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Everything posted by Heibi.4251

  1. Waited about 5-10 minutes and it cleared up and let me log in again.
  2. Yep, right after I got the update and now I can't log back in.
  3. You made our case for us. The event can fail if no one does anything. If 5 people sit in the zone and do nothing the bar won't advance. And like we've said, the event is boring enough that we want to get through it as fast as possible. The more who participate the faster it will go. The capture point one is an example. If only one person does it while 6 stand and watch, it takes a lot longer and may not complete. Same with the defeat foes - when you hit 50 it ends - so the faster you kill them the quicker it ends. And on and on and on.
  4. There is a minimum participation level which are the stacks. I'm pretty sure that all of the players who don't participate are at their PC, or close to it, so an idle timer wouldn't be effective. They don't have to even participate to get the stacks, t hey just have to be in the zone. At least with the idle timer they would have to actually be there and go through this mind numbing event. I say it again, those that are "afking", hiding in the room, or just standing there are a disgrace. An undercover Dev kicking such players from the zone would be awesome.
  5. The freeloaders are just terrible. We had one today that even trolled in chat when asked to actually do something. Then he finally hid in the room to the left of where the chest spawns to hide his shame of being a freeloader. ANET needs to add a minimum participation level and a idle timer. If either one is violated they don't get credit for the event and can't open the chest or get the "stack". The event is tedious enough without having to carry other players being reward off of other players' work.
  6. And lots of players are abusing this bug(exploit) currently. Needs a quick fix. Not to mention the floating cannons emplacements.
  7. You have to have a target for Sic'em to work. It does not reveal - Guildwiki "Cannot be used without a valid targeted enemy." It keeps them from stealthing for 6 seconds AFTER they've been revealed. But once you ave a thief targeted you interrupt and rapid fire(doesn't lose lock once it is activated on a target) them to death.
  8. Of course it really wouldn't matter too much if ANET hadn't gone insane and given thieves the ability to portal people in. You could usually ignore them. Now killing them actually matters. On the "balance" patch I suggest they limit the portal to ONE person(the thief).
  9. There should be a recipe available from the vendors where you make them. The link I'm giving you has a list of all the ascended breathers. Click on the one you'd like and then click on the recipe on the page and it will show you who sells it. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Breathing_apparatus
  10. I can't remember if I needed a Gift of Exploration when I crafted the HOPE pistol, or not. In any case I have two of them in the bank. HOPE uses a different map completion. You'll need a Gift of Exploration(Tyria) to make Flameseeker Prophesies. You get 2 Gifts of Exploration I think from doing 100% Tyria mapping.
  11. After the holiday break I would like to see an update and some possible answers to the multitude of questions and feedback you received, ANET:Here are three core questions I'd like to see answered: Cost - Are you going to lower the cost of adding "templates"? The Vast Majority believe this feature is too expensive. If you are going keep it that way, at least make the purchases ACCOUNT WIDE. It makes no sense for people to purchase dozens if not hundreds of expansions to a feature for separate characters. I for one stopped at the primary characters I use and will not spend another dime/gem on templates at this time unless this is addressed.Legendary Equipment fix - Are you addressing the Legendary equipment problem when we swap in equipment? This feature was supposed make switching builds easier, but it does not do this.Are you going to lock the builds or give us a check box that locks the builds so that simply switching a piece of equipment or a skill doesn't alter a "saved" build?
  12. It's all RNG. I got lucky on many of mine while a guildie did around 100 on one of them before getting one of the seeds. Just keep going.
  13. Yeah, and hopefully it's an actual expansion and not some minor 5 minute long mission.
  14. The official stance of ANET is that they were never going to add more Guild Missions. We would love them to, but alas, not happening.
  15. A Cantha expansion would probably be a money maker for ANeT. Many players would return to the game just to experience Cantha once again. It would be nice if they were actually working on it in secret. But I probably have my hopes too high.
