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Everything posted by Heibi.4251

  1. In the latest update you stated: General Players who are blocked will now be unable to add the player who blocked them as a friend. So if I already have a player blocked but they already had me on their friends list do I disappear from it? Because if someone was already stalking you using the friends list I'm sure people will feel relieved if this is the case.
  2. Trust me, ANET won't be doing anything about it. Most of the DEVs play on either MAG or BG. They rarely venture into other servers. HOD had one once, maybe 5 years ago. Haven't seen one since. Whenever we do, they're on the link server. And they rarely make an appearance.
  3. I never even mentioned the normal mode. That can be done be everyone - yes. Therefore it is worthy content and ANET set the difficulty at the proper percentage population-wise. CMs in Raids are regularly completed and are not aimed at such a small fraction of the community. Sure, ANET is proud of creating something far beyond normal CMs. My entire question involves creating content that is so difficult that only 90 people have completed it after a full month. There should be a medium that ANET should aim for when creating a CM. Do they aim for 0.000018% of the population or do they aim for at least 10%? 10% should be the goal, imho.
  4. Let's not get into an argument on who enjoys hard content. I enjoy challenging content as well. My initial opening post is aimed at asking ANET if concentrating on content that fewer than 1% are able to complete should be done. As of now someone says 9 groups have done this. That's 90 people out of what - 500,000 active players? That's 0.00018% of the population. Even if you say there are only 100,000 players that's still 0.00009% of the population. Is that a good business model? You still had to devote DEV/DEVs time to it. Sure there are lots more trying it out, but the success rate is very low(obviously), and I'm sure ANET has the metrics on this. On a side note I like the changes to the old world bosses. They don't die in less than 2 minutes anymore. Plus they added some "teaching" mechanics in starter zones that never existed before. I thank ANET for doing that.
  5. Yes, look at it. If they enter under the invincible setting they will have 1% health and never die.
  6.  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/2/2d/Invulnerability_Coordinator.png/33px-Invulnerability_Coordinator.png Invulnerability Coordinator allows for brawling without taking damage after competing Arena Brawling: Invulnerable Fighters.
  7. Um, you are quite mistaken. "Strike Missions are 10 player squad-based PvE instances, usually consisting of a boss battle, that serve as a bridge between open world and raid difficulty. They are one of the core pillars of Guild Wars 2's endgame designed for level 80 characters." " These instances are designed to be something you can tackle alongside both close friends and new allies, pitting you and nine others against jazzed-up, remixed versions of epic, exciting bosses from the Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons story. This gives every player the opportunity to experience these encounters as key story moments, while enabling each Strike Mission to hold greater importance in the overall narrative. These encounters will introduce you to the mechanics you’ll need to learn and master in order to continue your journey, in an environment that doesn’t demand perfection but still pushes you to learn and grow your combat capabilities."
  8. You miss my point for the most part. Strikes were supposed to be an "Introduction to raids." The basic modes accomplished that for the most part. HT was challenging as it was in normal mode. I enjoyed it. But the CM, from my friend who enjoys such content confirms that it was much harder than DOOM CM. How is that an "introduction"? All these people keep echoing "it's a challenge mode". Well, I DID say that in my opening post. So telling me something I already stated is kind of pointless. So the bigger question is, like I stated, will people regularly play the content or will they just want to get the clear and never go back to it again? That should always be at the forefront of creating any content. Why create content that no one wants to really repeat. The end game meta and Dragon's End is replayable and enjoyable now that it is balanced better and the quirks have been ironed out. But frustrating content aimed at such a small group will not be frequented by the community at large. Yes, we want harder content, but not step on the platform and die content.
  9. I'm happy to hear and congratulate the very few groups that have beaten the Harvest Temple CM. However, I must ask ANET, are you aiming to create content for less than 1% of the game's population? With so few clears of this content, which I do applaud as challenging content, have you even considered that you have lost focus on the rest of GW2. You bent over backwards to create and introduction to Raids, yet you created a CM that is even harder than Doom CM. Seriously, that is not an intro to Raids. You've bypassed Raid CM difficulty. Very few will be able to complete this CM, yet you spent so much time on it. I look back at Dragons End META before you adjusted and toned it down. The groups, 30 total people, have cleared this out of tens of thousands of players. Are you really going to target your releases at less than 1% of the population? Sure there is a path now, but is it desired repeatable content or just simply "I want to complete it so I can get the achievement/title" content? Look inward.
  10. I submitted a ticket about this. It could cause real physical issues in some people.
  11. Don't know if anyone else is having this issue. But whenever my skiff is attacked while using the Jade Tech Skiff I do not see any of the damage being done. I only see it if the skiff is destroyed or I reboard it and leave the area.
  12. I agree - insta-death, insta-down with not only a debuff but a harder to rezz mode. Miss a mechanic - die, step on a over lapping circle - die, look cross-eyed at the boss - die, etc. None of the raids I've been in have had such unforgiving mechanics. At least if you miss a mechanic in raids you have a chance of recovering. But in strike cms like Aether and Kaineng - die die die, for missing the simplest mechanic. Let's not forget the ever popular - party wipe if a single player misses a certain mechanic.
  13. We had to put them in virtually the same place. That's why you can only see 1 ram.
  14. I know you made a change in WvW not allowing siege to be placed in water due to some exploits. Thank you. However, on Blue Keep in EBG it gives them an unfair advantage on their water gate. You can't throw rams in front of the gate anymore. Kind of a must to break in that way. I'll show you a picture of what we had to do to knock down the door today. We had to place 2 rams on the foot of the entry area - the only place you can now drop rams. And then we dropped 2 catapults on some dry patches. https://www.deviantart.com/heibi/art/Gw238-912339725
  15. This is the code I get whenever I click on the Leader Board under Community: Error 42 (0:9001:4457): Srv2Taco, transaction timeout {#1}, {P+/Taco/Request+STS/1.0}, { 0 0 0 0} TacoProxy/302.20102301 Instance/9.625150164
  16. Did the one that wasn't done and am 19/19 now. Got my points back and 1 extra point. I also got a duplicate item due to finishing the achievement twice. Do you want me to delete the item ANET?
  17. After looking at the EOD Act I once I was able to log back in I noticed that it had changed from 18/18 to 18/19.
  18. Got my SAB done but still missing the 15 points that vanished after the patch.
  19. Yep, I also lost 15 points suddenly after the patch. I put in a ticket.
  20. There was an exploit as well in that area where you could hide the cata basically underwater when all was said and done. Then they could cata and not even be seen. The no water deployment now means that exploit is thankfully gone.
  21. ANET figured, for some weird reason, that most players would have the turtle by now. The skins were obviously scheduled for today way back before the release. The problem now is, will they fix the META - not just the horrible rewards, but the whole fight and the reason it is in open world? This META needs to be friendly to random groups. Maps should be able to be formed on the spur of the moment and have a greater than 75% chance to succeed.
  22. And they won't get a single dime from me on them until they make the META more what open world content should be. They've actively stated they they only want "most players" to succeed. Guess thy want some people to fail. Great marketing to your customers. If you're in the fail percentage that's where ANET wants you. Enjoy it. You want my money you must make it so EVERYONE can succeed without having to be super organized.
  23. See ZERO real fixes to the actual META. Only thing is the dialog part which is so minor it wouldn't register on a California rector scale. And as I've stated - buying no skins unless this is fixed for the ENTIRE COMMUNITY!!!!
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