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Posts posted by Heibi.4251

  1. Just did the meta in Gyala Delve. Barely had 20 people. We were able to finish the first and second meta.  And once we finished the original metas we had fewer. The Third meta(Legendary Ravenous Wanderer) needs massive numbers. We failed miserably. Couldn't even get the boss to 75%. The fight does not scale at all. 

    The main reason this angers me is because the third meta fight is tied to an achievement collection that can't be done anymore due to the map being a ghost town. Either make the fight scale or make the achievement count even on time failure.

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  2. I've gone through the story 3 times now and haven't had this issue.  I wonder why it's hitting some but not others. 

    So I talk to the first hunter. After he's done his dialog I have to go to Kamillia. I talk to her and she goes through her dialog. When she's done I click on her and I get the motivation. There must be a strange bug causing the last part not to activate for certain players.

    Hope they solve this soon for those having the bug.

    BTW, this should be in the BUG part of the forum.

  3. Yep, just had it happen to me. The first time I thought it was just some weird glitch. I quit the game and restarted the chapter at the fight. Right after the cinematic of the brother and sister talking I lost my skill bar and everything else except the chat section. I submitted a ticket as well with a visual of the event. 


  4. 19 hours ago, Megastorm.6219 said:

    I watched a "fight guild" group rip SMC lord's breakbar in 1 whole second, and then play it off in discord like it was a glitch and they were sure it wouldn't happen again.  Once the person dialed it in, you couldn't tell as much at the next lord fight, but you could also tell it was getting melted differently. Pathetic excuses like that have pushed good players away from WvW because they don't like getting cheated and spied on every day from you hacks.  Way to go, you've ruined everyone's good time because you are a brat.  Keep playing this stuff off like it's no big deal and keep watching our numbers and good players leave.  There will only be three "fight guild" groups spying on each other and cheating to beat each other eventually because you refuse to be cool gamers.  Fix yourselves if it applies. 

    I've actually seen the SMC lord melt very fast. Happened one time our zerg went in. We were very surprised when he melted like the NET lord in the alpine border lands. I think it took us 15 seconds. Hasn't happened since. That was maybe 3 months ago.

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  5. Just now, nobleboivin.4102 said:

    I shot both on islands and air though.  

    Interesting. And you finished them off as well?  My guildies and I all got credit using the suggested method via killing island ones mainly and shooting down the airborne ones when needed. Admittedly you should only need to shoot the airborne ones since it is an escort, but we know that doesn't work. Try it again and concentrate on the islands(get full kills - get Experience) and shoot down airborne ones as necessary.  Hope it works.

  6. On 9/18/2023 at 7:54 AM, Hellcat.3106 said:

    No s... Sherlock! The fact the game was asking me to do this seemed self evident. I guess more explanation is required. Normally, once you double click on the 'motivation' and activate it. It appears just above your skill bar next to your buffs from food etc. This indicates that the level 2 is now active. Once it is active you can now 'scan'. Once that 'scan' is done the story should progress to "Complete a tier 2 hunt in Amnytas." Once you get to the rift, that is when you use the  'motivation' to open the rift. And that is when it should be consumed. You kill the Champ that comes out etc... Story goes on. Yet this is not what happened for me. The 'motivation' cube disappeared upon use and the story did not progress. This left me without a 'motivation' and no way to continue.

    So I decided to try and continue anyway since it can't hurt. Used the 'motivation'  that I purchased, scanned for a rift and went to try and kill the Champ. Opened the rift and this didn't progress my story either. The 'motivation'  was consumed and now I'm back to square 1. Stuck at the story step "Take the motivation from Kamilla".

    There is a database flag that should have been reset once I restarted the story step that would allow Kamilla to recognize I have yet to 'Take' the 'motivation'.

    Sorry you feel the need to be aggressive in a response. My advice stemmed from helping a guildie in your same situation. He initially got the motivation, used it but did not scan for rifts. He gave up and tried to get another from the npc and couldn't. He couldn't get the story to advance, obviously. I got a character to the same step and discovered and followed the steps required, told him, and he realized the error. He then bought a motivation, used it and scanned - his story advanced. One of the main reasons the story doesn't advance for people is because they don't scan for rifts. I actually had the same problem until I realized my own error on my first time through. So my advice comes from experience. But if it's bugged for some and not for others I guess ANET has to patch it - hopefully sooner than later. There's so many updates and patches that some things just break.

  7. 15 minutes ago, YulliahMeghan.7896 said:

    So I was on story step 8, and I know I talked to Rian and Kamilla, but didn't progress further than that, and I wasn't really paying attention, because I was having a conversation with someone else. They were doing the meta in the first map, and I still needed one of the achievements for that, so I switched story chapters, seeing as I was at the beginning of chapter 8 still.

    Did the achievement, and stopped playing. A few days later I restarted chapter 8. Now I'm stuck on 'Take the motivation from Kamilla'. She won't give me a motivation. I have no idea what happened to the one I supposedly got the first time around. I might have double clicked it after the meta thinking it was a container? No idea. I tried buying a new one, but no dice, as I'm not stuck on USING it, but stuck on receiving it.

    So far no solution. I can't finish the story. Anet doesn't seem to care. Great game this.

    Did you actually scan for rifts?  If you obtain the motivation(buy it if you must) - steps are 1. double-click the motivation  2. SCAN for rifts 
    It should advance after that. Also, go do the rift you are tracking. You have to to advance anyway. If it is completed before you arrive simply scan for another T2 rift.

  8. On 9/15/2023 at 9:16 AM, Hellcat.3106 said:

    I am also stuck at this point. I double-clicked on the motivation and is just seemed to disappeared. Was unable to progress past "Scan for rifts while the Heart is enhanced". So I decided to restart this chapter to try to get a new one from Kamilla. Now I'm stuck on "Take the motivation from Kamilla". She won't even talk to me now. She still has the star above her head, but nothing happens why I try to talk to her. So I bought the 'Uncommon Motivation' from the TP as mentioned above. That doesn't seem to help. She's still not talking to me. Even with it in my inventory, the story won't progress.

    Double click on the motivation and then scan for rifts. You actually have to scan for rifts after you double click on the motivation.

  9. You're also getting a lot them from the reward tracks. Try a reward track that doesn't drop as many.  In the beginning of GW2 you would obviously not get as many.  If you want to do away with random junk, use your Jade bot slot and put in the one that converts the junk to slivers. I personally don't mind all the gear drops. I get good materials from them.

  10. I wish they'd have the temples reset more often. They need an automatic reset, not just a daily reset one. As usual putting the temples as a path to complete the achievement is not a good idea. And once they get done, they never reset. Also, today, 2 of the temples were bugged and sat contested the whole time. And new maps didn't spawn anything to do the metas. Though it appears the maps were never closed, like those in SoTO do after a meta.

    Basically, if you don't get the meta at reset you won't get it all day- i.e. NEVER.

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