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Posts posted by Vegeta.2563

  1. 6 minutes ago, MithosShulk.4627 said:

    Considering that raids are back on the menu for Janthir Wilds, this one change will heavily impact how many people will engage with the new raid.

    If they seriously changed a trait everywhere in game just because of raids.. what the actual f

    • Like 7
  2. 15 hours ago, Joie.6084 said:

    but, assuming everything goes well, it's something that we may use going forward to tune other attribute combinations in WvW specifically.

    Please don't.  Changing gear stat numbers will completely derail a lot of builds.  Just look at how the removal of concentration and expertise from celestial is affecting those builds.  Now imagine Berserker stats, but for some reason the odd choice to reduce precision because you guys thought people were doing critical hits to often.  Now that's less damage for that gear stat, meanwhile healing stats would probably get unnoticed  and would be able to out heal power dps.  So then healing stats would then get reduced to make up for it in compensation and we are back to square 1, when leaving the 2 alone would have had the same result.

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  3. On 9/12/2024 at 3:54 PM, Triptaminas.4789 said:

    Current 8 post template or map switch. 

    U can see that cutting ongoing. 

    https://mega.nz/file/u6BTTSYA#q-5uYXxUIYGWoGo9978QsaEGgICadTC0cU7fcjKsloA (no need to downloand anything, can watch thru browser) 

    Having issues on finding clean vid without queen bees or clockwork being mixed in 😕 will check in different PC later or someone can just share theirs pre break non refreshed chak vid would make my life easier 

    I play with highest visual settings, I suppose lower fidelity might have less difs idk, this "clipping" feels like new thing, and I have lot of hours looking at chak trails.

    At upcoming days will reply again after digging out some clean chak template video. Had habbit of mixing in bees 😄

    TBH.. the camera angle is kinda weird with it being directly behind your character.. can't exactly see what's going on with the trail besides it doing some flapping animation each time you hit a bump.  The only time I could see the trail fully was the last few seconds when the camera was on the side of your character.

  4. On 9/11/2024 at 12:37 PM, Adegard.8317 said:

    This is how it looked after June 25th patch after you swap templates/maps (after the fix it still looks like this) -> https://ibb.co/c3mW0WF


    So I looked at some of my older wvw footage back from 2022 and I went to the exact same location in game and did the same movements and compared the 2 videos side by side.  The trail effect for chak looked exactly the same between the 2.  I was using 6 chak infusions for both times.  I did not reapply the infusions after loading into the map as doing that had always worked.  The whole point of the test was to see how it would react to after loading into the map.

  5. Extirpate was the whole reason to use Spear on necro.  Now with Extirpation being changed to Weakness.. there's no point.  You had to get into melee to make use of it so you were already  taking a risk as is.  Wtf happened to risk / reward gameplay??

    • Like 21
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  6. 10 hours ago, Adegard.8317 said:

    The Chak Infusion isn't completely fixed. The bubbles are back but the trail effect is still bugged. You can clearly see the difference once you reequip the infusions.

    The trail effect before the fix was always like that. When you apply the infusions it will look more full until you reload the map.  Maybe the trail has less of an effect now?  I'd have to watch some older footage of my own to see if I can even spot the difference though.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 3
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  7. 22 hours ago, Eidoss.6482 said:

    We are discussing it here

    Contrary to earlier info and promises Anet are trying to say now HoT players will NOT get Warclaw in WvW.
    Read my post from right now, and add your comment to make them reverse this reversal!


    Yeah ANet had posted about it after I had created my topic, but in their original post they said about HoT not being able to use it in WvW.  Just that accounts with HoT or PoF will gain access to Warclaw if those players enter WvW and put 1 point into the Mastery.  Nothing worded saying PoF players will only be able to put 1 point in.

  8. Ever since the introduction to alacrity for Scourge, ANet had adjusted some skill's cooldowns to make up for it.  Since then they removed alacrity from Scourge in WvW, but never did anything with the skill cooldowns.  What they need to fix is the following.

    • Reduce Cooldown for Devouring Darkness from 18 seconds to 10 seconds
    • Return boon corrupts to dagger 5
    • Remove cooldown increase on Nefarious Favor when using Path of Corruption trait in Curses.
    • Reduce Serpent Siphon to 20 seconds recast from 30 seconds.

    Boon removal was insanely overpowered when Sigil of Absorption literally had no ICD per target.  Since it was nerfed to 10 sec ICD, things between boon application and boon removal felt pretty even.  Then ANet went did the unnecessary and reduced boon removal across the board.  Now it's more like 75% boons, 25% removal.  There is no way to keep up with it even with a perfect rotation.

    No this doesn't mean nerf boon application, it means give us our boon removal back!

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  9. 7 hours ago, tvayisnihyaami.3180 said:

    it's not fully fixed but it shows more than before. looks like it shows about 3-4 stacked (tested with chak and everbloom)

    Try with just chak alone and apply them 1 by 1 and keep in mind the color of the orbs and the number of them.  After you get a good look at it, remember it and then go back to character screen and reload in.  Are the orbs a different color?  Does the number of them look different?

  10. Just now, AwSmCreator.6479 said:

    Mine seems to be working again? I haven't tried changing maps or anything yet, but my sets with the everbloom and chak all seem to be working again. 

    try removing and re-applying them.. then getting an idea of what that looks like then reload the map and see if it looks the same

    • Confused 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

    Hello all, I have an update for you! We have found the cause of this issue and are working on a way to revert the change. 

    Our engineers have been investigating, but in addition to Janthir Wilds keeping everyone very busy, the issue with infusion stacking impacts other systems and made investigation more complicated. 

    As we've mentioned in the past, we are always working to improve every aspect of our development processes. In this case, we made a change to help us better test particle effects, and that had an unintended effect on the way infusions behave in the live game. We are working on a fix that will revert the change to infusion stacking and allow us to keep the improved testing functionality. We won't be able to create, test, and ship that change before the August 20 game update, but we do want to get it to you as soon as we can.

    I'll update you when we have a good idea of when that is--in the meantime, thank you all for your patience while we looked into this. 

    I hope this change also means a fix for confetti (not how it was before).  The streamer effects (the things that swirl around your character) had never worked properly, but the little confetti firework things did.

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  12. According to the wiki, they usually come with a 5 and 10 pack option.  Wiki says 1 voucher is 630 gems (which is what it is now even with the "10% off"), while the 5 pack is 2,450 gems, and 10 pack is 3,500 gems for the Outfit Voucher at least.

    The backpack & glider voucher has it, but the rest do not.

    This can't be intended as getting a single outfit when they are at 20% discount is better deal, instead of buying them at single 10% off.

    A similar bug happened when BL Keys only had a single key option.


    Another perfect example is.. look at all the individual weapon skins available at 20% discount on the gemstore right now at 480 gems per weapon.  Then  you have the Black Lion Weapons Voucher where you can buy one of those weapons for an increased price of 540 gems.


    Please fix this.

    • Sad 2
  13. 11 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

    Hey there all, I wanted to let you know that I have asked for an update on this issue and will let you know when I hear back. 

    Everyone is working hard to prepare for the launch of Janthir Wilds, but this is still on peoples' radar too. 


    On 7/30/2024 at 10:13 PM, Vegeta.2563 said:

    They're in full on "quick finish xpac in time" mode and we probably won't see anything on this until after JW release.

    lol called it

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