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Everything posted by Heibi.4251

  1. I saw that too. Gotta do the meta for a lot of different achievements. I find the statement "most people to succeed"(doable by most people) strange. Are they saying there are people they don't want to succeed? Perhaps they mean the hearing impaired, the older folks(like myself), some with arthritis, people with hand/wrist issues? Are those the people they don't want to succeed? I wonder. Care to elaborate, ANET, on who the people you don't want to succeed are? You should want EVERYONE to succeed.(It's 10years of story build up and you only want some people to succeed in the final battle?)
  2. Yep, ANET is just throwing in the towel and not trying to make this META doable by EVERYONE without needing an uber organized map. And even then it might fail. They'd rather let the elite dictate who can be successful on this META using LI to weed out the weak. If they would just put their ego aside and adjust the event to a proper level this map would live on. After the 15th it will die out. I really wanted to be successful on the META but now it will never be. I've had fails on every group I've been in. Also remember, all the class ascended weapon achievements are also tied to the end meta. They were expecting us to play the story 9 times through on different toons. So unless you're one of those people who can effectively play every class kiss those achievements goodbye as well. ANET? echo echo echo echo....chirping of crickets heard in the background.
  3. They aren't fixing anything. They are bowing to the elites and giving the lower players their mount another way. They have no interest in seeing the common player enjoy this META - that's how it reads.
  4. Tried one last time. Failed. Got back to her with 2 min left to kill but she started the flopping around stuff and we couldn't spot her tail. The bubbles and whirlpools were out of control. It was like the AI decided to make us fail. We were organized - did everything right. This is seriously way over tuned. Please tone it down or get rid of the timer. A long fight with success is a very epic fight. I'm sure the people want success more than a fast kill. The satisfaction of the kill is more important than the ego of the dev team who made this mess. I can see myself never finishing this meta. Thanks for nothing, ANET. But alas you probably aren't reading the forums and instead watching reddit threads.
  5. That is the real question and concern. I personally think they are ONLY looking at numbers, not who is there at the time. That's why they decided to give us the merchant to buy the turtle. They don't want to admit their error. The merchant is a consolation prize and the weak way out for them. They don't care about the common run of the mill player's chances at completing their "epic" final battle. The spokes lady who hyped up the expansion should be embarrassed about this situation.
  6. Here's a take on ANET's wanting this to be a frequented META like Chak Garant, Dragon Stand, and other METAS. The problem with their thinking is that you can't just say you're going to do the META when the time for it to begin is approaching. If you can't get on an organized map you can't do the META. METAs like Chak Garant have players arriving minutes before, tags pop up in each lane and the event begins. Success rate is probably in the 90's, with very few failures. And the failures are usually just because lanes like Nuhoch don't have enough folks. Rare. So, in short, if ANET wants DE to be a staple of the META jumping players it needs to be able to have players able to show up on short notice and have a high success rate. The commanders who are currently leading mostly successful attempts won't be doing this event permanently. I feel sad that all the hard work that went into this zone will be wasted. I still haven't had a successful run and not sure I ever will. Haven't been able to join in on the hyper-organized runs. So, ANET, you should really start looking at what you want for sustaining this META in the long run. Because once the hype is over this map will be abandoned since people won't be able to just decide to do the META on a whim. All that will be left are the node collectors, fishermen, and heart finishers. There will be maybe a few organized pushes daily, but that is all. Most won't find it necessary to bother with the final battle.
  7. Because ANET clearly doesn't read their forums. That much has been made pretty clear in this case.
  8. Another thing I notice on my final time running this was that our number of players dropped off as it looked like a fail. We started with a queue and by the time it was looking like we might fail our numbers had dropped. If they took the timer away and left it as is I wouldn't complain. Then it would allow for success even if we had to fight for 5-10 minutes longer.
  9. ANET - are you really going to defend this META or are you going to admit you went overboard? Admitting you were wrong is not a bad thing. In fact, the community will welcome such an admission. But if you continue to believe that you can do no wrong we will not trust you in the future. My money is not something you can count on in the future. If you check your financial records you will see that I have spent a lot on this game trying to support GW2. But I am currently reevaluating my support. Your March 15th alternative to acquiring the turtle is NOT THE SOLUTION. Actions that I will be taking. No more purchasing GEMS with real money - I'm especially not buying any turtle skins. You've already lost that. I'd start thinking seriously about this. I'm not the only one here thinking this. Just so you know - I've been playing this game from GW1 beta. I have been one of your most ardent supporters, even when you messed up. I've probably spent more than 12k dollars on this game over the years. You have really gone this far to lose such an ardent supporter as myself.
  10. I raid weekly. This is the worst open world piece of trash I've ever seen. They are trying to satisfy the wrong players, believing they will get more players into the game. But in all actuality they will ultimately lose players. I'm really angry at this point, wondering what in the kitten they are thinking. They keep trying to defend this. The map will be abandoned after the 15th. All their hard work will be lost. We paid good money for this expansion only to be spit upon by ANET.
  11. Just did this after the "fixes". FAILED AGAIN!!!!!! Sorry - this META is the most broken and frustrating thing you have ever released. The 50% cut on the tail still didn't fix this atrocity. This should never have been in the open world. You truly have not listened to the feedback you have been given. This META will be a dead META real soon. You have guaranteed that this map will die. Your observations of "success" in this meta are only because dedicated commanders decided to help it along. It wasn't a TRUE TEST of the meta. You have false DATA. The dedicated commanders will not continue to pad your numbers. You have truly failed the overall community. You are SO convinced that you didn't make a mistake that you refuse to admit this was a big mistake. I can't enjoy this META like I did the past METAS. Stop trying to create something that is beyond normal skill levels.
