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Everything posted by Heibi.4251

  1. We've made plans for that. They won't be happy Is it to send wave after wave until the whole server reaches it's preset kill limit?That would make them happy. What would make them most unhappy? You might want to think a little harder on what is implied here.
  2. We've made plans for that. They won't be happy
  3. You forgot "Friendly - Leads the zerg, allows discussions, but stops that for fights and objectives. Tries to include everyone in the zerg. Actually has success in higher tiers. "
  4. You can't take with out giving, what are you 7 suggestions to compensate what you are suggesting to remove? Why should there be give and take when stealth is so broken? Sorry, with stealth in its current form I'm for take-take-take. And we're only talking about the thief here, currently a favorite of some dev since it keeps getting MORE stealth and that ridiculous portal.
  5. Yep my stealth/thief adjustments that I have always said need to be implemented are: When stealhted you must move at walk speed in order to be "stealthy".No spiking from stealth.No stealthing while in combat. Blinding is one thing but going invis is completely different.Longer cooldowns on stealth - much longer.Once revealed you stay revealed until timer is gone - i.e. Target Painters - no traiting to insta-re-stealth and ignore certain mechanics.Portal should be changed to thief only - period. The current meta is completely unbalanced. Also the timing needs to be adjusted. It should be just like the mesmer portal timing. Right now a thief can drop the portal and run away for almost a minute then port back and drop another immediately. While in keeps that have just flipped you cannot stealth. Currently you can stealth and your dot vanishes and you are NOT MARKED. And with the ridiculous stealth stacking you can stay stealthed for a very long time - nearly permanent(with tiny visible windows.)
  6. I'm surprised that ANET hasn't even acknowledged the issue. It isn't isolated to one or two people. Not to mention all the reports sent via the crash report every time it happens.
  7. Yep, still not fixed. All classes crash upon accessing my build templates. I'm stuck on whatever I'm stuck on right now. Thanks for the "wonderful" patch ANET.
  8. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/107851/crash-immediately-when-i-open-my-build#latest
  9. Hopefully they'll fix it real soon. Makes certain parts of the game unplayable. I won't be able to switch builds for Raids tonight if they don't.
  10. I updated and when I went back in my build was not set anymore. I opened my hero panel and clicked on my traits for the builds and immediately crashed. This has happened twice now
  11. Yes, the warclaw cannot detect a thief in stealth for some reason - there is no bell even. Mesmers are easy to counter, but thief is not. A DE with the trait set will go back into stealth in less than 1 second upon being revealed and will not be marked even if he/she hits a stealth trap(ANET decided to make stealth traps useless by creating a auto counter play). And the biggest and most disgusting thing is the portal that thieves were given. It completely unbalanced the class. At least a mesmer has to try to stay undetected, but a thief just has to stealth and auto stealth. Get rid of the portal and the balance will be returned and most if not all the complaints will go away. For the portal is the the most ridiculous thing ANET did. War Claw Sniff never ever showed stealthed characters in the first place. It was by design. You repeated the same lie twice now. And 2 other users push your propaganda too. I have given you the benefit of the doubt if you said you didn't play any WvW since November 13 2018,but the fact that you mention the thief Shadow Portal (introduced in July 2019) means you have played since then, so why then the blatant lie?!? Stealth Disruptor Trap which used to just reveal, got changed and renamed to Target Painter Trap on Nov 13th 2018. Along with the tossable on the fly Target Painter, both apply an -unavoidable- (can't evade, can't remove, can't block, can't dodge) Mark effect (can't remove it) that lasts 30 seconds. Any Marked player will immediately get shown on map as a dot, and if the marked player tries to stealth for any duration longer than and including 2 second (Detected!), gets a 5 second Revealed effect. This Reveal is the only thing a Deadeye could remove via Shadow Meld. Doing so will immediately get you Detected! again for another 5s Revealed (and you still have the remaining Mark effect still looming over). Apologize or get flagged. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2018-11-13#Update_-_November_13.2C_2018Sorry this is not a lie. I've used target painter traps many times. And as soon as a DE hits one he goes back into stealth immediately and is not marked. Doesn't matter what the text says on their use - they are not working as written. So I will not apologize for something I've seen happen over and over again in WvW. The only part that might apply is if the DE was already visible and got marked. But if a stealthed DE hits one and is properly traited(like I said) they immediately go back into stealth and ignore the text of the trap.
  12. Stealth disruptor traps are useless against a DE. Any DE traited properly basically ignores the trap. The are visible for about 1/2 a second and then gone and are not marked. So please stop acting as if the the anti-stealth traps are any good. The DE needs a MAJOR STEALTH NERF. And the portal needs to be limited to 1 person(the thief).
  13. Yes, the warclaw cannot detect a thief in stealth for some reason - there is no bell even. Mesmers are easy to counter, but thief is not. A DE with the trait set will go back into stealth in less than 1 second upon being revealed and will not be marked even if he/she hits a stealth trap(ANET decided to make stealth traps useless by creating a auto counter play). And the biggest and most disgusting thing is the portal that thieves were given. It completely unbalanced the class. At least a mesmer has to try to stay undetected, but a thief just has to stealth and auto stealth. Get rid of the portal and the balance will be returned and most if not all the complaints will go away. For the portal is the the most ridiculous thing ANET did.
