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Everything posted by Heibi.4251

  1. So you are saying you don't understand the desire to recoup the thousands of gold and many hours spent farming for materials? I find the capacity of some people to see what's right in front of them amazing. Yes of course it is a cool feature. But unlike maybe one or two weapons you had to make 6 pieces of armor multiple times for each character. That's a lot of time, effort and money that is now potentially wasted due to this feature. I for one would have only made one suit of each type if this were introduced at the time of legendary armor release. Do you understand now? You didnt buy Teamplates , because they where overpriced and they where not account bound to share among your other characters .So instead you created multiply sets to , to fight against it .What is again the problem ?Still Legendaries Templates , will have the same free spots as normal Teamplates .....so having more legenderies gear remain more beneficial , and you dont have to unlock anything else from the Gemstore https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1124740#Comment_1124740 Heibi.4251December 24, 2019 Your post makes no sense. Legendary items had nothing to do with the build templates. I had multiple sets BEFORE the build templates, as did many others.
  2. I do understand, why some (rich) players, that have multiple legendary sets, think that they are entitled to some form of compensation to become richer. However, because Anet is not taking anything away from these players, there should'nt be a compensation in gold/currency etc. . I think some title/appreciation for those players should be enough. I know many players who aren't "rich" who save up money and farmed mats to make extra sets of armor. And wanting to be compensated for a massive change like this is after working hard to create those sets is not a sense of entitlement.
  3. So you are saying you don't understand the desire to recoup the thousands of gold and many hours spent farming for materials? I find the capacity of some people to see what's right in front of them amazing. Yes of course it is a cool feature. But unlike maybe one or two weapons you had to make 6 pieces of armor multiple times for each character. That's a lot of time, effort and money that is now potentially wasted due to this feature. I for one would have only made one suit of each type if this were introduced at the time of legendary armor release. Do you understand now?
  4. You're not being "cheated" out of anything. You made use of a benefit that existed at the time. Now, years later the system is changing. You don't get to demand refunding for something you used for maybe even years now that something is changing. Um, you can always ask for compensation for something like this. ANET had long term plans and this might have been one of them. Had we known of their plans the vast majority would not have crafted multiple sets of armor in each category, plain and simple fact. We have a right, just as anyone in this game does, to ask for a refund of materials or gold for a radical change like this. And ANET will either say yes or no.
  5. You don't have to use the templates across different characters, that's what you will continue to have that other people do not have with this new feature. Legendary armor has always been absolute luxury and convenience, making multiples has never been of any advantage to you other than not having to swap between chars - exactly the same as after this change. Except for the great amount of money that was spent and now lost unless we get at least a monetary or material refund.
  6. Other people getting something doesn't take anything away from you. What have you 'lost' that makes you feel you need to reimbursed? I know GW2's ESRB Rating is only Teen, but still, the lack of maturity on display in this thread is rather appalling (though not surprising I guess). The very fact that if they had implemented this BEFORE or WITH the introduction of Legendary Armor would have greatly affected people's decisions to make multiple sets. I for one would not have made multiple sets. So this DOES affect me and others in my situation greatly. Why can't YOU be more mature and recognize that? Being cheated out of money and wanting it back is quite a sensible reaction.
  7. So am I going to be reimbursed the thousands of gold I spent making multiple sets of Legendary armor? And the materials, skirmish tickets for WvW duplicate sets, Memories of Battle, etc. Nice feature but you are neglecting the players who pushed hard to equip their toons in the best armor but now are being told you wasted your gold and materials. Any answer to this?
  8. Yep, even with 20/20 I find myself squinting at the screen.
  9. Those of us who went beyond Bronze have to wait until Friday reset. I'll never understand why they can't award it retroactively when they introduce this stuff.
  10. And what about the Keep, SMC and Tower lords? And the NPCs in general in WvW? Is their health and damage being nerfed like the players?
  11. That much is true. However, many people aren't aware of that. The purchase should still not appear available for us anyway. Many people take it to mean they can expand beyond what they are currently at(maxed out that is). As I stated, other items that are limited in the amount of times you can purchase them no longer appear on the BLTP, so why does the Bank Tab Expansion appear?
  12. Something that has hit people many times is the sale on Bank Tab Expansion. In the Black Lion Trade Post there is no indication whether or not you are maxed out. You can't even gift them to friends, so why does it even appear for those of us who are maxed out? Other items that are limited that we have maxed out don't appear for us, so why does the Bank Tab Expansion appear? You'd save yourself a lot of tickets at the help desk if you'd address this BLTP problem.
  13. Did it again today, actually had the spike indicators - but because the patrol are kitten paper we probably missed out by one stomp. Thanks, ANET, for the poor design of this achievement. This is getting really frustrating.
  14. And that description perfectly illustrates why this is a poorly designed achievement.
  15. Nope - did the donut-triangle but to no avail. This is a poorly designed/timed achievement.
  16. Even went there, but still never got the spike indication. The event/achievement is poorly designed.
  17. I have been trying for days to get this achievement. I now have 3 different areas I've been told it happens and have attempted it in those locations. The conditions for the achievement are too tight and it doesn't come up enough. I've never had the spike indication from killing any patrol members.
  18. Introduce pvp gear into WvW and I'm done with it.
  19. Stealth wasn't really addressed at all. It is completely unbalanced. If you're going to go overboard on these nerfs here are a few suggestions: In combat you cannot stealth. You can use the blindness but it only will affect hit chance(say 50% miss chance)Thief portal - get rid of it or make it a so only the thief can use itWhile stealthed you can only go at 30% normal movement speedNo more spiking from stealth. All characters perform a "Look at me spiking this guy" move. It should be considered an attack and negate stealth instantly on pressing "F". Non-stealth stuff:Fix Line of Sight pulls and movement: The distance of the "flash" movement up onto objects should also consider overall distance that must be moved if they had to run all the way to the spot they moved to. I've watched thieves just flash up to a wall in SE and SW camps. Pulls Line of Sight needs to be massively fixed. Stop the pulls of someone down the stairs to up over the wall. Stop pulls through gates.All of the above stuff needs addressing before the massive nerf hammer you are about to drop on everyone. And don't forget the condi hell that you are about to create.
  20. I think you are going a little overboard on the nerf hammer. You're making DRASTIC damage nerfs which will affect balance and make battles last way too long. Instead of fixing what is truly broken you are basically making everyone hit with a wet noodle. And the cool down nerfs are pretty bad. What is probably going to happen is a lot of players will just stop playing the competitive modes. I noticed thief stealth wasn't really addressed. It is ridiculous at the moment. And the portal you gave them needs to be done away with or at least reduced to only the thief being able to use it in pvp/wvw.
  21. Is the soulbeast not being able to swap pets in combat in all modes(pve/pvp/wvw)?
  22. Also found a bug in the ingredients. The Modrem Lodestone version doesn't work. The number of ingredients it says you need are incorrect and it won't activate.
  23. I also finished the T2 version of the weapons, but they said they will be looking into an alternative method. Give them some time and collect the ingots while you wait. Relax.
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