  12. "Writs of the Jade Sea"??? Those don't exist as far as I know. There are Writs of Dragon's End though.
  13. Yep, you're preaching to the choir now. ANET isn't listening anymore. Their lack of response is deafening. I'm very disappointed in their leaning toward the elites on this. This map will be dead in about a week or so. Only those getting map completion, fishing, resource noding, and the like will be in DE. Not to mention there will be fewer players in GW2 - very sad.
  14. So to fix at least one issue - the TAIL should count as part of the boss's percentage of HP. At least 1%. If we kill a tail 1% is reduced from the boss's health pool.
  15. Well, today would be the day that we might see some action. Tuesday is usually patch day. I'm thinking the response will be "We're happy with the progress we've seen and will continue to watch the people who payed for this be frustrated." Sorry that's just my pessimistic thought on this. Nothing will be done. This META cannot continue on this path. The good commanders will soon stop coming to this event and the players who have their turtles and suffered through the frustration will also rarely visit this event. The map will become a desert wasteland.
  16. Free to play aren't the casuals they were talking about. They are the normal day to day players, who own the game, who merely log into GW2 to play on their free time and like to buy gems to buy the latest skins and socialize with their other friends in the game.
  17. On a side note: Warning signs that this should never have been open world content. 1. KILL PROOF being asked for. 2. One person able to troll the whole META 3. Paying people to leave the map. 4. Bullying people off the map. 5. Specific builds and classes being required by squads.(yes, I know we want people to do good damage) 6. High Fail Rates even if everything is done properly. I'm sure there are more that can be added. But when you have all of the above happen in the first few days of a new OPEN WORLD META there is obviously something wrong that needs to be IMMEDIATELY addressed.
  18. Glad to see they are looking at this but I don't think they really are paying attention. This is a make or break moment. Either pander to the elites and lose your player base or listen to the masses and make it challenging but doable without having to rely on Elite squads and luck of the draw. You've already seen the numerous players state they are done with GW2 after this catastrophe of a META. You need to fix the broken mechanics, eliminate the no dps phases involved with the greens, and unlock the Siege Turtle after simply finishing the story. You have an impatient player base who payed good money for this expansion. Simply monitoring success rates over the weekend will not solve this. I refuse to do this META again until the issues are fixed. I don't have time to waste on a 2 hour fail attempt. That's not good game design. I hope you're reading every response, but...
  19. ANET, this is what I posted about earlier in this thread. People will get frustrated/angry and just quit playing GW2. You hyped up the Siege Turtle, but locked it behind a raid meta. You lead players to believe it would be like most other mounts - available through individual means(hearts, story line, etc.). As for me, I'll just stop buying GEMS. Yes, I like challenging events(I raid weekly). But this META is over tuned for an open world event. Casual players are being bullied, the trolls are out in force and elitists are dictating. If people get on a lucky map and acquire the Siege Turtle they will just call it a wrap and no longer come to the META. I would have viewed this META as reason to come back had you not done the Siege Turtle this way. But once I somehow get it I see absolutely no reason to come back. The map will die out quickly since it simply takes too long and the success rate is WAY too low. No idea what the rewards are(I've done the META and failed obviously), but I hear they aren't very good. Act quickly to salvage this META from becoming the least played in the game. Not to mention saving your player base from exiting the game.
  20. Quite sad that ANET decided on this course of action. One would hope that they actually are reading the forums. But since no one on Reddit is complaining, apparently, we'll all have do without one of the key parts of the expansion we PAID for.
  21. I'd love to keep trying the META if it wasn't for the fact that they locked the new mount behind it. That makes me only want to succeed only once. After that - goodbye META. I'm sure this is what the vast majority are starting to think - "Why should I waste any time on a META that was forced on me after I get the turtle mount?" I could enjoy it if it wasn't for the mount. Then it would be more of a challenge. Right now it is more frustration.
  22. Finally had time to do the META on the 4th day after release. I can say #1 on my list is locking the mount behind this META. The turtle was hyped up massively by ANET. It was supposed to be one of the main draws. People got excited to go and get their mount only to discover they have to rely on the success of a META event(i.e. other people) to obtain it. I understand that a lot of the bosses in the past took a while to beat. But none of them had the number of mechanics and adds this boss has. I like challenging METAs, but I want everyone to be able to enjoy them without failing over and over again. This map will die a quick death once people gain their turtles(the frustrations will also lead to some people just quitting) - GUARANTEED. Observations on the new META: 1. Too many mechanics thrown in that take away from the chance of overall success. 2. Players can grief the WHOLE map. The latest update makes it easier to grief now. No quick return. 3. Boss movement reduces the dps drastically. 4. RAID level+ content in open world.(I raid - and this is far more difficult) This is going to create a massive Elitist faction, and already is. Many of the posts I've read in this thread of putting down people who want this to be toned down prove it. 5. Not enough time due to the extra mechanics that reduce dps. 6. Too many extra mobs added in on the main platform. 7. Green circle mechanic needs to be completely removed.
  23. Still broken as of my typing - even after that last patch.
  24. Another suggestion would be increase the transfer cost to move to a server linked with a full server to like 5000 gems.
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