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Everything posted by Heibi.4251

  1. I got them too. You also had the choice of Legendary Sigils and Runes. But I'm sure there are people who truly have the PvP versions as well. I didn't have all the versions offered other than the PVE raid and WvW versions. So I picked some Legendary Sigils and some PVP armor versions. I think ANET did a good job on this. But I'm sure there are a few beyond me who had EVERY version of the armors.
  2. I just received 13 trunks in the mail. Thank you ANET for thinking of all of us who really grinded it out in game. Your reward is very much appreciated.
  3. Still. Always better to use plain English rather than a stupid meme term or urban dictionary term. "Players who own legendaries, keep your ascended equipment until after ANET's End of Dragons reveal on the 27th."
  4. Yeah, imagine a player who wasn't able to log in until after the armory is implemented only to find they lost 10,000+ gold in infusions.(Chak infusion, etc)
  5. So what happens to the Infusions that are already on a set of Legendary items? Will they be pulled off and put into your inventory when the system takes effect? Since you are turning the legendary into "tokens" what happens to the infusions. And I have multiple suits of armor that are the same that I made in WvW. What happens to those extra sets?
  6. I posted on this already. I tried it twice a toon that had it done already and it didn't count. I was able to do all the other ones and they counted even when done out of order. So I took a toon that hadn't done it through and it counted. Had to do Eir's Memorial again of course to get the Research in Rata Novus step to pop.
  7. I did the Return to Eir's Memorial and went to Rata Sum for the next step. Did the whole Research in Rata Nous arc, took the airship offered, arrived in Bloodstone and got no credit for finishing Research in Rata Novus.
  8. I just did the next step after the memorial and it didn't count. 20 minutes of dialog and now I have to redo it. Took the airship that was offered in the story to Bloodstone and no credit.
  9. Yes. We were up against the 3 servers they put together. Believe me, those 3 servers didn't like it either. Queues for days.
  10. The condi spamming is certainly boosted in WvW now. Dragon Banners became deadly again, btw. You might have gone a little overboard on the condi boost and lowered boon ability here ANET. Cleansers have their work out out for them now. The condi bomb is real.
  11. The Friend/Follow/Block List should only show World vs World when someone on that list is opposing you during a matchup. I/They should not be able to look and see exactly what borderland anyone is on if we are enemies during a week. I've watched multiple live feeds of commanders looking at their "Friend" list to see what borderland an enemy commander is on. Please fix this, ANET.
  12. And when I look at our ACTUAL numbers that our server(excluding link) puts up every day I can't see how my server is considered full. We watch other servers have map queues running around on multiple BLS and EBG while we can barely queue a single bl and might have a queue on EBG. The algorithm needs some serious adjustment. The way it's calculating server size is completely messed up. The way things are going, assuming a bunch of EU players are making accounts on NA servers, no new players will be able to buy the game and pick a server in a few weeks. Time to expand the size of FULL, ANET. Please.
  13. The daily Kodan to kill 20 svanir is working in DRMs. Did Doric DRM and none of the svanir counted.
  14. Strange part is it had been working just fine for years and then suddenly said it was full event though it wasn't. After a bunch of efforts to fix it it decided to work again all on its own.
  15. Somehow the problem resolved itself. No idea why it stopped working and now works again.
  16. I'm still getting this screen shot is full message. Working with ANET but nothing has worked. I have GW2 set as an exception through my anti-virus and I have no screenshots in the folder at all.
  17. I just received the "screenshot folder is full" message.". I moved everything out of the folder and it still won't let me take any screenshots. Any ideas?
  18. I'm logged in, obviously. The issue is with that particular part of their website.
  19. Yes. That's what I did. However, the actual function is currently broken and sends you in a loop of login, go to support, click on submit a ticket, login(if you don't want to do so anonymously), go to support, etc. You can only do an anonymous submit currently.
  20. I keep getting the sign in circle while trying to submit a ticket. I log in and then click support and it tells me to log in again and again and again and again.
  21. Yep, canceled our daily WvW raid today due to the other side abusing this bug.(that's about 30-40 people on our side that can't play in WvW because we refuse to abuse the skill or contend with it) Nearly every one on the Green side was on an Ele using the Impale skill. They know it's broken so they deserve a ban for a week or so.
  22. Everything you just mentioned goes against the principle of "DAILY" achievements.
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