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Everything posted by Heibi.4251

  1. The problem here is that this is supposed to be a DAILY. Dailies aren't supposed to involve grinding for hours at a time to get what is needed. I think that was overlooked when they created this particular daily achievement. The drop rate should be fairly common and swift. You shouldn't need to do metas to complete a daily. Either the drop rate needs to be increased or the number required cut to 10 or 5. 5 being the optimal for a daily like this if the drop rate is going to be this bad.
  2. The drop rate for the Tengu Relics is abysmal. I killed 40 enemies in Drizzlewood and only got 4. That's horrible. The DRMS and achievements are grindy enough without having to grind for 20 low drop objects for a simple DAILY achievement. Please up the drop rate massively.
  3. Update: Last night he event chain actually worked once my guild did a zone swap when the game said the zone we were in was closing. And behold the gland event was up and then the rest of the chain actually continued. I was surprised, but very happy. Still, the event is bugged on a regular basis and will continue to frustrate players needing the item from it.
  4. Update. Actually got part of the event chain done. But the parts that I needed never activate. Finished the Oil Glands collection but the Testing part followed by rescuing Rakkan from the Broodmother never activated. This is still bugged. Please fix this. I'm stuck on the collection.
  5. The event is not activating. The problem here is that it is a necessity when working on The Colossus collection. Without this event you cannot go any further. And if it isn't broken it certainly has a looooooooooooonnnnnnnnggggggggg cool down timer. One that cannot be guessed. I sat around for 90 minutes and it wouldn't activate. And event right next to it would activate over and over. I completed the nearby one twice hoping that it might spur the Help Rakkan collect Risen fish oil glands for Merla event to activate. Nope. Please fix the timer if broken or make it activate regularly.
  6. The problem we were facing earlier today was that when the structure was flipped from a T2 or T3 it would make the non-breakable parts invisible. That was only for the alpine and EBG borderlands. If the structure was T0 or T1 and we flipped it the appearance would be normal.
  7. Spending 17 minutes on average for 1 Crystal is hardly worth it, so is spending 50 gold and 245k karma for just another 2 daily (even though it is a permanent, indefinite unlock). What I want is rewarding higher effort if you want to limit the expenditure of time and gold (which I absolutely do, Saga weapon collections have been already soul crushing). Then don’t do them. The scaling that you’re suggesting for the rewards trivializes earning the collection just for the sake of finishing quicker. It also doesn’t take 17 min unless you’re doing it solo perhaps. I'm very sorry that you enjoy torturing yourself but I do not. You're suggesting me not to complete the weapon collections but you're missing an important factor. I want to complete them. And I want to feel accomplished when I do. I finished Illuminated Boreal weapon collection today and I absolutely do not feel any kind of joy or accomplishment from that. I'm happy to have the skins (because I quite like them) and I do very much like all 3 Dragon Slayer sets.But I do not want every day of working towards a goal to be agonizing and except for Ancient Boreal Weapons, acquisition of most of the weapon sets in the Saga is very much like that. From Charged Stormcaller weapons not differing from the original set almost at all and the two months wait time in which we were made to believe t1 will be required to craft them, after which it turned out to be a lie and a massive gold sink was placed in its stead; through Volcanic Stormcaller weapons which are an absolute horror in terms of rng and a mastery point tied to them; to now 3 Dragon Slayer sets requiring total of around 200 days to complete and another gold sink on top.I honestly would rather to be farming Dry Top on-and-off for Unidentified Insects for another 6 years, with Ambrite weapons, at least I had control on how much currency I'd get, making the recipe acquisition faster and raising my chances of getting Insects by buying more keys by increasing my playtime.My question is: Where the kitten are the recipes? I haven't found a vendor that sells them.
  8. How do you know that since recipes aren't available yet? In fact, they added 2 more recipes sets as well that are no where to be seen.
