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Everything posted by Heibi.4251

  1. Don't need an HC server. CMs already exist for hard core players wanting a challenge. Creating a server would be a waste of resources and time on ANET's part. We already see disabling of waypoints on certain maps where we must advance to open them. And if control is lost we lose the waypoint. All this without excluding any players.
  2. Seriously, if you really want to be so exclusive, go play WoW. Then you can be as elitist as you want, kick players you believe aren't up to "your" standard. GW2 is about inclusiveness. This idea is the opposite of the concept ANET has.
  3. I see them more to be elitists. The we're better than you attitudes. Infighting would occur and it would be one of the most toxic places to play ever in the game. PVP is a big example.
  4. 25000+ here. The road never ends.
  5. The key part to all of this is to not respond to trolls. They are immature and lack the ability to just enjoy the game. They think they are superior to others and like to flaunt it when they are anonymous. They win a match and they get all giddy inside and have to say something demeaning to make themselves feel more important instead of just saying good fight. So no options are needed: Just Report(if it was a harassing comment or derogatory) and Block them - problem solved. Eventually they will be talking to themselves and quit the game finally once no one responds.
  6. You can in game mail them - unless they block you right after. But seriously, it's best to ignore most of these people. They aren't mature enough to carry on a civil conversation. They love anonymity because it makes them feel powerful.
  7. But a wizard has to actually see his/her target, whereas a ranger is basically just firing arrows into the sky. A meteor shower is calling rocks down on a specific target. Early muskets were only "good" up to around 90 meters compared to archers at around 365 meters or so it's obvious why bows have a longer range.
  8. ANeT actually added a little realism to the game. Barrage is literally shooting arrows high up above the wall and hitting stuff on the other side. Physics 101. Not a hack.
  9. The best way is to stand as near as you can to the exploit area and put in an IN GAME ticket. I did that a rifle jump exploit that was being used at one time last year and it was fixed. Describe the exploit and how it is done in your submission. The submission from that spot is marked by you submitting it from that point.
  10. Depends on how you like to play. Make a Ranger and a Revenant if those are the weight classes you like to play. Both are fun.
  11. If you're typing on this forum you certainly can send the same report that I can. Click on Support at the top of the forums and click on "Submit a ticket". It'll ask you to login - and then you proceed from there.
  12. Go open a support ticket and send the images that way. They prefer that. And you won't get in trouble that way. Under support ticket options there is one for "Report Player".
  13. Go read the bug section - there is a complete thread on what happened.
  14. Any I think anyone who knowingly abused this bug turned exploit should receive a 6 month ban if not outright total ban. They had to go through the actual steps to make it work which means they know it was against the TOS.
  15. ANET needs to create a distance actually traveled algorithm. If are running in place covering zero distance it should count as afk time in WvW.
  16. The game is completely fair. We all started from level 1. We all had the choice to buy the expansions. We all had the choice play or not play. We all had equal opportunity to play the game. As for achievements - I just try to get what I can. There are a lot out there to get and some that are tough to get. I get the ones I want to take the time on. So the game is very fair for everyone. I've been in this game since beta 1, plus played GW1 since beta - Us "Old" players have put in the time and effort and have earned what we got.
  17. It truly is the build. Sorry - no build should be able to be immune to damage, CC's, block constantly and have cooldowns that are so short that the same skills come right back up almost instantly. They outrun most players and can't be stripped due to the ranges. Once we finally get them it has taken 20+ seconds and everyone to finish him off. Willbender is one of the most guilty these days. Mobility upon mobility.
  18. Yeah, the cap surprised me many years ago. Wondered why I was getting the notification that I received 10 pts only to notice that I didn't get any. Had to do some digging back then. But yes, it caps out on a certain combined number of daily and monthly points. Monthlies no longer exist, btw. To give incentive to do dailies they later added 2 gold for completing dailies. Otherwise people might play less.
  19. We've had a hard time killing certain builds. Sometimes 25+ can't kill one player. The build is like - block block block, evade evade evade, immune immune immune, block block block, massive leap forward multiple times, heal heal heal, heal more, heal more. Perhaps that's what you've seen?
  20. So we've found the formula for any server wanting to get to T1. All you need to do is be lead server and place 2nd in the last week of links while in T4 and you will be rewarded with a T1 position on "re-link".
  21. We got second place in T4 and got thrown into T1. And our link didn't even change. So, go figure.
  22. Another issue is tier consistency. HOD/CD were 2nd place in Tier 4. After "re-links" ANET sees fit to throw us in Tier 1. How the heck does that even make sense?
  23. Those don't look like new links. Well, about half are. Why didn't you actually give new links to HOD, CD, SBI, EBAY, etc?
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