  16. Tbh your guild failed because you were using wrong strategy. PLEASE tell me that you will try it again with your guild and share the results here. Now here is what you need to do: 1-2 healers are enough, however if you wanna really cheese it, add 3rd healer. Make every1 ALWAYS stack behind the boss AND inside his hitbox (red circle under the boss when you target him). Dont care about torch mechanics, just skip them. Stay middle always, even when boss jumps off.If you do this, boss wont spawn those AOEs and its really easy to rez if some1 goes down in a stack.When boss disappears every1 should share aegis or prepare to dodge when he jumps back. ^do this and promise you that its an easy kill :) And we did all you just suggested and still no success. Sorry to burst your elitist bubble.
  17. Tried the patched Boneskinner last night with my Guild. We tried it 3 times and failed. Among our group we had players who raid. We had healers, we broke him but could not get him below 41%. My observations: A casual group of players is not going to be successful on this strike mission(the vast majority of the time). If ANeT wanted casual players to learn anything, they won't. They will simply become frustrated and ignore the content. Plus, the "Raid Meta Only" groups won't let them in to learn.The difficulty is tuned way beyond normal content that you want for open world content.(It was way too easy before though) The Boneskinner is closer to Raid content than it needs to be.From my perspective, as someone who raids, the Vale Guardian is easy compared to this fight and we don't do greens. Heck most Raid bosses are easier.Yes, the rewards are pitiful.Finally, for those who use the learn to play adage, this isn't where you apply it. The Boneskinner was far over-tuned when they patched it. Yes, it was supposed to be the hardest among the new Strike Missions, but if ANeT wants the majority/all of the players to actually play/enjoy the content the level of tuning should be adjusted slightly downwards. Players who do Raids will always do Raids and have that content. The players who don't do Raids and want to do the Strike Missions but can't get past a boss even if they bang their heads against it for hours will simply not do that content, defeating the purpose of ANeT's introduction of said content. There has to be a happy level of difficulty that ANeT can come to on Strike Missions. Hopefully they already know this and will act accordingly.
  18. ANET - first check to see if anyone has transferred off of BG. If they haven't, then BG needs no link.
  19. I'm having tons of issues today. Have disconnected at least 7 times already today. My internet is steady. I've already done a complete reboot, rebooted the router and modem. But I keep getting the large "Game Client" problem paragraph. Are you doing something in the background again ANeT? This all started after yesterday's patch. And since my original post 23 minutes ago - Disconnected AGAIN!!! And since my update to this post I have disconnected(after taking an hour break) 4 more times. I've done the old full restart and reboot game twice now.
  20. He wants it accountbound on equip so that someone else can buy it for him and mail it to him. Ahhhhh, finally someone made some sense out of the OP's weird post. Thanks! :lol:But still, it's easier to just send someone 10 gold(as someone stated earlier) so they can buy it themselves. Otherwise we'll start seeing Capes on sale in the Black Lion Trading Post. Which of course would mean you'd have to under-sell the guild vendor so people would buy it. No one wants to pay full price for anything.
  21. I looked for a topic but the horrible search function for these forums didn't let me see it. And it's listed under Fractals, Dungeons and Raids.
  22. Did the new strike mission and here are a few observations: Little to no mechanics. We were able to almost stand there and DPS with no repercussions.Easier than both the first two strike missions in Bjora.Ways to improve: Make the mechanics mean somethingUp the difficulty a littleThis is for strike missions overall - If the strike missions are supposed to be harder with each addition then care needs to be done to make sure that that happens. Don't go over the top and make them Raid Wing style, but at least try to make them challenging.
  23. My group went in expecting a tough fight. It was underwhelming. Either we did everything so well that the boneskinner seemed too easy or this needs to be tweaked a little.
  24. I don't do PVP - EVER. This hopefully isn't assigning one of the "templates" to pvp. I only ever go between PVE and WvW.
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