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Everything posted by Heibi.4251

  1. If this is anything like the other Living Stories(considering that it's a saga) I believe this zone is only the tip of the iceberg(get the joke). I'm pretty sure that we'll be getting quite a lot more map expansion and an upcoming epic battle.
  2. PLEASE make this optional. I don't want/need dedicated PvP, WvW spots. I just want to use the templates for outdoor PvE experimenting/tweaking with elite specs. Exactly, I never do pvp. Don't want/need a dedicated slot for that at all.
  3. True, 95% of it seems to have been ignored with the sample of what they are working on. And the cost was one of the major ones that wasn't addressed at all in that answer. Most likely due to it isn't a decision made at the dev level.
  4. I've played GW since Beta GW1. I'm happy that the templates are finally out, however, they could have been much better and there is need to improve them, and soon - see below: The UI is clunky and you can easily change a completed build without realizing it. The save function is not very good. When creating a function in game programmers need to let a player who knows nothing of the system operate it. I've written checklists for military people. The first thing you do is give it to someone who has no clue what they are doing and see if they can run it without your help. A hamster should be able to do it. But this UI isn't self-explanatory.The build template should not be changed by any external changes made while not in the Hero Panel. We should have a button to revert changes somehow.Build and Equipment should be linked. Period. 1 to 1, 2 to 2, 3 to 3(the equipment storage slot we should have been given), 4 to 4, 5 to 5, etc. Or we should have the option of linking them.Build and Equipment Templates should have been linked in the purchasing to expand your slots. You buy the Build Template it automatically gives you a Storage slot. Thus the numbers of storage slots should have equaled the build template slots.The "Build Storage" should not have been monetized or at least should have been at least separate for each class. i.e. I shouldn't see a Warrior build while I'm on a Ranger in the Build Storage slot. There should have been 24 build storage slots with the ability to expand, not 3 with the ability to purchase more.The Equipment Storage should have left the gear alone when you go into a new equipment build. Let US change the runes, sigils and infusions that are on them. With everything getting stripped(Legendary equipment) it takes longer to change things out. I was doing my load out faster the old fashioned way. Sure, once you've finally figured out what your old build was it is set unless I change it.There should be an easier way to remove items from the equipment storage. Or a "de-link" button so an item isn't seen in the list if we know it isn't going to be used anywhere else.There should be more build template tabs to expand to. At least 10. I don't need that many, but I know of some people who surely do.Switching between builds should be very fast. Not open Hero Panel, click on "traits" tab, click on build template, click on "equipment tab", click on desired Equipment load out tab.... So tedious - too many button pushes.And finally, at least for now. Pricing - it has been mentioned MANY times. As much as I like to support a game by purchasing things, it starts to get on me that I have to purchase every little nook and cranny of a "feature" that should have been interlinked(i.e. each slot needed to be linked to the other). Having to purchase 2 separate items to make one build is ridiculous. And the other portion - build storage - should not have been monetized, or at least the open usable slots should have been much much greater. This is a major sticking point that players are trying to communicate to you. You have lots of loyal players, don't lose them by nickle and dimeing them to death.
  5. Reported this already in game:If you are merged(Beast Mode) with your pet and change to a different build with a different set of pets the pets are not swapped. Even if you get out of beast mode the pets from the previous build you had selected remain your pet selection. You have to click on a different build out of beast mode and then back to the mode you wanted to switch the pets.
  6. ranger is extremely broken. the amount of mobility combined with its high amount of defense while still being able to drop someone with one ability is ridiculously unhealthy for the game. i really don't expect a guy with a soulbeast icon to agree but try playing a class other than ranger and fight against another ranger. guarantee you'll understand then. I do know plenty about the soulbeast and what they are doing. Maybe you should listen to someone who plays one. People claim they are broken and don't try to figure out what the players doing to defeat them. They aren't broken. I play Rev in WvW most of the time these days(and lead on a Rev) and easily defeat soulbeasts. Too many people get frustrated because they used to walk all over rangers and now they can't. They ostracized rangers from zergs and now claim they're OP. Kind of the opposite of what should be done. If anything the mobility of thieves, mesmers and warriors are out of whack. Warriors are ridiculous on the invulns and blocks.
  7. Definitely should have been 3 Build and 3 Equipment slots. Also they should have been linked to the build via a check mark. And I believe the pricing is a bit high.
  8. I think I have the answer to this. Had a power outage the other day and the computer may have been glitchy. I restarted and the problem went away.
