. Perhaps there are plenty of others out there who are enjoying the game in a similar manner. We can't tell, because all we have as the basis of our arguments are our own experiences and biases. In short, we're all wrong.
  14. I couldn't tell where I was supposed to hide. Having only stumbled upon the event, not reading anything about it etc., I did my best to look around. In fact, I did hide behind something, but I still got downed, then killed. I should add, after that first time I got knocked back I spent 100% of my time trying to find the thing to hide behind, so it weren't for my mech I would been doing 0 DPS the whole time.
  15. I happened to be in the zone doing map completion when the event popped up, so I went over for it. I was playing melee machinist at the time. I was downed every time, because I couldn't get to where I could hide. When I was killed and flew back, I just ran around of combat range to get credit. Got credit. Will never go to that event again. Incomprehensible mechanics, ground covered in all manner of flashing coloured blobs, spell effects and turtle mounts everywhere, people cursing others in chat... pretty much everything I hate about gaming all in one event. 👍
  16. Paying customers should not be forced to suffer the company's sunk cost fallacy.
  17. I agree to both of these issues. Personally, I am happy enough with the fishing system, but I can totally appreciate how others might not want to participate in it at all. And the story? Yeah, I did it once and that's plenty for me, especially when none of the awful dialog can be skipped.
  18. Indeed. Actually using it on a few LW and HoT meta bosses, I have found it's less than ideal and more than a little buggy. Sometimes it wanders off and does its own thing entirely. Maybe that's a pathing issue, but you'd think on an open plateau it would be fine. It can't dodge, so have fun when it gets chain CC'd and your heal for it is already on cool down and then rockets away until its cool down over. Using the ranged option is a lot less buggy, but its F skills often take their sweet time to fire (not our fiberoptic internet lagging - my other skills respond just fine) for reasons unknown and still has weird pathing issues. Ranger's bear is a more effective , reliable tank and I kill things faster on my Berserker Ranger than on my Celestial Mechanist (which I made explicitly to be my laid back fishing dude). I mean sure, it's strong on open world content, but so are all the other "low impact" and pet based setups too. Heck, I have an all white gear with green trinkets setup for my Ranger for down scaling and it still rips though level 80 LW map mobs. The OP sure was some abject hysteria over a total non-issue...
  19. Sure, it's absolutely wonderful and amazing for companies to cater to less than 5% of their paying customers. Who needs money!
  20. I happen to very much enjoy it for these exact reasons. In fact, it's probably the only aspect of the entire expansion that I am completely satisfied with. Nerfing it into the ground to satisfy raiders would be a disservice to the other 95% of the people who paid for the content.
  21. I was able to obtain enough Mastery Points to pay for all the Masteries that I want by completing all the maps on one character and completing the story on a different character, bumbling around here and there. However that only works for me because I don't care about some of them. I have all of the Masteries except the final Jadebot one and all of the turtle mount line; Just skipping the turtle entirely, as it's locked behind content that doesn't interest me (did the same with the Skyscale) and it doesn't seem useful or fun anyway; Not keen on the forced res Jadebot thing, so I am content to skip it - lived this long without it! 🙂
  22. That is a valid problem with respect to way the GW2 treats achievements as checklists. Most games do this, because it makes sense, but it also has the negative side effect of making people feel unduly compelled to complete them. That's a problem with the human brain and it's easily exploited. About the only solution I have found that works for me is when the reward for completing the checklist is something I don't actually care about. Thankfully in the case of fishing, I don't actually like the art style of the ghostly rod and I won't use it, so I don't care if I get it. So for me, I don't feel compelled to complete these achievements right away and that allows me to just work at them a little here and there, whenever, and not burn out on the content. I wish I had a suggestion that would work for everyone, because you're right, RNG like this can be utterly demoralizing.
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