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Everything posted by Heibi.4251

  1. And mysteriously, the bandwagon begins on Kaineng. Very High as of today. Seriously, ANET should have a 2 week no transfer after relink rule until alliances are implemented. Or a 2 week moratorium on transfers to the link of Full servers.
  2. OP - We don't know if it is as good as its predecessors since IT ISN'T EVEN OUT YET.
  3. Now that I've seen this it makes me think the OP expects a whole brand new game. I've been playing Guild Wars since GW1 beta. An expansion is just what it says, an expansion of the world we are playing in. The stories are either new or a continuation of what we have been doing. In GW1 each story was separate an unrelated until (GW1)Eye of the North where we returned to the aftermath of Burning. GW2 has been linked stories of the players' dealing with the dragons and our solution. There is so much to do in an MMORPG that I can't see an expansion as a "minigame". A minigame is something like Crabtoss, Southsun Survivor, Snowball Mayhem, etc. So the term "minigame" does not fit an expansion in this case.
  4. We haven't even played in EoD yet, so how does it feel like a mini game? You can't judge it until the content is released. You can only surmise what is in it. And we don't know since ANET is keeping a tight lid on what we actually be doing. They even mentioned that they couldn't show us things because of spoilers. That to me is important. And to most of us who play GW2 think we have a lot to look forward to in EoD. Being pessimistic never helps and is bad for you health.
  5. I don't judge anything a failure until I actually get to play it, use it and toss it around. We're getting more content. Here's a list of some of them: 1. New lands to explore 2. New story to complete 3. New Elite specs(though not so impressed with them yet) 4. Upgrades to and new strike missions 5. New legendaries(we'll judge them much later) 6. CANTHA - finally!
  6. Probably due to the WvW issues that are being worked in the background: In two separate Dungeons (AC and TA) the NPCs wouldn't advance to the next step of the path. They'd just stand there. Also both my guildie and myself were getting infinite load screens on either loading in the dungeon or map areas. We finally gave up and logged out after at least 30+ minutes of relogging and reloading.
  7. Glad to see you pushed forward with this Beta Test. Issues I/We noticed: 1. Some members unable to join Guild in WvW even though they selected guild long before the deadline 2. Color issues: Objectives that belonged to us sometimes appeared as though they were another color. The only way to tell if we owned the objective while looking at the map was to look at the Supply Depots. 3. Scoring seemed to be off. I believe that some of the overall score each side received was skewed by the erroneous objective colors. At times we would own far more than others, or would own objectives like Stonemist Castle, but it would show as being owned, in the WvW Panel, as being owned by another server. 4. Team Names were not consistent. In our case we were on "First Haven" but we would link a waypoint like our EBG Spawn WP and it would read as "Seven Pines" Border WP. Plus we would see team names change on enemy players in the middle of combat. Those are 4 distinct things I/We noticed during this week's beta test.
  8. The population is listed as Very High.
  9. Re-link? Though I'm not angry, I thought we'd get re-links.
  10. Well, no one is fighting it and it will fail again. No LFGs up either.
  11. It doesn't happen often but there are times that "the pact has failed to destroy the Claw of Jormag". When that happens there is no way to purchase Icy Rune Stones. Please create a way to purchase Icy Rune Stones that are not connected to an event. Add the Rune Stones to another vendor somewhere else if need be.
  12. That's not what I said. Some guilds have players who don't play lots of WvW. My guild has players like that. I'm not going to kick them for that. but if phase 2 works and guilds are able to alliance-up, the problem is how does ANET solve the overall numbers issue?
  13. Fine, we'll see in phase 2 if they keep their word. But once they set a player limit it comes down to kicking people if they only look to guild size. A TTS guild, for example, would be stuck with what they have. ANET is too caught up on player numbers. How will they filter it? If 10 guilds join together and they have 100 players each but not all play WvW, how will they solve that issue? I'm sure they have some idea. But right now I see this as a massive cluster.
  14. Not the way it is being presented. If we have to create a completely new baby guild to invite "people" to, we aren't having a Guild Alliance at all. We are just having a new guild. And we have players with max guild slots. Or, we have to kick players to make room for the new players. And I know many guild leaders won't like the idea of having to kick people just because they don't play WvW or get on as often. This is going to be one big cluster.
  15. Yes, but you represented one of the two factions. And your guild was aligned with that particular faction. Thus hundreds of guilds played on each side and they were in either the Canthan Alliance or the Kurzick Alliance. With the system proposed we won't have multiple guilds joining an alliance, we'll have a guild created and then invite people to it so we can all make sure we play on the same side.
  16. I'm talking about the whole idea of what an Alliance actually is. We might have 15 guilds aligned but the way ANET proposes this is that the current guilds mean nothing. It's only a single guild in their eyes, but they want us to believe it is an alliance.
  17. Yeah, not good. We need an alliance system that lets us invite a Guild to the Alliance. Then everyone in that guild that belongs to the alliance can select who to represent easier. Literally all I read from ANET's post was that you need to create a brand new guild(falsely called and alliance) to play in WvW. Or be randomly tossed around to where ever ANET wants you. I want to be able to say that the alliance I belong to has these guilds in it, not just player number.
  18. So it appears that we aren't getting alliances in the sense of several guilds wanting to play together. We are actually going to have to invite everyone we want with us to one guild. So if someone has full guild slots they are stuck. Also, in order to meet the player cap, ANET is forcing a guild to make a decision to KICK players who aren't as active in the game but who may have been in the guild for years. This is not a good solution or Alliance in anyway. An alliance is the joining of forces by multiple guilds. Solution(s): 1. Give everyone a Sixth Guild Slot - a WvW specific slot. We create the alliance and invite people to that slot. But this creates the old problem of having to invite up to 500 players(leaving out possible guildies due to limit cap). 2. Have Guilds themselves invited to the Alliance(a new slot needed), not worrying about the player numbers. All a player would have to do is designate that they want to use their guild, a member an actual ALLIANCE(of guilds), and then we wouldn't have to worry about creating new guild halls or brand new guilds to invite 500 players to. Overall, I see this as one big mess. It is not an alliance unless it joins groups(guilds) together.
  19. I did the in game version to purchase the pre-order. It worked right away. I received the bonuses a little later. Be patient.
  20. Finally got it to work when the in game version came up.
  21. I can't pre-order EOD. I've called my credit card people already and nothing is being declined. Every time I've tried to pre-order the EOD Ultimate Edition I've gotten Payment Authorization Failed.
  22. Yeah, I've seen a few as well. I saw one where our lane failed because all they did was stand at the top and do nothing, causing fewer numbers to deal with the incoming mobs. Sad to see players do this. They ruin it for other players. Wish there was a kick function, but that could be abused in some way.
  23. As someone who was involved with the very first Marionette kill when the Marionette first came out in LS1 I can say that it is worthy content that is an example of good game play design. When it first came out years ago no one was able to beat it for a long time. It was open world content during the closed Server Era(i.e. no Mega-Server). Our server got together and beat it. After that it became fairly easy now that everyone understood the mechanics, AND DID THEM. The Marionette is balanced just fine as is. Players can't simply just kill a few enemies and then afk if they want to get credit for this. I've seen many afk'ers in other boss fights and I welcome the fact that it is very difficult to get an afk credit. A welcome reissue of classic LS. From what I've seen after its reintroduction people have finally figured out at least the basic mechanics to be successful. Listen to the commanders and have your dps/dodge/cc game face on.
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