  9. Where are all these recipes that are required for these achievements? Please don't create an achievement that can't be done.Dragon Slayer Arms MasterDragon Ice InfuserDragon Fire Infuser
  10. Those numbers aren't kills. They'd be a lot lower if they were.
  11. The current server populations just don't add up. We just finished a week where the server that moved up has consistently had the designation of only "High" population while they are #2 in both NA(EST)/NA(PST), #1 EU, #3 in OCX, and #7 in SEA. Who knows what their link's actual population is who are also listed at "High" population. I'm wondering if any server statuses have been updated in recent weeks because the numbers just don't add up? Those two servers have consistently outnumbered us in the last two meetings and we were listed as Very High. The link below are the numbers before this week's reset. It only shows the lead servers.
  12. We have some dedicated FB players in our guild who enjoy supporting the zerg in big fights, keeping us alive. They get satisfaction that they made it possible for us to sustain and take down the enemy. One thing that some of us do is give some of the bags we get on damage classes to our healer types. Side note: Some of the bag drops for healers are affected by the damage that their mini-squad(party) does during the fights in WvW. so if your damage dealers are putting out tons of damager and getting kills the FBs and other healers will get more bags. Of course, FBs can always say "switching to book one" when it looks like we don't need to much healing.
  13. I find the current LS disappointing. We have 3 dragon response missions and that is about it. We're stuck at 2/7 masteries, a "semi-permanent" green star in our screen corner until the next storyline advancement and not much else to do. The repeated grind of the same 3 response missions is not what the general player community was expecting. Not to mention the ETREMELY LOW drop rate of the new dragon weapons. Sad that such an item is locked behind a horrible RNG, not to mention a mastery point of all things. I can only hope that this means most of ANET's resources are going into the Cantha EXPAC. I've been playing Guild Wars since GW1 Beta and this is by far the most disappointing content so far.
  14. Actually this being an achievement isn't the bad part. The bad part is that a Mastery Point is locked behind a LOW RNG DROP item.
  15. The golems are harder to kill and soak up way more damage.
  16. No theory involved here. This is based on experience.Sorry, we faced this rune exploit on reset. You have no experience with this build layout. The rune does not take away too much from the zerg. It makes it so they don't need to be concerned about AOE or any direct damage since the golems absorb most of the damage. Not all of the zerg used this rune - but a substantial number does - and tis makes it nigh impossible to defeat them. Unfortunately for you the guild group we faced was HIGHLY coordinated knowing exactly what the rune does. so please stop making asumptions. We fought them last night during reset - I'm fully aware of what the rune exploit can do. Sorry to burst your bubble. We didn't just pull the numbers off the wiki.
  17. Not turning this into a matchup thread. Support said to post it here so the Devs will see it. I removed the guild name who was using it.
  18. As of late there is at least one guild using this Rune in WvW as a primary means of gaming the system. The guild has at least 10-20 players running this rune. The golems are there to soak up damage(considering AOEs hit random players in the area) and they have CC. This rune is vastly overpowered for WvW. 60 second lifespan 50,000 health and a 600 damage per second with CC on a 60 second cooldown. You have a golem with CC that does more damage per second than any player CC out there. Imagine 20 players using constant CC that you don't have to worry about reviving because they'll just respawn automatically because you're in combat. These golems make that guild almost unstoppable. Whole map queues can't kill them. With their golems constantly respawning they have more "players" than a map queue in their zerg. Please take a serious look at either banning its use in WvW or changing it's stats massively. 3-4 minute cooldown, 30 second lifespan, 5000 to10,000 health, and no CC(in WvW). Thank you for your time.
  19. Why remove them, when you can simply make them non-targetable. This way borderlands feel like wastelands with no life in them. Certainly fewer people. Probably easier in the spaghetti coding to take them out than turning them green.
  20. Were removed to stop certain classes from taking advantage of moving to them to avoid death.
  21. All these "work-arounds" should not be necessary. I've tried some of the suggestions but none have worked for me. I'll just wait until the fix comes in, which I'm sure will be soon.
  22. I'm at the last step as well. Yep, the C command vanishes as soon the race starts. Trying to hold the C down as a trick to make it work did not work for me. I'm sure ANET is trying to fix this quickly. Give them some time.
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