  9. I keep DCing and getting black screened today. Happening every 10-15 minutes
  10. I've seen a lot of stealth mentions including my own. Another aspect that could be added is that movement under stealth must be done at walk speeds. In order to be stealthy one must also be quiet. You could also add that heavy armor can't stealth(makes a lot of noise and you can't hide) if they are moving at full speed. Or make players shimmer at high speeds other than walking. Also of note on stealth - you can't use siege under stealth. Once you click on a piece of siege you become visible.
  11. Forgot to add a couple: No more spiking from stealth. If you look at a spike it is a grandiose move announcing your taking an opponent out in a most glorious way. You raise your hand in the air saying "Look at me spiking this player" and then you jump up and spike them. The instant a stealthed player presses the "spike" button they should become visible through the complete motion.Engi spiking while miniaturized needs to go away. They can't be interrupted at all and don't take damage. Spiking in combat should always be a risky endeavor.
  12. Thief should not have the ability to port anyone in. Get rid of the portal. Mesmer should be the only one with a portal.Thief stealth time is way to long. They are now able to nearly perma stealth. And with the addition of the portal you spend way too long chasing after them. Scourge road of death needs to be addressed and nerfed massively. They apply too many condis way too fast to too many targets. Reduce the range and how many boons they can corrupt as well.Warrior invulnerability needs a down tick. Pulls need to be more line of sight based. Too many times have I seen people pulled out of a tower or keep when they are on the stairs down below the wall.Ranger is not broken. Too many people just don't know how to fight one. The unkillable claim should go to the warrior invuln. Rangers die fast. No one wants rangers in their zerg but for some reason but them claim they are over powered(making you think you would want one in your zerg - go figure). The only ones complaining are the ones who can't fight them. Enough for now.
  13. And let's not forget the idiotic move ANET did by giving them a portal ability. Now we've been reduced to chasing perma stealth thieves in keeps and SMC even more. Takes the fun out of WvW.
  14. I think it has to do with the upcoming Halloween patch. They're doing things in the background that is affecting connectivity. I'm having the same issue.
  15. Exactly the same thing was happening to me. Every 10-15 minutes I was black screened and DC'd.
  16. Unfortunately, nope. So now we can only hope for a fix in the Halloween patch.
  17. Not an overlay issue. I don't use overlays and it was happening quite frequently the other day. The screen would go black, but I'd have sound and the in-game cursor. I always had to close out the game via close window function. I can go an entire day without it happening and then I get spurts of every 10-20 minutes a black screen event.
  18. Probably going to be a patch Tuesday to fix it - I hope.
  19. Same. Just bought the Charr Tank token and it won't consume. I get the flash of having consumed it but it doesn't appear in my guild's decoration storage.
  20. ANeT could have denied the use of any third party programs like arcdps and no one would have had build templates. Instead they allowed players to use arcdps and use the free build templates. You should be grateful they allowed it for so long. Now they will finally have an in game template that I will use.(I didn't want to use the third party program) People keep wanting everything for free seem to forget that ANeT is a company and must make money in some way to stay in business so they can listen to people complain about their game. Like has been stated you can use gold to buy gems or real money, it is all up to you. At some point you have to either pay for something or it will be gone and you won't have a game to play. Nothing in life is free.
  21. Don't know if others have had this problem but sometimes the shrine doesn't show up to click on for some people. Not on the mini map or the regular one. You have to die to get it to appear. I'm sure this is a bug that is being worked on.
  22. If a rental was introduced I would say that once they dismount they have to go back the rental place to get a new one. Otherwise it makes the need to get one unnecessary. And 2 dodges and 1k health would be a perfect downgrade for a rental. As for other issues - It sometimes seems as if the enemy is moving faster than I can in "my" territory, plus sometimes they go invis for some reason. Also lately there have been numerous players sitting out in the open on their mounts but they aren't really there and they suddenly appear in another location nearby and ride off. And it isn't limited to the same servers. Every matchup has 2 or 3 of them. As for people getting help - if I know someone in my zerg needs the mount achieves I try to get those objectives for them. Then it just becomes play time to finish the reward track.
  23. I think overall we will eventually get to Cantha and the Deep Sea Dragon. They can't do every thing at once. Jormag was overdue. Brahm cracked the tooth in an earlier episode and we heard nothing since the time he emoed off to kill Jormag. We heard nothing of what happened to those who followed him. So they need to wrap up everything in north Tyria first. Player housing - please no. Had enough of that in LOTRO. Not really necessary in GW2.
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