  14. I would say yes if it kicks them from WvW for 15 minutes. And you get a bag and badges from them plus the kill credit. No war score points though because that can be abused in both directions.
  15. I just did the Craze's Folly Jumping Puzzle and the Diary Scrap did not drop from the chest. Anyone else have this happen? Never mind - didn't go to the grand chest in the hole.
  16. Still doesn't help. More to the point, it does nothing. The skill itself is broken and should have never been modified this way.
  17. Probably not a bug, just a poorly designed change to the Revenant Hammer Skill 2. I can't for the life of me think why you decided to make CoR a ground targeted skill. When/why would I ever want to fire off my attack 90 degrees to the left or right? The skill as it is now makes hammer almost useless. It rarely goes in the path you select and it rarely hits the target you are aiming for. Not to mention the way it doesn't even activate at times after you target the direction you want. Please revert the change to just straight ahead. The hammer has already been nerfed into oblivion, this just sealed the deal.
  18. This is the worst change to the revenant. Please revert to no ground targeting. The targeting is so glitchy as well as the skill not actually going off most of the time. I can't simply press the button and choose the direction and let it go. The change is real bad. There was no need for this change, ANET. You've nearly nerfed the usefulness out of the hammer. What's next, 100 range on skill one? I mean that's what all this is leading to at the moment.
  19. Watering down all the game modes to make them "equal" is not a good business model. The quality would suffer greatly.
  20. "Sic 'Em!": Command. Your pet rushes at your foe, revealing them and dealing increased damage.Effect (10s): 40% Damage, 40% Movement SpeedRevealed (6s): You cannot stealthRange: 2,000 Sic Em' by definition reveals and the only counter to it is to never come out of stealth. Your suggestions are bad. Deadeye is the only class that abuses stealth to an unfair extent. As far as adjustments that need to be made to stealth - I think it is mostly fine. I believe marked is OP and should be removed from the game. The individual class reveal skills are fine as is, but making them all more like DH pull where there is an opportunity to dodge would be nice. I think stealthing with bound dodge or the rifle trait is unfair because they cannot be interrupted AND can be used multiple times in a row. The deadeye skill that removes revealed should also be removed and there should be a GM trait added to Shadow Arts that removes revealed some way or another - that way the entire trait line isn't invalidated by one button. This could easily be done by moving Cloaked in Shadows to Master tier where it belongs and removing one of the meh traits that are currently there. You've got to read the actual full explanation of Sic'em. It DOES NOT reveal. You need a VALID TARGET. So if the thief is in stealth and you try and use it, it will not go off. Once the thief comes out of stealth and can TARGET him you can use Sic 'em and he cannot go back into stealth for 6 seconds. PERIOD. I have played ranger for a very long time, I know what it can do and not do. ANET's description in the skill is not fully spelled out.: Here are the other WIKI notes you forgot.: Cannot be used without a valid targeted enemy.If the pet is in passive mode, activating this shout will have the same effect as the 'Attack my Target' [F1] command - It'll make the pet attack your targeted foe, and once said foe is defeated, the pet will be back to passive mode.Using this command while commanding your pet to use its unique skill [F2] will cancel the unique skill, but the "Sic 'Em!" (effect) will now persist if you give commands to your pet.While using the minor trait Elevated Bond in the soulbeast specialization, the skill gives only 25% bonus damage in PvP and WvW while being in Beastmode. They need to change the wording on the tool tip to something like "leaving your foe revealed". The utility itself is fair enough and puts the foe into a Revealed state so they can't go into stealth.Exactly. Because it doesn't work the way it is written. Needing a target first is it's major limitation. And you can't have a target if you can't see it.
  21. "Sic 'Em!": Command. Your pet rushes at your foe, revealing them and dealing increased damage.Effect (10s): 40% Damage, 40% Movement SpeedRevealed (6s): You cannot stealthRange: 2,000 Sic Em' by definition reveals and the only counter to it is to never come out of stealth. Your suggestions are bad. Deadeye is the only class that abuses stealth to an unfair extent. As far as adjustments that need to be made to stealth - I think it is mostly fine. I believe marked is OP and should be removed from the game. The individual class reveal skills are fine as is, but making them all more like DH pull where there is an opportunity to dodge would be nice. I think stealthing with bound dodge or the rifle trait is unfair because they cannot be interrupted AND can be used multiple times in a row. The deadeye skill that removes revealed should also be removed and there should be a GM trait added to Shadow Arts that removes revealed some way or another - that way the entire trait line isn't invalidated by one button. This could easily be done by moving Cloaked in Shadows to Master tier where it belongs and removing one of the meh traits that are currently there. You've got to read the actual full explanation of Sic'em. It DOES NOT reveal. You need a VALID TARGET. So if the thief is in stealth and you try and use it, it will not go off. Once the thief comes out of stealth and can TARGET him you can use Sic 'em and he cannot go back into stealth for 6 seconds. PERIOD. I have played ranger for a very long time, I know what it can do and not do. ANET's description in the skill is not fully spelled out.: Here are the other WIKI notes you forgot.: Cannot be used without a valid targeted enemy.If the pet is in passive mode, activating this shout will have the same effect as the 'Attack my Target' [F1] command - It'll make the pet attack your targeted foe, and once said foe is defeated, the pet will be back to passive mode.Using this command while commanding your pet to use its unique skill [F2] will cancel the unique skill, but the "Sic 'Em!" (effect) will now persist if you give commands to your pet.While using the minor trait Elevated Bond in the soulbeast specialization, the skill gives only 25% bonus damage in PvP and WvW while being in Beastmode.
  22. Sic 'em does not REVEAL. Cannot be used without a valid targeted enemy. And the bonus damage is 25% in WvW and PvP when merged. It prevents stealth for the duration stated. So once a thief comes out of stealth many soulbeasts use it to stop the constant stealth spam so many thieves have. And the thieves who stay stealthed for so long that they might as well be permanently invisible at least keeping them visible for 6s helps mitigate that. And I consider most thieves who rely on stealth to be not very skilled. I kill most of them once they can't steatlh. Unless of course they use all the low cool down escape skills that most try to carry. So if you want stealth to be better my suggestions are as follows: Must walk to use stealth. No one can be truly stealth while they run around.Once in combat you cannot stealth again until combat has ended. Just like everyone else inside a keep you are marked and cannot stealth after it is taken for the specified RI. Makes no sense for anyone to be marked while the thief can stay invisible for so long.Oh, on a side note: Get rid of the 5 person portal or reduce it to only the thief being able to use it.
  23. I do understand, why some (rich) players, that have multiple legendary sets, think that they are entitled to some form of compensation to become richer. However, because Anet is not taking anything away from these players, there should'nt be a compensation in gold/currency etc. . I think some title/appreciation for those players should be enough. I know many players who aren't "rich" who save up money and farmed mats to make extra sets of armor. A player who can make (or has made) several sets of legendary armor is already rich. What (financial / gold) does the game take away for which you want to be compensated? You seem to be jealous of people who can work hard to create something. There is no need for personal attacks. There is a difference between "asking to consider something" and trying to argue that someone has some kind of claim/entitlement to get some compensation for some loss/damage. That's why I take a different view about this topic when players argue that they have some kind of a legitimate right for compensation.I'm just going off your wording(making an observation), that wasn't an attack. Just like how you say we are rich and acting entitled. And for those who created extra armor sets we will have lost something upon the implementation of the announced feature. We would not have spent gold and materials if they implemented the system on the release of legendary armor. Now we are faced with the condition that our money was wasted due to ANET changing the game. Since it is not in place we are pointing it out to them and the effect it has. And since it doesn't hurt you or anyone else if they do compensate people for extra armor sets, it shouldn't matter one whit to you.
  24. I do understand, why some (rich) players, that have multiple legendary sets, think that they are entitled to some form of compensation to become richer. However, because Anet is not taking anything away from these players, there should'nt be a compensation in gold/currency etc. . I think some title/appreciation for those players should be enough. I know many players who aren't "rich" who save up money and farmed mats to make extra sets of armor. A player who can make (or has made) several sets of legendary armor is already rich. What (financial / gold) does the game take away for which you want to be compensated?Um, they had to save up the money, just like I did and had to farm the mats, just like I did. I wasn't rich and the money was spent to make the armor - poof - not rich again. You seem to be jealous of people who can work hard to create something. So, those of us who have worked hard and played hours and hours to EARN the items we needed to make the armor/armors are asking ANET if they will take this into consideration when the plan goes into effect. It doesn't hurt you in any way, so why should you care?
  25. So you are saying you don't understand the desire to recoup the thousands of gold and many hours spent farming for materials? I find the capacity of some people to see what's right in front of them amazing. Yes of course it is a cool feature. But unlike maybe one or two weapons you had to make 6 pieces of armor multiple times for each character. That's a lot of time, effort and money that is now potentially wasted due to this feature. I for one would have only made one suit of each type if this were introduced at the time of legendary armor release. Do you understand now? You didnt buy Teamplates , because they where overpriced and they where not account bound to share among your other characters .So instead you created multiply sets to , to fight against it .What is again the problem ?Still Legendaries Templates , will have the same free spots as normal Teamplates .....so having more legenderies gear remain more beneficial , and you dont have to unlock anything else from the Gemstore https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1124740#Comment_1124740 Heibi.4251December 24, 2019 Your post makes no sense. Legendary items had nothing to do with the build templates. I had multiple sets BEFORE the build templates, as did many others. Normally i would have asked , why you need multiply Legendary Sets ..when a Free addon called ArcDPS Teplates was around since Octomber 2017 and did the same job....but nvm ..you winI don't use third party programs.
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